

单词 有翼
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Pegasus〕Greek Mythology A winged horse that with a stroke of his hoof caused the fountain Hippocrene to spring forth from Mount Helicon.【希腊神话】 佩加索斯:其蹄在赫利孔山上踏出希波克里尼灵感泉的生有翼的飞马美国传统〔alar〕Resembling, containing, or composed of wings or alae.翼状的,有翼的:象翼或翼瓣的,包含翼的或翼瓣,由翼或翼瓣组成的美国传统〔beast〕Legend had it he flew through the air on a winged beast.传说他骑着一头有翼的野兽飞过天空。牛津搭配〔parasail〕A special parachute with winglike extensions that lifts a rider in its harness up and through the air when towed by an automobile or motorboat.帆伞,滑翔伞:一种有翼状延展部分的特殊的降落伞,当用汽车或汽艇牵引后,能将乘坐人用吊带带上天空并在空中飞行美国传统〔pennate〕Having feathers or wings.有羽的或有翼美国传统〔sphenoid bone〕A compound bone with winglike processes, situated at the base of the skull.蝶骨:位于颅骨基部的有翼状突起的复合骨美国传统〔talaria〕Winged sandals such as those worn by Hermes and Iris as represented in Greco-Roman painting and sculpture.有翼凉鞋:希腊罗马的绘画和雕塑上表现赫尔墨斯和艾丽斯等神灵所穿的有翼的凉鞋美国传统〔winged〕Having wings or winglike appendages.有翅膀的:有翼有翼状附属物的美国传统




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