

单词 是没有用的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕I'm afraid this is company policy, and your own views on the matter simply don't enter into it. 恐怕这是公司规定,这件事上你的个人意见是没有用的朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕There's no point in hanging on to the baby clothes if you're not going to have more kids. 如果你不打算再要孩子,留着这些婴儿服是没有用的朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕Churning out pamphlets and booklets is ineffective if consumers cannot understand the messages. 如果顾客不能领会其中的意思,那么大量印制小册子是没有用的朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕It's no use giving people short term sweeteners - what we have to do is to go out there and win hearts and minds. 给民众短期的甜头是没有用的—我们得深入社会,赢得民心。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕It's no good wallowing in misery. You just have to get out there and find another job. 一味地痛苦是没有用的,你得走出来,再找一份工作。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕It's no use asking him - he's too stingy to give money to charity. 问他要是没有用的—他吝啬得很,不会捐钱做慈善的。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕There's no use in dwelling on problems that we can't do anything about. 老想着我们无能为力的问题是没有用的朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕He knew it was useless to pretend to be innocent. 他知道装作无辜是没有用的朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕It's pointless trying to speak to the manager -- she's always too busy. 跟经理说是没有用的一她一直很忙。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕Worrying about the test won't do you any good. 担心考试是没有用的朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕You can argue till you're blue in the face, but it won't do you any good. 你可以费尽唇舌,但是没有用的朗文写作活用〔argue〕There was no point arguing the toss after the goal had been disallowed.进球被判取消,再争辩也是没有用的朗文当代〔argue〕There's no point in quarreling about the past.为过去的事而争吵是没有用的美国传统〔blame〕It's no use trying to shift the blame onto other people.把责任推给别人是没有用的朗文当代〔buck〕David says the responsibility is Mr Smith's and it's no good trying to pass the buck.戴维说责任在史密斯先生,企图推脱责任是没有用的柯林斯高阶〔by〕It's no use trying to judge 18th-century morality by modern standards.用现代的标准去评判18世纪的道德是没有用的麦克米伦高阶〔call down〕It's no use calling down punishment on the enemies.祈求上苍惩罚敌人是没有用的21世纪英汉〔cranky〕There was no point in being cranky and not talking to him.发火和不理睬他是没有用的外研社新世纪〔dwell〕It's no use dwelling on the past.老是想过去是没有用的英汉大词典〔easy〕It's no good just making a few quick easy decisions.仅仅作几个简单省事的决定是没有用的麦克米伦高阶〔entertain〕It was futile to entertain such a question.考虑这样一个问题是没有用的英汉大词典〔expostulate〕It is useless to expostulate with such a stubborn man.对这样固执的人规劝是没有用的英汉大词典〔extrapolate〕It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的外研社新世纪〔extrapolate〕It is unhelpful to extrapolate general trends from one case.根据一个案例来推断总的趋势是没有用的柯林斯高阶〔fate〕I see no use quarrelling with fate.怨天是没有用的外研社新世纪〔flap〕There's no use flapping about it now.现在对于这件事讲空话是没有用的了。21世纪英汉〔force〕It's no good trying to force a diet on someone.想给一个人强行规定饮食是没有用的朗文当代〔futility〕This demonstrates the futility of resisting temptation.这表明抗拒诱惑是没有用的牛津搭配〔good〕It's no good complaining.抱怨是没有用的外研社新世纪〔lost〕It's no use thinking about one's lost youth.老是回想逝去的青春是没有用的英汉大词典〔lying〕We know the facts so there is no use in lying.我们知道真实情况,所以说谎是没有用的英汉大词典〔moon away〕It's no use dreaming about that boy, he won't come back — are you going to moon away the whole of your life?朝思暮想那个小伙子是没有用的,他不会回来了,你打算颓废一辈子吗?21世纪英汉〔moon〕There's no point in crying for the moon.异想天开是没有用的朗文当代〔panic〕There's no point getting into a panic about the exams.对考试惊惶失措是没有用的牛津高阶〔past〕From past experience she knew that it was no use arguing with him.根据过去的经验,她知道和他争论是没有用的朗文当代〔point〕There's no point in getting angry.发火是没有用的牛津高阶〔point〕There's no point in worrying.担心是没有用的朗文当代〔pretend〕It was useless to pretend innocence.装出一副无辜的样子是没有用的麦克米伦高阶〔repine〕It does no good for you to repine at your unhappy lot.你埋怨自己命苦是没有用的21世纪英汉〔shape up〕It is no use simply to tell adolescents to shape up and do something useful.仅仅告诉青少年要品行端正,做有意义的事,是没有用的柯林斯高阶〔shyly〕It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by.一边对做宣传避之不及,一边又抱怨赞助人与我们擦身而过,这样做是没有用的柯林斯高阶〔shy〕It is no use fighting shy of publicity and then complaining when sponsors pass us by.一边对宣传避之不及, 一边又抱怨没有赞助人搭理我们, 这样做是没有用的外研社新世纪〔sweeping〕Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.对这种复杂困难的情形作泛泛之谈是没有用的剑桥高阶〔temper〕It's no use talking to him when he's in a temper.他在气头上跟他谈是没有用的朗文当代〔try〕It's no use trying on your tricks with us.你对我们耍花招是没有用的英汉大词典〔unhelpful〕Criticism is unhelpful, to say the least.至少可以说,批评是没有用的麦克米伦高阶〔use〕It's no use arguing with a drunk.跟一个醉汉争论是没有用的外研社新世纪〔use〕It's no use shouting, she's deaf.大喊大叫是没有用的, 她是个聋子。外研社新世纪〔wish〕It was no use wishing for the impossible.痴心妄想是没有用的朗文当代〔would〕It's no use talking to Henry – he wouldn't understand.与亨利谈是没有用的,他不会明白。麦克米伦高阶I've never found screaming (and shouting) (= shouting angrily) at my staff to be very effective.我从来就认为对我的工作人员大喊大叫是没有用的剑桥国际It's no use arguing with her, she's as stubborn as a mule (= very stubborn).和她争辩是没有用的,她倔得像骡。剑桥国际It's no use trying (= There is no purpose in trying) to escape--no one has ever got away before.想逃跑是没有用的----以前谁也没有能够逃成功。剑桥国际When her money was stolen she quickly realized there was no point in crying over spilt milk. 钱被偷后,她很快明白对无法挽回的事感到后悔是没有用的译典通Your reproaches are useless --what's done is done.你的指责是没有用的----木已成舟。剑桥国际




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