

单词 有用处
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The fish spend their lives in darkness, and, having no use for eyes, are totally blind. 这种鱼一生都生活在黑暗之中,眼睛没有用处,所以完全是瞎的。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕A knowledge of Latin can have its uses -- for instance, it can help you if you are learning Italian. 懂拉丁文是有用处的—比方说,你学意大利语就能派上用场。朗文写作活用〔acquisition〕I think he'd be a great acquisition for the club.我认为他会成为俱乐部大有用处的新人才。外研社新世纪〔come〕This little book will come in useful one day, so don't throw it away.这本小书将来会有用处的,别丢掉。英汉大词典〔custodial〕A qualification in custodial care is useful for anyone contemplating a career in the prison service.取得监管资格对想从事监狱服务工作的人很有用处外研社新世纪〔feel〕I feel of no use to anybody.我感到自己对任何人都没有用处英汉大词典〔gadget〕Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks from whites.你见过这种很有用处的小装置吗——它是用来把蛋黄和蛋清分开的。剑桥高阶〔good-for-nothing〕A person of little worth or usefulness.饭桶:没有价值或没有用处的人美国传统〔gun-shy〕A gun-shy dog is useless for shooting.一只惊枪的狗对于打猎来说是没有用处的。外研社新世纪〔herd〕You have to be an individual; it's no use running with the herd.你必须特立独行,随大溜没有用处朗文当代〔reason〕It's no use trying to reason with people like that.与那样的人讲理没有用处麦克米伦高阶〔thriftless〕Archaic Lacking usefulness or value.【古语】 无用的:没有用处的或价值的美国传统〔use〕This booklet should be of use to all students.这本小册子应该对所有的学生都有用处外研社新世纪〔woolly〕It is no good setting vague and woolly goals — you will not know whether or not you have really achieved them.树立模糊而不明确的目标是没有用处的——你无法知道自己是否已经达到了目标。柯林斯高阶Perhaps his advice will be of use to you when you're older.他的建议在你年纪大一点的时候或许会有用处的。剑桥国际The new missiles will be useful as a bargaining counter in the arms control talks. 新飞弹在控制军备谈判中作为讨价还价的筹码将很有用处译典通There is no sense in fastening on that pretext of yours. 一味强调你那个借口是没有用处的。译典通These new measures are largely a government PR exercise and will do little to reduce crime.这些新的措施很大程度上是政府的公关练习,对于降低犯罪几乎没有用处剑桥国际




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