

单词 有问题
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕A stepfamily faces all the problems that a normal family has, with a set of additional problems on top… 再婚家庭会面临正常家庭的所有问题,外加一堆额外难题。柯林斯高阶〔ASK〕If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. 如有问题请随便提问。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕Their marriage has been in trouble from the start. 他俩的婚姻一开始就有问题朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕There had been signs that their marriage was on the rocks for years. 有迹象表明他们的婚姻多年来一直有问题朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR. 假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕Sarah needed only one look at her daughter's face to know something was wrong. 萨拉只要看一眼女儿的脸就知道有问题朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕I thought if I told Mark everything, it would be OK. That was a bad miscalculation. 我本以为把一切都告诉马克就没有问题了。可这种估计大错特错了。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕I have no further questions at this time, your honor. 现在我没有问题了,法官大人。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕I was not prepared for all the questions they asked. 我还没想好怎么回答他们提出的所有问题朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Because of problems with the fuel system, the launch has been put back a week. 由于燃料系统有问题,发射计划被推迟了一周。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Cloudy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank. 自来水浑浊一般表示水箱有问题朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕A bank loan seemed like the answer to all our problems. 银行贷款似乎是解决我们所有问题的办法。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Something's wrong with the TV - you can see the pictures, but there's no sound. 电视机有问题—看得到图像,但是没有声音。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕The conclusions of the survey are questionable because the research was based on a very small sample of people. 这次调查的结论有问题,因为取样的人数太少。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Tim, a third-grader, had difficulty with his schoolwork, and also found it hard to make friends. 蒂姆是一名三年级学生,学习上有困难,而且交朋友也有问题朗文写作活用〔adjust〕He had no problems in adjusting at the new school.他在适应新学校方面没有问题21世纪英汉〔attitude〕At school he was thought to have an attitude problem.上学时他被认为态度有问题牛津搭配〔augur〕Already there were problems. It didn't augur well.已经有问题了,这不是好兆头。柯林斯高阶〔bastard〕Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.赝品,冒牌货:某种假冒的、不正当的、低劣的或来由有问题的东西美国传统〔be in the clear〕The police breathalysed Andy last night, but he was in the clear.警察昨晚对安迪进行了呼气酒精检测,不过他没有问题剑桥高阶〔bleat〕Don't come bleating to me every time something goes wrong.不要一有问题就跑来向我哭诉。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕Address any questions to the committee chair.有问题请向会长咨询。韦氏高阶〔circulation〕Anyone with heart, lung or circulation problems should seek medical advice before flying.心、肺、血液循环有问题的人在乘坐飞机前应咨询医生。外研社新世纪〔clear〕It was increasingly clear to us that there was a problem.我们越来越清楚地知道有问题牛津搭配〔conclusion〕At the conclusion of the programme, I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me.节目结束的时候,我问孩子们有没有问题想问我。柯林斯高阶〔consideration〕After serious consideration of all the issues, the school decided to expel the three students.在认真考虑了所有问题之后,学校决定开除那3名学生。麦克米伦高阶〔continuation〕The continuation of funding was in doubt because of budget cuts.因为预算削减,继续提供资金是有问题的。