

单词 更健康
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFE〕You really need to think about leading a healthier lifestyle. 你真的需要考虑一下,过一种更健康的生活。朗文写作活用〔READ〕Over the last hundred years, people have become healthier, more literate, and better educated. 几百年来人们已经变得更健康,能读写的人更多,受教育程度更高了。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Meditation relaxes you and makes you feel more healthy. 冥想令你放松,也使你感觉更健康朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕Make a list of all the benefits of stopping smoking, for example better health, fresher breath, and more money. 把戒烟的种种好处列出来,比如说身体会更健康,口气会更清新,又可以省下钱来。朗文写作活用〔all〕I've lost ten pounds and I feel all the fitter for it.我已经减了10磅,现在感觉身体更健康了。剑桥高阶〔alteration〕Making some simple alterations to your diet will make you feel fitter.对日常饮食做些简单的调整就会让你身体更健康柯林斯高阶〔as〕I don't think he was ever as fit as he should have been.我认为他本该更健康的。柯林斯高阶〔basically〕Basically, their goal is to promote healthier eating habits.总体上说,他们的目的是提倡更健康的饮食习惯。麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕Your skin would clear (= become free of spots) if you had a healthier diet.更健康的饮食,你的皮肤就会变光洁的。剑桥高阶〔crystal clear〕The message is crystal clear—if you lose weight, you will have a happier, healthier, better life.意思很明显——如果减肥成功,你将会有一个更幸福、更健康、更美好的生活。柯林斯高阶〔eat〕I'm trying to eat more healthily.我设法吃得更健康些。牛津搭配〔efficacy〕Recent medical studies confirm the efficacy of a healthier lifestyle.最新医学研究证实更健康的生活方式的确有益身心。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Weight-bearing exercise increases the health of bones.负重锻炼使骨骼变得更健康牛津搭配〔food〕Fast-food companies are starting to offer their customers healthier food.速食公司开始为顾客提供更健康的食品。牛津搭配〔if〕If anything, he looks younger and fitter than he did before.要说他有什么变化,那就是比过去更年轻、更健康了。麦克米伦高阶〔lifestyle〕We want them to adopt a healthier lifestyle.我们希望他们生活得更健康牛津搭配〔long-lived〕Optimistic people tend to be happier, healthier and longer-lived than pessimists.乐观的人往往会比悲观的人更快乐、更健康、更长寿。外研社新世纪〔make〕People can eat more healthily without making major changes to their diet.人们无需对饮食作出很大的改变就能吃得更健康麦克米伦高阶〔quickly〕You can become fitter quite quickly and easily.你可以非常迅速而且轻松地变得更健康柯林斯高阶〔reap〕You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.你很快就会体会到身体更健康带来的好处。柯林斯高阶〔reeducate〕The program reeducates people about how to eat in a more healthful way.这个节目重新教育人们该如何更健康地饮食。韦氏高阶〔run〕The news station ran a feature on how to eat healthier.新闻台播出了一个关于如何吃得更健康的专题节目。韦氏高阶〔strengthen〕Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart.有氧健身运动使心脏更健康麦克米伦高阶〔than〕She is healthier than (she has) ever (been).她比以前任何时候都更健康英汉大词典〔workplace〕Workplace canteens are offering healthier foods than ever before.单位食堂现在供应的伙食比以往任何时候都更健康外研社新世纪He's always quaffing these strange herbal medicines, which he thinks will make him more healthy.他一直喝这些奇怪的草药,他相信这会使他更健康剑桥国际In pursuit of a healthier diet, Americans are eating more fish than they used to.为了保证更健康饮食,美国人吃鱼比过去吃得多了。剑桥国际




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