

单词 断层
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAT scan〕The doctor arranged for me to have a CAT scan.医生安排给我做一个计算机化轴向断层摄影扫描。剑桥高阶〔FDG〕FDG-PET is an imaging test to identify lymphomas and other cancers.氟18脱氧葡萄糖正电子计算机断层扫描是一种可用来确认淋巴癌和其他癌症的影像测试。剑桥高阶〔PET scanner〕A device that produces cross-sectional x-rays of metabolic processes by means of positron emission tomography.正电子发射层析扫描仪:一种装置,通过正电子放射的X射线断层照相术产生的模截面X射线的代谢过程美国传统〔PET scan〕The researchers carried out a PET scan to monitor his brain activity.研究人员采用正电子计算机断层摄片来监看他的大脑活动。剑桥高阶〔anomaly〕The rise of about ten inches in the ground level along the fault is a large anomaly.地面沿断层升高10英寸左右是一种极其反常的现象。英汉大词典〔breakfront〕A piece of furniture, such as a cabinet or a bookcase, in which the frontal plane is interrupted horizontally by a projecting central section.断层式橱,断层式书架:正面被突出的中间部分水平地中断的一件家具,如橱或书架美国传统〔break〕Geology A marked change in topography such as a fault or deep valley.【地质学】 断层:地形上的显著变化,如断层,深谷美国传统〔chloritize〕Fault breccias which are chloritized stand out green against the virgin rock.绿泥石化了的断层角砾岩在原岩的衬托下绿莹莹的显得格外醒目。英汉大词典〔diastrophism〕The process of deformation by which the major features of the earth's crust, including continents, mountains, ocean beds, folds, and faults, are formed.地壳变动:地壳上大陆、山脉、海床、褶皱和断层等主要地貌形成的变形过程美国传统〔displacement〕The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.断层位移:断层两侧的相对位移美国传统〔disturbance〕Geology Folding or faulting that affects a relatively large area.【地质学】 局部运动:形成褶皱或出现断层影响了相当大地区美国传统〔escarpment〕A steep slope or long cliff that results from erosion or faulting and separates two relatively level areas of differing elevations.峭壁,崖:由于腐蚀或断层作用,在两个相对海拔不同的水平地区产生的急斜面或高大的悬崖美国传统〔fault line〕There are many active or dormant volcanoes along the fault lines.这几条断层线沿线地带有许多活火山和休眠火山。外研社新世纪〔fault plane〕The plane along which the break or shear of a fault occurs.断层平面:断层发生沿其断裂的平面美国传统〔fault〕Frequent earthquakes have occurred along the San Andreas Fault.在沿圣安德列斯断层一带,地震频繁发生。韦氏高阶〔fault〕Geology To produce a fault in; fracture.【地质学】 产生断层;断裂美国传统〔fault〕Geology To shift so as to produce a fault.【地质学】 变动从而产生断层美国传统〔fault〕Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.土地测量员称这种断层带能引发百年一遇的大地震。剑桥高阶〔fault〕There is still movement along the older faults in eastern California.加利福尼亚东部地区的老断层仍然有活动。外研社新世纪〔fault〕They comprised a complex of Lower Palaeozoic rocks variously folded, faulted, or metamorphosed.它们由一个下古生界的岩石复合体构成, 有的被折叠, 有的产生了断层, 有的发生了变质。外研社新世纪〔fracture〕Geology A crack or fault in a rock.【地质学】 岩石的裂缝或断层美国传统〔geophysical〕Geophysical evidence proves that the San Andreas fault extends at least 16 kilometres down into the crust.地球物理学证据表明圣安德烈亚斯断层至少延伸进地壳16公里。外研社新世纪〔graben〕A usually elongated depression between geologic faults.地堑:在两个地质断层之间的,通常很长的地壳下降部分美国传统〔hade〕The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode.倾斜余角:因矿脉,断层或矿井倾斜而与垂直面形成的角度美国传统〔hanging wall〕The overlying block of a fault having an inclined fault plane.岩层上盘:拥有断层倾向平面的大量断层美国传统〔heave〕Geology A horizontal dislocation, as of a rock stratum, at a fault.【地质学】 水平断层:不正常的岩层水平变位或断错美国传统〔horst〕A mass of the earth's crust that lies between two faults and is higher than the surrounding land.地垒:位于两个断层之间的地壳部分,其地势高于周围的土地美国传统〔massif〕A large section or block of the earth's crust that is more rigid than the surrounding rock and has been moved or displaced as a unit.断层地块:一大块比周围岩石更坚硬的、曾发生过整块位移的地壳美国传统〔microgravity〕A minute shift in gravity that can occur through geologic factors in a region, such as the movement of the earth's crust along fault lines.微重力移动:经由一个地区的地质因素所发生重力的微小转移,例如沿着断层所发生的地球板块移动美国传统〔mylonite〕A fine-grained laminated rock formed by the shifting of rock layers along faults.糜棱岩:由岩石层沿断层转移而形成纹理细密的叠层岩美国传统〔neotectonics〕A technique for predicting earthquakes that involves measuring the rate of slippage of landmarks along faults.新地体构造学:以测量断层地标滑动率来预测地震的技术美国传统〔normal fault〕A fault in which the hanging wall has moved downward relative to the footwall.正断层:上盘相对于下盘向下滑动的断层美国传统〔overthrust fault〕A fault in which one section of crust has ridden up over another.上冲断层:一种断层,其中地壳的一断面已拱到另一断面之上美国传统〔position〕The scientists positioned the seismic activity as being along the San Andreas fault.科学家们找到了沿着圣安德烈亚斯断层的地震活动位置。21世纪英汉〔reverse fault〕A fault in which the hanging wall has moved upward relative to the footwall.反断层:一种断层,其中上盘相对于下盘向上滑动美国传统〔revolution〕Geology A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.【地质学】 变革:褶皱和断层形成时的重要的地壳运动期美国传统〔rift zone〕A large area of the earth in which plates of the earth's crust are moving away from each other, forming an extensive system of fractures and faults.断裂区:地球表面的大片地区,其中地球的地壳板块相互分离,形成广泛的裂隙和断层体系美国传统〔slickenside〕A polished, striated rock surface caused by one rock mass sliding over another in a fault plane.擦痕面:在断层面上由于一块岩石从另一块岩石上面滑过造成的磨光的、有细槽的岩石面美国传统〔slip〕A small fault.小断层美国传统〔slip〕The relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault.位移:以前相邻的两个点在一个断层的两侧的相对错位美国传统〔strain〕A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.已经勘测到圣安德烈亚斯断层的其中一处所承受的拉力在增强。外研社新世纪〔strain〕A build-up of strain on a section of the San Andreas Fault has been detected.已经勘测到圣安德烈亚斯断层的其中一处所承受的拉力在增强。柯林斯高阶〔strike-slip fault〕A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides of the fault plane have moved horizontally and parallel to the strike of the fault.挤滑断层断层面反表面向断层撞击处水平滑动并与之平行的断层现象美国传统〔throw〕Geology The amount of vertical displacement of a fault.【地质学】 落差:断层垂直位移的量美国传统〔transform fault〕A strike-slip fault, common in mid-ocean ridge regions, in which there has been a sudden change in the form or direction of displacement.变形断层:通常发生于海中山脊区域的挤滑断层断层位移的形式或方向会突然改变美国传统〔upthrow〕Geology An upward displacement of rock on one side of a fault.【地质学】 上投距,隆起:断层一侧的岩石上升移动美国传统




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