英汉大词典〔discredit〕He was attempting to discredit his opponent by suggestive references to his personal life.他正企图以暗示对手的私生活有问题来搞臭他。英汉大词典〔excepting〕O'Rourke answered all the questions excepting the last one.除了最后一个问题外,奥罗克回答了所有问题朗文当代〔exhaust〕There's a problem with the car's exhaust.这辆汽车的排气管有问题韦氏高阶〔eyesight〕He had a problem with his eyesight.他的视力有问题朗文当代〔eye〕You and your friends keep an eye out—if there's any trouble we'll make a break for it.你和你的朋友要留意——一有问题,我们就跑。柯林斯高阶〔feel free〕Feel free to call me if you have any questions.有问题你尽管打电话给我。韦氏高阶〔find〕I never found his attitude a problem, though he is quite single-minded.尽管他相当固执, 但我过去从未觉得他的态度有问题外研社新世纪〔find〕I've never found my diet a problem.我从未意识到自己的饮食有问题外研社新世纪〔fitness〕His fitness to command the army is in question.他是否适合指挥军队很有问题文馨英汉〔fixable〕All the car's problems are fixable.这辆汽车的所有问题都可以解决。韦氏高阶〔generic〕The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.这一新系列的发动机有一个通病,就是风机叶片有问题剑桥高阶〔good〕Don't worry about it, man – it's all good.别担心了,伙计,没有问题的。朗文当代〔guarantee〕The washer is guaranteed against defects for one year.一年内洗衣机有问题可保修。韦氏高阶〔guess〕She could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with him.她能够凭知识推断出他哪里有问题牛津搭配〔harm〕I don't think it would do any harm if you were to assemble everybody and tell them what's going on.我认为, 把大家召集起来并且告诉他们发生了什么, 是不会有问题的。外研社新世纪〔hesitate〕Don't hesitate to call if there is a problem.如果有问题,请尽管打电话。韦氏高阶〔hint〕There were early hints that their marriage might be in trouble.很早就有迹象表明他们的婚姻可能会有问题牛津搭配〔hygienist〕An industrial hygienist found nothing wrong in the building.工业卫生专家在这栋建筑物里没有发现任何有问题的地方。外研社新世纪〔ill-fitting〕Many children have problems with their feet, caused by ill-fitting shoes.由于穿的鞋不合适,很多儿童的脚都有问题朗文当代〔impose〕Are you sure it's all right for me to come tonight? I don't want to impose.你肯定我今天晚上来没有问题吗?我不想太麻烦你。剑桥高阶〔instrumentation〕There was a problem with the airplane's instrumentation.飞机的仪表有问题韦氏高阶〔in〕Apparently one in ten people/one person in ten has problems with reading.据说10个人中有1个阅读有问题剑桥高阶〔issue〕I think once you do have issues with food you're going to have them for the rest of your life.我认为一旦你吃东西有问题的话,你可能终生都会如此。柯林斯高阶〔issue〕I think once you have issues with food, you're going to have them for the rest of your life.我认为一旦饮食有问题, 这些问题就会终生困扰你。外研社新世纪〔knowledge〕She’s got enough knowledge to do the job.以她的知识水平,干这份工作没有问题牛津同义词〔kosher〕It all seems perfectly kosher.一切似乎都完全没有问题牛津搭配〔lie〕I believe that the figures lie.我相信这些数字有问题外研社新世纪〔magic wand〕The new law is not a magic wand that will solve all our problems.这项新法并不是所有问题都能解决的万能魔法棒。韦氏高阶〔marital〕They've been having marital problems, apparently.很显然,他们的婚姻一直有问题剑桥高阶〔monosyllable〕He answered all their questions with monosyllables like “yes” and “no.” 他用yes或no一类的单音节词回答所有问题韦氏高阶〔must〕You must answer all the questions.你必须回答所有问题麦克米伦高阶〔obstetrics〕For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.孩子出生时就带有这样的残疾,这表明产科护理有问题柯林斯高阶〔often〕Very often children who behave badly at school have problems at home.在学校里行为不佳的儿童大多数在家里也有问题朗文当代〔of〕We had weeks of problems with the new computer system.我们的新电脑系统好几个星期都有问题麦克米伦高阶〔play up〕The engine had been playing up.发动机一直有问题外研社新世纪〔play up〕The engine had been playing up.发动机一直有问题柯林斯高阶〔problem〕We've been having problems with the heating in the office.我们办公室的供热系统一直有问题麦克米伦高阶〔questionable〕The conclusions that they come to are highly questionable.他们得出的结论大有问题牛津高阶〔questionable〕The statistics are highly questionable .