

单词 支持她
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕She's been giving speeches all over the state to whip up support for her campaign. 她一直在全州到处演讲以激起人们支持她的竞选活动。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕You're her husband - you should stick up for her. 你是她丈夫—你应当支持她朗文写作活用〔HELP〕She is my daughter, and I will love and support her no matter what happens. 她是我的女儿,不管发生什么事,我都会爱她,支持她朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Some of her former supporters are now expressing open hostility to her leadership. 一些过去支持她的人现在公开反对她的领导。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕She expressed her heartfelt thanks to all those who had helped and supported her. 她对所有帮助和支持她的人表示了衷心的感谢。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕She felt Mark should have sympathised with her and supported her, instead of criticizing. 她觉得马克应该同情她、支持她,而不是指责她。朗文写作活用〔THANK〕She said that she was greatly indebted to everyone who had supported her campaign. 她说她深深地感谢每一位支持她竞选的人。朗文写作活用〔albatross〕Her own supporters see her as an albatross who could lose them the election.就连支持她的人都把她看成是一个大包袱,认为她会使他们输掉这次选举。剑桥高阶〔approve〕The senator will give a speech endorsing her party's gubernatorial candidate.参议员将做出支持她所在党派州长候选人的演讲。美国传统〔back〕Her parents backed her in her choice of career.她父母支持她的职业选择。牛津高阶〔behind〕She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her.她知道,无论她做出什么决定,她的家人肯定会支持她的。牛津高阶〔betray〕She felt betrayed by her mother's lack of support.她觉得母亲背弃了她,因为母亲没有支持她剑桥高阶〔bogus〕She produced some bogus documents to support her application.她制作了一些伪造的文件来支持她的申请。剑桥高阶〔candidacy〕The local party supported her candidacy for the post of chairman.当地政党支持她作为候选人竞选主席职位。朗文当代〔cite〕She cited several authorities to support her case.她列举几个案例来支持她的论据。牛津同义词〔come what may〕He promised to support her, come what may.他答应无论如何都支持她韦氏高阶〔come〕He promised to support her come what may.他答应不管出现什么问题都支持她牛津高阶〔come〕Nurses have threatened to come out in support of their pay claim.护士们威胁说要以罢工来支持她们的加薪要求。朗文当代〔contention〕There is no evidence to support her contention.没有证据支持她的论点。牛津搭配〔damage〕The judge upheld her claim for damages against her former employer.法官支持她向以前的雇主索赔。牛津搭配〔decision〕The management committee upheld her decision to fire two of her staff.管理委员会支持她解雇两名员工的决定。牛津搭配〔encouraged〕She felt encouraged by their promise of support.他们承诺支持她,这使她感到备受鼓舞。剑桥高阶〔example〕She cited a number of recent examples to support her theory.她引用了一些最近的实例来支持她的理论。朗文当代〔favor〕Her father favored the idea of her going to law school.父亲支持她去读法学院的想法。韦氏高阶〔garner〕She garnered more evidence to support her theory.她收集了更多的证据来支持她的理论。韦氏高阶〔invoke〕She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.她援引了几位赫赫有名的学者来支持她的论点。牛津高阶〔judgement〕The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations.公司支持她的判断,采纳执行了她所有的建议。牛津搭配〔letter〕She received countless letters of support while in jail.在狱中她收到了不计其数支持她的信件。牛津搭配〔provide〕The author provides no documentary references to support her assertions.作者没有提供参考文献来支持她自己的论断。剑桥高阶〔qualification〕The committee supported her proposal, without qualification.委员会毫无保留地支持她的提议。牛津搭配〔rally around〕Connie's friends rallied around her.康妮的朋友们都站在她一边支持她外研社新世纪〔rally around〕Connie's friends rallied round her.康妮的朋友都一起支持她柯林斯高阶〔rally〕Friends and colleagues have rallied to her cause.朋友和同事们联合起来支持她的事业。牛津搭配〔rally〕Friends rallied to her.朋友们都联合起来支持她牛津搭配〔shred〕There isn't a shred of evidence to support her accusation.没有丝毫证据支持她的指控。剑桥高阶〔side with〕She sided with her friend in the argument.她在辩论中,支持她朋友的观点。韦氏高阶〔side〕The family will be at her side throughout the trial.家人在整个审讯过程中都会支持她麦克米伦高阶〔sincere〕The senator's party gave its wholehearted support to her presidential candidacy.这位参议员所在的党全力支持她成为总统候选人。美国传统〔stand by〕I wouldn't break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her if she did.我不会为朋友去犯法,但如果她犯了法的话我会支持她柯林斯高阶〔stand by〕I wouldn't break the law for a friend, but I would stand by her if she did.我不会为朋友去犯法, 但如果她犯了法的话我会支持她外研社新世纪〔stand by〕She stood by her husband throughout the trial.在整个审判过程中,她始终支持她的丈夫。韦氏高阶〔supportive〕He has always been extremely supportive of her.他一向都非常支持她麦克米伦高阶〔supportive〕She has very supportive parents.她的父母很支持她韦氏高阶〔support〕Her friends supported her by signing her petition.她的朋友通过签署请愿书支持她韦氏高阶〔tangible〕There is no tangible evidence to support her claim.没有确凿的证据可以支持她的要求。韦氏高阶〔there〕Despite what happened in the past I want her to know I am there for her.不管过去发生了什么, 我希望她知道, 有我在身边支持她外研社新世纪〔there〕Despite what happened in the past I want her to know I am there for her.无论过去发生过什么,我希望她知道,我是支持她的。柯林斯高阶〔thump〕All her classmates thumped for her.她的同班同学都全力支持她21世纪英汉〔touching〕Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved.她的经历是一个妻子坚定地支持她深爱着的丈夫的感人故事。柯林斯高阶〔towards〕Her parents had been more sympathetic towards her.她的父母更支持她了。朗文当代〔unqualified〕I gave her my unqualified support.我全力支持她牛津高阶〔urge on〕She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on.她有一个坚强而支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。外研社新世纪〔urge on〕She had a strong and supportive sister who urged her on.她有一个坚强而支持她的姐姐在鼓励她。柯林斯高阶〔way〕You can feel that the audience is with her all the way.你可以感觉到听众完全支持她牛津高阶〔whom〕Her mother, in whom she confided, said she would support her unconditionally.她所信赖的母亲说将无条件地支持她牛津高阶If the nurses go on strike they may alienate public support for their pay claim.如果护士继续罢工的话,她们也许会使公众不再支持她们的提薪要求。剑桥国际She felt/seemed encouraged by their promise of support.她因为他们许诺支持她而感到鼓舞。剑桥国际She produced some bogus documents to support her claim.她提出了一些伪造的文献来支持她的观点。剑桥国际She spent months getting buy-in from management for her proposal.她花了数月的时间说服管理层支持她的建议。牛津商务She was stunned by the amount of support she received from well-wishers.居然有这么多善意的人支持她,实在令她受宠若惊。剑桥国际She was sustained by the strength of her religious faith.宗教信仰是支持她的精神力量。剑桥国际The author provides no documentary references to support her assertions.作者没有提供参考文献来支持她自己的论断。剑桥国际The right wing of the party is supporting her en bloc.党内右翼都支持她剑桥国际There isn't a shred of evidence to support her accu-sation.没有任何证据可以支持她的控诉。剑桥国际




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