

单词 放在膝上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔VERTICAL〕She sat quietly, her violin held upright in her lap. 她静静地坐着,把小提琴笔直地放在膝上朗文写作活用〔balance〕She was balancing a plate of food on her knees.她把一盘食物稳稳地放在膝上朗文当代〔balance〕We all sat with plates balanced on our knees.我们都坐着,盘子平稳地放在膝上麦克米伦高阶〔bounce〕He bounced the baby (= lifted it up and down) on his knee.他把婴儿放在膝上颠着玩。剑桥高阶〔bounce〕Patsy had picked up the baby and was bouncing him on her knee.帕齐把婴儿抱起来放在膝上颠。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕Patsy had picked up the baby and was bouncing him on her knee.帕齐抱起婴儿放在膝上颠动着。柯林斯高阶〔bounce〕She bounced the baby on her knee.她把婴儿放在膝上颠着玩。21世纪英汉〔bounce〕She sat bouncing a baby on her knee.她坐着把婴儿放在膝上上下颠动。麦克米伦高阶〔hand〕He sat quietly with his hands folded in his lap.他静静地坐着,双手交叉放在膝上韦氏高阶〔jump〕The mother is jumping her baby up and down on her knees.那位母亲正把她的小孩放在膝上上下颠动着。21世纪英汉〔knee〕Many is the time I've had him across my knee and belted him with a slipper.我曾经多次把他脸朝下放在膝上,用拖鞋打他屁股。英汉大词典〔knee〕She sat with her child on her knee.她把孩子放在膝上坐着。英汉大词典〔lady〕A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap.淑女端坐时总是双手放在膝上,不发一言。柯林斯高阶〔lap〕He sat with his hands clasped in his lap.他坐着,双手紧握放在膝上麦克米伦高阶〔lower〕She lowered her gaze to the hands in her lap.她低头凝视着放在膝上的双手。外研社新世纪〔spread〕He had a newspaper spread open on his knee.他把报纸铺开放在膝上牛津搭配〔together〕She clasped her hands together on her lap.她十指紧扣,放在膝上柯林斯高阶〔together〕She clasped her hands together on her lap.她合起 双手, 放在膝上外研社新世纪〔tray〕He balanced the tray on his knees.他把盘子平稳地放在膝上牛津搭配He bounced the baby (= lifted it up and down) on his knee.他把婴孩放在膝上颤动。剑桥国际She bounced the child on her knees. 她把孩子放在膝上颠动著玩。译典通




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