

单词 敌机
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AWACS〕A military surveillance system, carried by aircraft, that is capable of tracking a large number of other aircraft from a great distance.机载警报和控制系统:一种由飞机携带的军事监视系统,可以远距离跟踪大量敌机美国传统〔DANGEROUS〕The ship was in grave danger of being sunk by enemy aircraft. 这艘船被敌机击沉的危险性很大。朗文写作活用〔ENEMY〕One man was ordered to observe enemy aircraft and to warn when danger was imminent. 一名士兵被派观察敌机动向,在出现危险情况时发出警告。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕The radar sends out radio waves and listens for echoes from enemy craft. 雷达发出无线电波,捕捉敌机的反射信号。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Border towns have been shelled by enemy aircraft for the past two months. 边境城镇近两个月来一直遭受敌机的轰炸。朗文写作活用〔account for〕Enemy fighters have accounted for most of our bombers, Sir.长官,敌机摧毁了我们的大部分轰炸机。韦氏高阶〔account for〕In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.5月的头10天里我们中队至少报销了7架敌机柯林斯高阶〔account for〕In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.五月的头十天, 我们中队至少摧毁了七架敌机外研社新世纪〔account〕Our battery accounted for three enemy planes.我们炮兵连击落了三架敌机21世纪英汉〔ace〕A military aircraft pilot who has destroyed five or more enemy aircraft.王牌驾驶员:空军中击落五架或五架以上敌机的飞行员美国传统〔air-to-air〕The enemy planes attacked our bombers with air-to-air missiles.敌机发射空对空导弹袭击我军轰炸机。韦氏高阶〔aircraft〕They came under attack from enemy aircraft.他们受到敌机的攻击。麦克米伦高阶〔aircraft〕To be an ace you had to shoot down five enemy aircraft.要成为王牌飞行员,你得击落 5 架敌机牛津搭配〔alert〕They sounded an alert when enemy planes were approaching the city.敌机接近城市时,他们发出了警报信号。韦氏高阶〔bag〕The flier ended the day with a bag of four enemy planes.那位飞行员这天共击落敌机4架。英汉大词典〔bag〕We bagged three enemy planes.我们击落3架敌机英汉大词典〔barrage balloon〕A balloon anchored singly or in a series over a military objective to support nets that hinder the passage of enemy aircraft.阻拦气球:单个或一系列的固定在军用物体上的气球,以支撑阻碍敌机通路的网络美国传统〔bear〕The searchlight bore on the enemy plane.探照灯对准了敌机英汉大词典〔beforehand〕We should be beforehand with our enemy.我们应制敌机先。文馨英汉〔blackout〕The concealment or extinguishment of lights that might be visible to enemy aircraft during an air raid.灯火管制:在空袭中把那些可能被敌机发现的灯火掩蔽或熄灭美国传统〔black〕To extinguish or conceal all lights that might help enemy aircraft find a target during an air raid.对…实行灯火管制:在空袭中熄灭所有可能帮助敌机寻找目标的灯火美国传统〔blast〕They blasted the enemy plane out of the sky.他们把敌机从空中击落。韦氏高阶〔blaze〕An enemy plane roared overhead, its guns blazing.敌机在我们头顶上轰鸣,枪炮不停地射击。朗文当代〔bomb〕Enemy planes dropped bombs on the airport.敌机向机场投掷炸弹。牛津搭配〔bomb〕Enemy planes dropped over 200 bombs during the raid.袭击中敌机投下了两百多枚炸弹。朗文当代〔bomb〕The enemy planes bombed our city.敌机轰炸了我市。21世纪英汉〔detect〕Radar equipment is used to detect (= find the position of) enemy aircraft.雷达装置用于探测敌机的位置。剑桥高阶〔direct hit〕The building took a direct hit from an enemy plane.这座建筑被敌机直接击中。韦氏高阶〔dispose of〕Three enemy planes were disposed of by us .我们击落了三架敌机21世纪英汉〔down〕An enemy aircraft was downed in a dogfight.一架敌机在空战中被击落。文馨英汉〔down〕Down, comrades ! Down! The enemy bomber is shooting at us!卧倒,同志们!卧倒!敌机在向我们射击!21世纪英汉〔down〕We downed three enemy planes with our missiles.我们用导弹击落了3架敌机剑桥高阶〔enemy〕Over three hundred enemy aircraft were destroyed.有300多辆敌机被摧毁。麦克米伦高阶〔engage〕Enemy planes engaged the troops as they advanced into the mountains.部队进山的时候,敌机开始对他们发起攻击。剑桥高阶〔fighter〕A fast, maneuverable combat aircraft used to engage enemy aircraft.歼击机:一种快速的机动战斗机,用于与敌机作战美国传统〔fingerprint〕The aircraft has equipment to fingerprint enemy planes.这架飞机带有辨认敌机的装置。英汉大词典〔get ... down〕They got down two enemy aircraft.他们击落了两架敌机21世纪英汉〔intruder〕Intruders destroyed two enemy aircraft.夜袭敌方机场的飞机击毁两架敌机英汉大词典〔kill〕The plane prepared to move in for the kill.飞机已作好击落敌机的准备。牛津高阶〔knock sth out〕Enemy aircraft have knocked out 25 tanks.敌机摧毁了25辆坦克。剑桥高阶〔light〕At first light on a Sunday morning, the warplanes raided the enemy's airport.星期天早晨天刚亮,战斗机空袭了敌机场。英汉大词典〔lookout〕We were instructed to keep a lookout for enemy aircraft.我们接到命令要密切注意敌机朗文当代〔machine-gun〕He machine-gunned the enemy planes.