这个统计数据大有问题朗文当代〔questionable〕Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable.他们承担这项研究的动机大有问题牛津搭配〔responsible〕If anything goes wrong, I will hold you personally responsible .要是哪里有问题,我唯你是问。朗文当代〔say〕It goes without saying that if someone has lung problems they should not smoke.肺部有问题就不应该再抽烟, 这是不言而喻的。外研社新世纪〔should〕If there was a problem, I should know exactly what to do.如果有问题的话,我会知道具体该怎么办的。麦克米伦高阶〔spout〕If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout.如果你只采集了一个样本,那么所有的数据就有问题了。柯林斯高阶〔stubborn〕They stubbornly refuse to admit there's a problem.他们死不承认有问题麦克米伦高阶〔subsidiary〕All other issues are subsidiary to this one.其他所有问题都是这一个的连带问题。朗文当代〔supply〕Much of the material supplied to the army was faulty.为军队提供的资料很多都是有问题的。外研社新世纪〔talk sth through〕It is very important to try and talk all the issues through so that they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner.尽力把所有问题都讨论清楚是很重要的,这样才能采用合适的应对措施。剑桥高阶〔that〕I know there's a problem, but I haven't got time to worry about that now.我知道有问题,但现在我没时间考虑那件事。麦克米伦高阶〔thrash ... out〕They thrashed out all the problems at the meeting.在这个会上他们讨论解决了所有问题21世纪英汉〔time〕At the time when this scheme was introduced, it was recognised that there might be problems.这个计划刚刚启动的时候,大家就意识到可能会有问题朗文当代〔trouble〕He has trouble with his breathing.他呼吸有问题朗文当代〔trouble〕I've been having trouble checking my e-mail.我查看电子邮件时老是有问题朗文当代〔true〕After all the problems I'd had getting pregnant, Oliver's birth was a dream come true.经历了怀孕的所有问题后,奥利弗的出世圆了我的梦。剑桥高阶〔unanswered〕He had always had difficulty leaving questions unanswered.如果有问题空着没有作答,他总会觉得不自在。柯林斯高阶〔unbalanced〕He was shown to be mentally unbalanced.他被证明精神有问题柯林斯高阶〔unsound〕The bridge is one of several said to be structurally unsound.这座桥是据说结构上有问题的几座桥梁之一。剑桥高阶〔video〕The audio is OK but there's a problem with the video.音响还好,但录像画面有问题韦氏高阶〔wise〕It would be wise to get his eyes checked to ensure there is no problem.最好把他的眼睛检查一下, 以确保没有问题外研社新世纪〔with your eyes open〕I went into this marriage with my eyes open.我是明知有问题却还是结了婚。剑桥高阶〔worry〕Don't worry if you can't finish all the questions.如果做不完所有问题,不用担心。朗文当代〔yourself〕You must answer all the questions by yourself.你必须独立回答所有问题外研社新世纪After all the problems I'd had getting pregnant, the birth of Jennifer was a dream come true (= was a wonderfully pleasing event).经历了怀孕的所有问题后, 詹妮弗的出生圆了我的梦。剑桥国际Formally, he has to give approval but there will be no problem.形式上得经过他批准,但这不会有问题的。剑桥国际He had a suspicion the certificate was a forgery, but on closer inspection, it seemed okay.他怀疑证书是伪造的,但经进一步查看,它似乎没有问题剑桥国际I smelled a rat in the matter. 我感到这件事有问题译典通The book contains sample questions and answers, which will help you to pass the exam.这本书里有问题和答案的样本,能帮助你通过考试。剑桥国际The government's assumptions about economic growth are highly questionable.政府关于经济增长的假设大有问题牛津商务The survey found that one in ten people/one person in ten had problems with reading.调查显示十个人中有一个人阅读有问题剑桥国际There are bound to be problems with such an ambitious scheme.要求如此之高的计划肯定会有问题剑桥国际There have been allegations that he approved unsound practices as director of the now-defunct bank.有人声称作为现已倒闭银行的董事长, 他批准过不可靠有问题的做法。剑桥国际They set up a telephone hotline for customers with questions or complaints.他们为有问题或欲投诉的顾客设立电话热线。牛津商务You won't have any problems with the entrance test--it's an absolute breeze.入学考试你决不会有问题----那实在是轻而易举的事。剑桥国际




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