

单词 有机化合
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alicyclic〕Of or relating to organic compounds having both aliphatic and cyclic characteristics or structures.脂环的:同时具有脂肪族和循环特征、结构的有机化合物的美国传统〔aliphatic〕Of, relating to, or designating a group of organic chemical compounds in which the carbon atoms are linked in open chains.脂族的,脂肪族的:关于或标明一组碳原子链连接于开链中的有机化合物的美国传统〔azole〕A class of organic compounds having a five-membered heterocyclic ring with two double bonds.氮杂茂:一种由五种杂环元素,两组粘合剂组成的有机化合美国传统〔bioorganic〕Of or having to do with organic compounds and their role in biochemical processes.生物有机的:属于或有关于在生物化学过程中的有机化合物及其作用的美国传统〔chromophore〕A chemical group capable of selective light absorption resulting in the coloration of certain organic compounds.发色团:有机化合物中能对光进行有选择性吸收的化学基团美国传统〔compound〕Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.有机化合物的分子中含碳。柯林斯高阶〔compound〕Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules.有机化合物的分子里含有碳。外研社新世纪〔degrade〕To cause (an organic compound) to undergo degradation.使退化:使(有机化合物)进行降解美国传统〔dehydratase〕An enzyme that catalyzes the removal of oxygen and hydrogen from organic compounds in the form of water.脱水酶:一种酶,催化以水的形式存在的有机化合物,使其脱去氧和氢美国传统〔dimethyl〕An organic compound, especially ethane, containing two methyl groups.双甲基的,乙烷:一种有机化合物,特别是乙烷,内含有两个甲基美国传统〔enol〕An organic compound containing a hydroxyl group bonded to a carbon atom, which in turn is doubly bonded to another carbon atom.烯醇:一种有机化合物,包含有与碳原子键连的羟基群,该碳原子反过来又与另一个碳原子双键连接美国传统〔ester〕Any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol.酯:一类有机化合物,相当于无机盐,是由一分子有机酸和一分子酒精构成的美国传统〔ether〕Any of a class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom.醚,乙醚:一类有机化合物,它们以一个氧原子与两个包含在烃基中的碳原子相连接为特征美国传统〔free radical〕An organic compound in which some of the valence electrons are unpaired, occurring as a normal byproduct of oxidation reactions in metabolism.自由基化合物:其中有一些价电子未配对的一种有机化合物,作为新陈代谢中氧化反应的正常副产物而存在美国传统〔homology〕The relation of the organic compounds forming a homologous series.同系列:构成同系列的有机化合物的关系美国传统〔hydrocarbon〕Any of numerous organic compounds, such as benzene and methane, that contain only carbon and hydrogen.碳氢化合物:只含有碳和氢的多种有机化合物的一种,如苯和甲烷美国传统〔ionophore〕Any of a group of organic compounds that facilitate the transport of ions across the cell membrane.离子载体:为离子穿越细胞膜提供运输载体的一组有机化合物中的任何一种美国传统〔mucoprotein〕Any of a group of organic compounds, such as the mucins, that consist of a complex of proteins and glycosaminoglycons and are found in body tissues and fluids.粘蛋白:一组含有蛋白质与粘多糖的综合体的有机化合物,如粘蛋白,见于体液及组织中美国传统〔neurotransmitter〕A chemical substance, such as acetylcholine or dopamine, that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse.神经传送体:通过神经键传递神经脉冲的化学物质,如碱性有机化合物或多巴胺美国传统〔nitrate〕To treat with nitric acid or a nitrate, usually to change (an organic compound) into a nitrate.硝化:用硝酸或硝酸盐处理,通常将(有机化合物)转化成硝酸盐或硝酸酯美国传统〔organomercurial〕An organic compound that contains mercury.有机汞制剂:一种含汞的有机化合美国传统〔organometallic〕Of, relating to, or constituting an organic compound containing a metal, especially a compound in which a metal atom is bonded directly to a carbon atom.金属有机的:属于、关于或组成一种有机化合物,该化合物包含一种金属,特别是金属原子直接与碳原子相连的化合物美国传统〔organophosphate〕Any of several organic compounds containing phosphorus, some of which are used as fertilizers and pesticides.有机磷酸酯:几种含磷的有机化合物的任一种,其中一些用作肥料和杀虫剂美国传统〔oxygenase〕An oxidoreductase that catalyzes the incorporation of molecular oxygen into its substrate.氧酶:对有机化合物与分子氧反应起催化作用的一种酶美国传统〔phenol〕Any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring.酚,羟基类化合物:一种芳香的有机化合物,至少含有一个与苯子不直接相连的羟基组美国传统〔phosphine〕Any of several organic compounds having the structure of an amine but with phosphorus in place of nitrogen.碱性染革黄棕:具有胺的结构的、但是以磷替代了氮的有机化合美国传统〔polyamine〕Any of a group of organic compounds that contain two or more amino groups.聚胺;多胺:一组含有两个或多个胺基的有机化合物中的任一种美国传统〔polyene〕An organic compound containing many double bonds.多烯:一种包含许多双键的有机化合美国传统〔ptomaine〕A basic nitrogenous organic compound produced by bacterial putrefaction of protein.尸碱:一种含氮的有机化合物,由蛋白质被细菌感染导致腐烂而产生美国传统〔reductase〕An enzyme that promotes reduction of an organic compound.还原酶:促进有机化合物还原的酶美国传统〔sulfonate〕To introduce into (an organic compound) one or more sulfonic acid groups.磺化:引用一个或多个磺酸基到(一个有机化合物中)美国传统〔sulfoxide〕Any of various organic compounds that contain a sulfinyl group.亚砜:含有一个亚磺酰基的多种有机化合中的一种美国传统〔tertiary〕Of or relating to organic compounds in which a group, such as an alcohol or amine, is bound to three nonelementary radicals.特的:属于或关于一组只有三个非基础性基键的(如醇或胺)的有机化合物的美国传统〔thiazine〕Any of a class of organic chemical compounds containing a ring composed of one sulfur atom, one nitrogen atom, and four carbon atoms, used in making dyes.硫氮杂苯:包括一个硫原子、一个氮原子和四个碳原子的环状有机化合物的任一种,用于制作染料美国传统Oxygen occurs widely in organic and inorganic compounds.氧在有机化合物和无机化合物中广泛地存在。剑桥国际




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