他用机枪扫射敌机21世纪英汉〔machine-gun〕The city was bombed and machine-gunned by enemy planes.这城市遭到了敌机的轰炸和机枪扫射。英汉大词典〔o'clock〕Enemy aircraft were approaching at six o'clock.敌机正从正后方(或正下方)渐渐逼近。英汉大词典〔pinpoint〕Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.我们的雷达准确地对准来袭的敌机21世纪英汉〔pinpoint〕Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes.我们的雷达确定了来袭敌机的精确位置。英汉大词典〔pour into〕We poured two rockets into the enemy's plane.我们向敌机发射了两枚火箭。21世纪英汉〔pursuit plane〕A high-speed fighter plane designed and equipped to pursue and attack enemy aircraft.歼击机,驱逐机:一种设计和装备来追逐和攻击敌机的高速战斗机美国传统〔range〕Our fighters ranged the sky above the bombers for the enemy.我方战斗机群在轰炸机上方的高空搜索敌机英汉大词典〔retreat〕Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city).敌机的轰炸迫使坦克(从这座城市)撤离。剑桥高阶〔ridden或rid〕It is not safe for the ships to ride (at anchor) in the harbour when the enemy planes are hovering overhead.当敌机在上空盘旋时,船只停泊在港内是不安全的。21世纪英汉〔scan〕The area was scanned for signs of enemy aircraft.该空域由雷达扫描以便发现敌机踪迹。英汉大词典〔scramble〕To cause (aircraft) to take off as fast as possible, as to intercept enemy aircraft.命令紧急起飞:命令飞机紧急起飞以便截击敌机美国传统〔scramble〕To take off with all possible haste, as to intercept enemy aircraft.紧急起飞:为了拦截敌机而紧急起飞美国传统〔search〕Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft.战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。牛津高阶〔send ... down〕Two enemy planes sent down.两架敌机被击落。21世纪英汉〔sighting〕We now have three confirmed sightings of an enemy plane.我们现在已经证实曾 3 次目击到敌机牛津搭配〔sink〕Enemy aircraft sank two battleships.敌机击沉了两艘军舰。剑桥高阶〔skim〕The enemy plane skimmed over the heads of the refugees.敌机从难民们的头上掠过。英汉大词典〔sneak〕An enemy plane sneaked through the air defences without being noticed.一架敌机偷偷穿过层层空防设施而未被察觉。英汉大词典〔submerge〕The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.潜艇发现敌机后马上下潜。剑桥高阶〔swat〕These missiles are capable of swatting enemy planes with deadly accuracy.这些导弹能准确无误地击中敌机剑桥高阶〔target〕The enemy bombers targeted our arsenal.敌机把我们的兵工厂作为轰炸目标。21世纪英汉〔target〕The stationary trucks were sitting targets for the enemy planes.静止的卡车是敌机的活靶子。牛津搭配〔terror〕The sound of enemy planes struck terror into our hearts.一听到敌机的声音,我们就胆战心惊。朗文当代〔traverse〕The searchlights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.探照灯灯光扫过夜空搜寻敌机英汉大词典〔under〕The ship came under attack from enemy aircraft.轮船遭到敌机的袭击。麦克米伦高阶〔vicinity〕No enemy aircraft was seen in the vicinity.附近看不到敌机外研社新世纪〔watch〕Two soldiers were ordered to keep watch for enemy aircraft.两名士兵奉命监视敌机牛津搭配〔zone〕An enemy plane was shot down after it violated the exclusion zone.一架敌机因违反禁区规定被击落。牛津搭配A heat sensor in the nose of the missile locks on/onto (= finds and then follows) the hot exhaust outlet from a target aircraft.导弹头部的热遥感器会锁定跟踪敌机的热排放口。剑桥国际Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city).敌机的进攻迫使坦克(从城市中)撤退。剑桥国际Enemy aircraft have knocked out 25 tanks.敌机摧毁了25辆坦克。剑桥国际Enemy planes engaged the troops as they advanced into the mountains.部队进入山区时,敌机对他们发动了进攻。剑桥国际Five enemy aircraft have been shot down over the coast. 5 架敌机已在海岸上空被击落。剑桥国际Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes. 我们的雷达确定了来袭敌机的精确方位。译典通Radar equipment is used to detect (= find the position of) enemy aircraft.雷达装置用来侦察敌机剑桥国际The aircraft has equipment to fingerprint enemy planes. 这架飞机有辨别敌机的装置。译典通The enemy plane fled with the tail between its legs. 敌机夹著尾巴逃跑了。译典通The enemy plane was shot down. 敌机被击落了。译典通The enemy planes bombed the city twice in a week. 敌机一周内对此城轰炸过两次。译典通The enemy was shot down by our anti-aircraft fire. 敌机被我方的高射砲火击落。译典通The heat-seeking rockets / missiles will follow the enemy aircraft even if it changes direction.热跟踪火箭 / 导弹会自动跟踪敌机,即使后者改变方向也不受影响。剑桥国际The rules were that houses had to be completely blacked out after dark to prevent them being seen by enemy aircraft.纪律规定天黑后房屋必须彻底实行灯火管制以防被敌机发现。剑桥国际The submarine submerged when enemy planes were sighted.潜水艇发现敌机即潜入海中。剑桥国际We downed (= shot to the ground) three enemy planes with our missiles.我们用导弹击落了3架敌机剑桥国际We're safe from attack now --the enemy planes have gone.我们现在不会受到袭击了----敌机已经飞走了。剑桥国际




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