

单词 政治舞台
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arena〕After 30 years in the political arena, our local member of parliament is retiring next year.我们当地选出的这位下议院议员已经在政治舞台上活跃了30年,明年他就要退休了。剑桥高阶〔arena〕He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena.他清楚地表明他无意退出政治舞台柯林斯高阶〔blip〕At that time, the organization was only a blip on the political radar screen.当时,这个组织在政治舞台上只是个不起眼的小角色。韦氏高阶〔boost〕His work on the high-profile lawsuit has boosted him into the political arena.他办的那桩备受瞩目的诉讼案把他推上了政治舞台韦氏高阶〔comeback〕He's hoping to make his political comeback in the next election.他希望在下次选举中重返政治舞台麦克米伦高阶〔fringe〕The party remained on the fringe of the political scene until last year.直到去年为止这个政党一直处在政治舞台的外围。柯林斯高阶〔impotent〕The smaller nations feel politically impotent on the world stage.较小的国家觉得在世界政治舞台上无能为力。麦克米伦高阶〔landscape〕Recent electoral shocks have shaken the European political landscape.最近的选举风波震动了欧洲的政治舞台朗文当代〔landscape〕We can expect changes in the political landscape.我们等着看政治舞台上的变化吧。牛津高阶〔notable〕The former prime minister is notable by her absence from the political stage at present.前首相眼下因从政治舞台消失而引起世人对她的关注。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕This pitched him into the political arena.这使他从此走上了政治舞台英汉大词典〔stage〕Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage.德国在国际政治舞台上扮演着主导角色。牛津高阶〔stage〕Gore has stepped back onto the political stage.戈尔已重返政治舞台牛津搭配〔stage〕He has no intention of leaving the political stage.他不打算离开政治舞台韦氏高阶〔stage〕He is a skilled performer on the political stage.在政治舞台上他是个老手。麦克米伦高阶〔stage〕He was finally forced off the political stage last year by the deterioration of his physical condition.他最终因身体状况恶化被迫于去年离开了政治舞台柯林斯高阶〔stage〕She was forced to the centre of the political stage.她被推到了政治舞台的中心。牛津高阶〔strut〕The man has strutted importantly about the national stage for years.此人多年来在国家政治舞台上扮演重要角色。英汉大词典An old civil rights warhorse, she has returned to the political arena to fight another battle.作为一位争取民权的老战士,她又回到了政治舞台,开始另一场战斗。剑桥国际He has become an increasingly inconsequential figure on the political scene.他在政治舞台上成了个越来越无足轻重的人物。剑桥国际The issue of nuclear power has come to the centre of the political stage.核能问题已逐渐成为政治舞台的中心议题。剑桥国际




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