

单词 提高的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Fox was one of the first US scientists to call attention to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 福克斯是最早提醒人们注意大气中二氧化碳含量提高的美国科学家之一。朗文写作活用〔by-bidder〕A person who bids at an auction to raise prices for the owner.竞标人:在拍卖活动中使物主的物品价格提高的出价人美国传统〔choke〕A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor.阻塞门:内燃机上通过减少流向汽化器的空气量使燃料混合物浓度提高的装置美国传统〔compromise〕Unions and management seem ready to compromise on the level of the increase.工会和资方看来准备在工资提高的幅度上相互让步。牛津搭配〔corrigible〕Capable of being corrected, reformed, or improved.可改正的:可以被改正的,可被改革或提高的美国传统〔didactic〕Inclined to teach or moralize excessively.赞同极度地教或提高的德性美国传统〔diminishing returns〕A yield rate that after a certain point fails to increase proportionately to additional outlays of capital or investments of time and labor.报酬递减:在某一点上不能比例于追加的资本投资或时间和劳力投资继续提高的生产率美国传统〔factor〕The vaccination program has been a major factor in the improvement of health standards.接种疫苗计划是健康水平得以提高的一个主要因素。朗文当代〔improved〕A more pleasant classroom environment could account for students' improved performance.更加令人愉快的课堂环境可能是学生们成绩提高的原因。麦克米伦高阶〔improvement〕Your English is much better, but there's still room for improvement (=it could be even better) .你的英语好多了,但还有提高的空间。朗文当代〔increase〕Recent tax increases have affected the poor more than the rich.新近提高的税收对穷人的影响比对富人大。朗文当代〔intelligent〕The ability to ask intelligent questions is one of the most important skills to develop for interviews.进行访谈所需要提高的最重要技能之一是提出敏锐问题的能力。外研社新世纪〔lift〕The extent or height to which something is raised or rises; the amount of elevation.提升高度:某物升高或被提高的高度或程度;提高的美国传统〔linear〕Students' reading does not always progress in a linear fashion.学生阅读水平并非始终都是呈直线形提高的麦克米伦高阶〔moving〕Local parents were the moving force/spirit behind the safety improvements at the playground (= they were the people who made them happen).当地的家长是使操场安全标准得以提高的推动力量。剑桥高阶〔offset〕The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率完全抵消了增加的工资成本。外研社新世纪〔offset〕The increase in pay costs was more than offset by higher productivity.提高的生产率抵消了增加的工资成本后仍有结余。柯林斯高阶〔plug〕If you keep plugging away at it, your English will improve.如果坚持学习,你的英语会提高的朗文当代〔productivity〕Wage increases outpaced growth in productivity.工资上涨的速度快于生产力提高的速度。牛津搭配〔proverbial〕The players pointed the proverbial finger at themselves as the ones needing to improve.这些球员简直就是在对自己竖中指,其实他们才是需要提高的人。剑桥高阶〔reflect〕Their clothes reflect a rising standard of living in their country.他们身穿的衣服显示出他们国内日益提高的生活水平。英汉大词典〔room〕The sales figures are good, but there is still room for improvement. () 销售额还不错,但是还有提高的空间。牛津搭配〔self-help〕The act or an instance of helping or improving oneself without assistance from others.自助,自立:不通过来自外界的援助而自我帮助或提高的行为或事实美国传统〔slack〕Without another contract to help pick up the slack, employees may face job losses.如果不能再接到合同把生产效率提高的话,员工就可能面临失业。朗文当代〔stick〕If you stick with it , your playing will gradually get better.如果坚持下去的话,你的演奏水平会逐步提高的朗文当代〔this〕If young Daly continues to improve at this rate, he'll soon be in the A Team.如果年轻的戴利继续以这种速度提高的话,他很快就会成为甲级队的一员。朗文当代〔uplift〕The act, process, or result of raising or lifting up.抬起,提高:抬起或提高的动作,过程或结果美国传统〔uplift〕Uplifted.振奋的;提高的美国传统In a compromise between management and unions, a 4% pay rise was agreed in return for an increase in productivity.资方与工会达成和解,同意以提升4%的工资来作为生产力提高的回报。剑桥国际Prediction is a skill which can be enhanced with experience.预言是个可以通过经验而提高的本领。剑桥国际




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