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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Which is bigger, Tokyo or London? 东京和伦敦哪一个面积更大?朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕This computer can store as much data as many larger models. 这台电脑能够储存与许多更大型的电脑一样多的数据。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The new airport will just mean more noise, more traffic problems and higher land prices. 新机场只意味着噪音将会更大,交通问题会更严重,而且地价会更为昂贵。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕By giving the workers a greater say in the running of the company, we hope to increase cooperation and job satisfaction. 通过给予工人在公司管理方面更大的发言权,我们希望增进合作并提升工作满意度。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕Parliament had become more powerful than the King. 议会的权力已变得比国王更大了。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Men run a greater risk of dying from heart disease than women. 男性死于心脏病的危险性比女性更大朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The capacity of the tank should be 500 gallons or more. 这个容器的容量应该有500加仑或者更大朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕I wish we had more space in our office. 我希望我们的办公室地方更大一点。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕The dangers of the climb up Mt. Washington only whetted our appetite for more adventure. 攀爬华盛顿山的危险反而激起了我们冒更大的险的愿望。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕The family's problems were exacerbated when Walter lost his job. 沃尔特丢了工作,一家人的麻烦更大了。朗文写作活用〔a piece/slice/share of the pie〕The company plans to acquire new businesses to grab a bigger piece of the pie.公司计划通过兼并来分享更大的利益。剑桥高阶〔amalgamate〕There are plans to amalgamate the village school with a larger one nearby.有计划要将村小学与附近更大的小学合并。麦克米伦高阶〔appendage〕Something added or attached to an entity of greater importance or size; an adjunct.附属物,附件,附加物:附加或附在更重要或更大实体上的东西;附加物美国传统〔appetizer〕All that has been told is merely an appetizer for the book itself.说到上述种种只是为了引起读者对这部书本身的更大兴趣。英汉大词典〔autonomy〕Schools have gained greater autonomy from government control.学校已从政府那里获得了更大的自主权。牛津搭配〔better〕Her paintings have become better known in recent years.近年来,她的画作名气更大了。韦氏高阶〔big〕She moved to a bigger city.她搬到了更大的城市。韦氏高阶〔boot〕The new model has a bigger boot.这辆新款车的行李箱更大朗文当代〔borrow〕In subtraction, to take a unit from the next larger denomination in the minuend so as to make a number larger than the number to be subtracted.借位:在减法中,从被减数字相邻的一位更大的数字中借用一单位,以便使数字大过减数美国传统〔buck〕I think it's very important for those governments to do whatever they can to get a bigger bang for the buck.我认为,重要的是那些政府要采取一切措施来获取更大的资金回报。柯林斯高阶〔challenge〕The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.新德国必须成功应对挑战, 承担更大的责任。外研社新世纪〔compete〕The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares.在努力争取更大的市场份额的过程中,这些商场最终将不可避免地相互展开竞争。柯林斯高阶〔compound〕The bad weather compounded our difficulties.天气不好,我们的困难更大了。牛津同义词〔develop〕Regional clashes could develop into larger quarrels.地区性冲突可能演变为更大的纷争。朗文当代〔dilate〕To become wider or larger; expand.膨胀:变得更宽或更大;膨胀美国传统〔disbelief〕The movie version requires greater suspension of disbelief than the book.与原书比起来,电影版更需要观众更大程度地收起疑心,相信那不可能发生之事。牛津搭配〔dissimilarity〕It would be difficult to find two men who were more dissimilar.很难找到彼此间差异更大的人了。柯林斯高阶〔distinction〕The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.对手工艺和美术之间的差别争议更大柯林斯高阶〔dollar diplomacy〕A policy aimed at furthering the interests of the United States abroad by encouraging the investment of U.S. capital in foreign countries.美元外交:指美国为谋取更大利益而鼓励在外国投资的政策美国传统〔elusive〕She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.