

单词 放在桌子上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ON/ON TOP OF〕Richard put the letter down on the table. 理查德把信放在桌子上朗文写作活用〔PUT〕She unfolded the map and laid it on the table. 她展开地图,放在桌子上朗文写作活用〔belong〕That lamp belongs on the desk.那盏灯应该放在桌子上麦克米伦高阶〔cut〕Place the cards face down on the table and cut them.把纸牌正面朝下放在桌子上,然后切牌。柯林斯高阶〔daily〕Copies of the local daily had been scattered on a table.几份当地的日报散放在桌子上柯林斯高阶〔deposit on〕She deposited the bag on the table.她把手提包放在桌子上21世纪英汉〔disappear〕The letter I had left on my desk had disappeared.我放在桌子上的信不见了。麦克米伦高阶〔downwards〕She placed the photo face downwards on the table.她把照片正面朝下放在桌子上麦克米伦高阶〔down〕Put the box down on the table.把盒子放在桌子上吧。麦克米伦高阶〔dump on〕He dumped his books on the desk.他把书堆放在桌子上21世纪英汉〔fork〕Put the knives and forks on the table.把刀叉摆放在桌子上朗文当代〔glass〕I put my glass down on the table.我把玻璃杯放在桌子上牛津搭配〔go〕I put my book on the table, and now it's gone.我把书放在桌子上,可是现在没了。麦克米伦高阶〔lain〕The novel is lying on the table.小说平放在桌子上21世纪英汉〔lay out〕Brochures were laid out on a table.小册子整齐地摆放在桌子上韦氏高阶〔lay together〕Lay the tools together on the table.把工具挨个放在桌子上21世纪英汉〔lay〕He laid the tray down on the table.他把托盘放在桌子上剑桥高阶〔lie〕The book lay open on the table.书摊开放在桌子上朗文当代〔lie〕The book lies on the desk.那本书放在桌子上文馨英汉〔lie〕The book was lying open on the desk.这本书打开着平放在桌子上韦氏高阶〔on〕Put it down on the table.把它放在桌子上牛津高阶〔pile〕Please pile your homework books neatly on the table as you leave.离开时请把你们的作业本整齐地叠放在桌子上剑桥高阶〔pile〕The dirty plates had been stacked in a pile on the table.脏盘子已经摞成一堆放在桌子上了。外研社新世纪〔place〕He placed the money on the table.他把钱放在桌子上21世纪英汉〔place〕Place the card face down on the table.把卡片正面朝下放在桌子上外研社新世纪〔plonk〕He plonked a couple of glasses on the table.他把几个玻璃杯重重地放在桌子上朗文当代〔plonk〕He plonked the bottle on the table.他把瓶子重重地放在桌子上麦克米伦高阶〔put down〕She carefully put the vase down on the table.她小心翼翼地把花瓶放在桌子上韦氏高阶〔put〕She put her bag on the table.她把包放在桌子上剑桥高阶〔put〕She put the books on the table.她把书放在桌子上美国传统〔remember〕You left your keys on the table, remember? 你把钥匙放在桌子上的,想起来了吗?朗文当代〔set〕He set a vase of flowers on the table.他把一瓶花放在桌子上剑桥高阶〔set〕She sets the book on the table.她把书放在桌子上美国传统〔stick down〕He stuck it down on the table.他把它放在桌子上外研社新世纪〔thump〕He thumped his cup down on the table.他把茶杯重重地放在桌子上朗文当代〔upon〕He carefully placed the vase upon the table.他小心翼翼地将花瓶放在桌子上韦氏高阶〔upon〕He set the tray upon the table.他把盘子放在桌子上柯林斯高阶〔upwards〕Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards.把手放在桌子上,手心朝上。牛津高阶〔weird〕That's weird - I thought I left my keys on the table but they're not there.真奇怪——我记得把钥匙放在桌子上了,但现在却不见了。剑桥高阶Chris laid his cigarette on the table and singed the top of it.克里斯将香烟放在桌子上,烫焦了桌面。剑桥国际He emptied out all his pockets onto the table. 他将所有口袋里的东西都拿出来放在桌子上译典通He left the photo on the table and stood looking down at it.他把照片放在桌子上,然后站在那儿盯着看。剑桥国际Please pile your textbooks neatly on the table as you leave.离开的时候请把课本整齐地叠放在桌子上剑桥国际Put your cup on the saucer, not on the table.把你的杯子放到茶碟上,不要放在桌子上剑桥国际Salt and pepper pots are often put beside each other on a table.盐瓶和胡椒瓶通常是一起放在桌子上的。剑桥国际She couldn't resist peeking inside the box that had been left on the table.她忍不住向放在桌子上的盒子里窥视。剑桥国际She put a jug on the table full to the brim (=completely filled) with cream.她把壶放在桌子上,里面装的奶油满到了边。剑桥国际




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