她在这个国家享有稳固的声誉,但一直难以在国际上取得更大的成功。朗文当代〔evil〕Apartheid is even a greater evil.种族隔离是更大的祸害。柯林斯高阶〔far〕The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left.现在极右派比极左派威胁更大柯林斯高阶〔feed〕To distribute (a local radio or television broadcast) to a larger audience or group of receivers by way of a network or satellite.传播:通过无线电或卫星将(地方电台或电视台广播)传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔fire〕Fired with enthusiasm, Miller built a bigger boat.米勒满怀激情, 造了一艘更大的船。外研社新世纪〔follow〕Don't rest on your laurels; follow up your success.不要满足于已有的成就,要争取更大的成功。英汉大词典〔friction〕Border clashes have led to increased friction between the two countries.边境冲突引发了两国间更大的摩擦。剑桥高阶〔fusion〕Physics A nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy.【物理学】 核聚变:一种由原子核结合成更大的核,同时释放出能量的核反应美国传统〔go out for〕We are going out for big results.我们努力争取更大成绩。21世纪英汉〔governor〕Governors are using the increased powers given to them to act against incompetent head teachers.理事们正运用所赋予他们的更大权力对不称职的校长采取措施。外研社新世纪〔idea〕The latest big idea is to get women more interested in soccer.最新的大胆想法是让女性对足球产生更大的兴趣。牛津搭配〔impel to〕The professor impels him to greater efforts.教授鼓励他做出更大努力。21世纪英汉〔instability〕This policy would lead to greater instability in the region.这个政策将给这个地区带来更大的不稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔kite〕A bank check that has been fraudulently altered to show a larger amount.被欺骗性地改为更大金额的银行支票美国传统〔legroom〕I need a car with more legroom.我需要一辆有更大伸腿空间的车。韦氏高阶〔lie〕Some difficulties lie behind us, but greater ones lie ahead.我们已克服一些困难,但我们面前有更大的困难。英汉大词典〔likelihood〕The likelihood of developing cancer is increased in people who smoke.吸烟人群患癌症的可能性更大麦克米伦高阶〔load〕Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.新式背包把承重量分散在更大的面积上。牛津高阶〔measure〕The colonies were claiming a larger measure of self-government.殖民地正要求获得更大程度上的自治。柯林斯高阶〔migrate〕Trade has migrated from local shops to the larger chain stores.贸易正从当地的商店转移到更大的连锁商店。剑桥高阶〔overachieve〕To perform better or achieve more success than expected.完成得比预期更好:完成得比预期要好或取得了比预期更大的成功美国传统〔overruff〕To overtrump.以更大的王牌取胜美国传统〔overtrump〕To play a trump higher than one previously played on a trick.用更大的王牌胜过:在同一墩牌中,出更大的王牌压倒已出的王牌美国传统〔paycheck〕The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票美国传统〔peacekeeper〕They want the United Nations to play a bigger role as the world's peacekeeper.他们希望联合国发挥更大的世界和平维护者的作用。柯林斯高阶〔plain〕A plain carpet makes a room look bigger.平纹地毯让房间显得更大外研社新世纪〔pocket〕They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.比起遭到枪击, 他们被人扒窃的可能性更大外研社新世纪〔potential〕If you study hard, there is a greater potential for success.你如果努力学习,成功的概率会更大韦氏高阶〔prepotent〕Greater in power, influence, or force than another or others; predominant.具有优势的:比其他人具有更大的力量、影响或权势;优越的美国传统〔rage〕His answer only seemed to fuel her rage.他的回答似乎只是激起了她更大的愤怒。牛津搭配〔rank〕Students who rank in the top third of their class have a better chance of being accepted to the college of their choice.在班上名列前三名的学生被他们报考的大学录取的可能性更大韦氏高阶〔reflective〕I fear my comments are merely reflective of a larger problem.恐怕我的意见只是反映出一个更大的问题。牛津搭配〔repot〕As your plants flourish, you'll need to repot them in bigger pots.随着植物越来越茂盛,你需要把它们移植到更大的花盆里。柯林斯高阶〔require〕The arduous task requires of us still greater efforts.这项艰巨的任务需要我们作出更大的努力。英汉大词典〔responsibility〕She would have loved to have a better-paying job with more responsibility.她会想要一份薪酬更高且自主权更大的工作。外研社新世纪〔return〕Yeo was returned to Parliament with an increased majority.约以更大的得票比例当选议会议员。朗文当代〔risk〕Children are at greater risk for these diseases.孩子患这些疾病的风险更大牛津搭配〔sect〕A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination.教派:宗教体系,尤指从一个更大的教派分离出来的宗教体美国传统〔set up〕He sets himself up as a defender of the people, but he's really only interested in getting more power.他自称是人民的捍卫者,但他实际上只是为了谋取更大的权力。韦氏高阶〔sight〕We have set our sights on a bigger house.我们决心要买一栋更大的房子。外研社新世纪〔solution〕Vitamins in solution are more affected than those in solid foods.溶液里的维生素比固体食物里的维生素受到的影响更大柯林斯高阶〔sound〕Abbr. sd.A long, relatively wide body of water, larger than a strait or a channel, connecting larger bodies of water.缩写 sd.海峡:一条长、相对较宽的水域,比strait或者channel大,连接更大的水域美国传统〔strengthen〕The wind had strengthened overnight.夜里,风更大了。牛津高阶〔sum〕As individual members' solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts.成员单飞后的发展证明,每个乐队的成员只有组合在一起才能创造出更大的成功。柯林斯高阶〔sweet spot〕The new tennis rackets are lighter, stronger, and have a bigger sweet spot.新网球拍更轻、更结实,而且有效击球区更大剑桥高阶〔sweet talk〕The salesman tried to sweet-talk me into buying a bigger car.那个销售员想用花言巧语说服我买一辆更大的车。剑桥高阶〔symptom〕Your problem with keeping boyfriends is just a symptom of a larger problem: making and keeping friends.你在维系同男友的关系时遭遇的困难暴露了一个更大的问题:如何结交朋友和维持友谊。柯林斯高阶〔tax〕A regressive tax takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.累退税占穷人收入的比例更大牛津搭配〔throw in〕Pay £4.80 for larger prints and they throw in a free photo album.付 4.8 英镑冲印更大尺寸的照片就会获赠一本相册。柯林斯高阶〔tolerance〕The policy required greater tolerance of foreigners.该政策要求对外国人有更大的宽容。牛津搭配〔tributary〕A stream that flows into a larger stream or other body of water.支流:一条注入更大的流域或其他水域的河流美国传统〔uncluttered〕If you keep a room uncluttered it makes it seem lighter and bigger.屋子保持整洁会显得更大更敞亮。外研社新世纪〔unit〕A group regarded as a distinct entity within a larger group.小组:一群,认为是更大的群内有区别的整体美国传统〔upward mobility〕She wants a job with more upward mobility.她想要一份有更大发展前途的工作。韦氏高阶〔where〕Where others might have been satisfied, Dawson had higher ambitions.别人或许这样就满足了,可道森却有更大的雄心。朗文当代〔whole〕The text must be seen as part of a larger whole.必须把这个文本看成是更大整体中的一部分。牛津搭配He then attempted something more ambitious, a novel of 200,000 words. 接著他试图写作一部更大的作品,一本二十万字的长篇小说。译典通If you can feel your toes at the end of the boot you probably need the next size up.如果你感到你的脚趾头顶着靴子,你可能需要穿更大的号码。剑桥国际New skylights made the attic seem bigger and brighter.新天窗使得阁楼显得更大更亮。剑桥国际Smaller companies can offer greater value in terms of key financial ratios, such as price-earnings.就主要的财务比率而言,如价格 ── 收益率,规模较小的公司可以提供更大的价值。牛津商务The campaign staff is focussing on the larger state primaries in order to have enough votes to win the nomination.竞选活动的工作人员把注意力放在规模更大的州候选人选拔会上,以争取足够的选票赢得提名。剑桥国际The impact of the report was augmented by its timing. 由于发表的时间选得好,这篇报导的影响更大了。译典通The initial earthquake was followed by a series of aftershocks, which brought more destruction to an already devastated area.最初的地震后有一系列余震,给一个已被摧毁的地区带来了更大的破坏。剑桥国际The next 36 hours will be even colder with snow showers becoming more widespread.以后的36小时内,天气将更加寒冷,下雨雪的范围更大剑桥国际The pamphlet declared (that) parents would have more influence in schools. [+ (that) clause] 这本小册子宣布了父母在校方将有更大的影响力。剑桥国际They've extended the runway, to take larger jets.为让更大的喷气机降落,他们扩建了跑道。剑桥国际War had given to the community a greater sense of togetherness.战争给社会带来一种更大的患难与共的感觉。剑桥国际We cannot afford further stresses to our balance sheet.我们的资产负债表承受不起更大的负担。牛津商务We considered all the pros and cons very carefully before deciding to buy a bigger house.我们在决定买所更大的房子前仔细地考虑了所有的利弊。剑桥国际We look forward to greater success in the coming year (=the year that follows from today).我们希望在即将来到的一年中取得更大的成功。剑桥国际You'd have a better chance/more chance of passing your exams if you worked a bit harder.你要是更用功一点,通过考试的可能性会更大剑桥国际




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