

单词 接受采访
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕The only reason she agreed to be interviewed was to plug her new record. 她同意接受采访的原因只有一个,那就是为了宣传她新录制的唱片。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕She sipped water all the way through the interview. 接受采访的过程中她一直在小口小口地喝水。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕Footballers are famous for being inarticulate when they are interviewed on TV, and Danny Lord was no exception. 足球运动员在电视上接受采访时不善言辞是众所周知的,丹尼·洛德也不例外。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕My life was an endless round of photo shoots, interviews, and serious partying. 我的生活是拍照、接受采访和在聚会中尽情玩乐,如此循环不已。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕The agency in charge of enforcing Mexico's gun laws declined requests for an interview. 负责执行墨西哥州枪支管理法的部门拒绝接受采访朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。牛津高阶〔advise〕The reporter was advised that the Prime Minister would not be available in October.记者接到通知说10月份首相无法接受采访英汉大词典〔agree〕She agreed to an interview. = She agreed to being interviewed.她同意接受采访韦氏高阶〔agree〕She reluctantly agreed to be interviewed.她勉强同意接受采访韦氏高阶〔anonymity〕He agreed to g ive an interview on condition of anonymity(= if his name was not mentioned).他同意在不披露姓名的条件下接受采访牛津高阶〔basically〕The interviewee used “basically” many times basically to indicate that he had much more to say on the subject.接受采访的人多次用“基本上”一词,目的在于说明关于这个题目他还有许多其他的话要说。英汉大词典〔break〕The minister has refused to give any interviews since the scandal broke.自从丑闻传出以后,部长就拒绝接受采访朗文当代〔charged〕The singer gave an emotionally charged interview.这位歌手接受采访时饱含激情。韦氏高阶〔clip〕They showed a clip of Robbie Williams being interviewed.他们播出了一段罗比·威廉姆斯接受采访的镜头。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕He rarely consents to do interviews.他很少会答应接受采访朗文当代〔coup〕It was a major coup when they got the Vice President to appear on their show for an interview.令人感到非常意外的是,他们请到了副总统上节目接受采访韦氏高阶〔demand〕She is in constant demand to make public appearances and give interviews.她不断地被邀约公开亮相,接受采访牛津搭配〔gravely〕The magazine isn't trying to ruin his career, the man's digging his own grave by refusing an interview.这份杂志并非想断送他的事业,而他拒绝接受采访就是在自毁前程。柯林斯高阶〔grave〕The man's digging his own grave by refusing an interview.这个人拒绝接受采访, 那是在自己害自己。外研社新世纪〔ground〕In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism.他接受采访时阐述了持乐观态度的理由。柯林斯高阶〔interval〕They will be interviewed again after an appropriate time interval has elapsed.等上一段适当的时间,他们将会再次接受采访牛津搭配〔interview〕He's a very private man and rarely does interviews.他是一个非常注重隐私的人,极少接受采访牛津搭配〔interview〕One hundred men will be interviewed during the two-year study.100名人员将在这项为期两年的研究中接受采访调查。麦克米伦高阶〔less〕He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.多达4家美国电视媒体排期邀请他上节目接受采访柯林斯高阶〔majority〕The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.大多数接受采访的人都喜欢看电视多于听收音机。牛津高阶〔message〕The President wants everyone to be/get back on message when giving interviews.总统希望每个人在接受采访时都能表示支持政府的决策。韦氏高阶〔occupation〕Approximately half the people interviewed were in manual occupations(=physical jobs).接受采访的人中大约一半从事体力劳动。麦克米伦高阶〔overexpose〕The club is careful not to let the younger players be overexposed, and rarely allows them to be interviewed.俱乐部不想让年轻队员过度曝光,因而很少允许他们接受采访牛津高阶〔payment〕Players now demand payment for interviews.队员们现在接受采访都要求付酬了。外研社新世纪〔pester〕The reporter kept pestering me for an interview.那记者一味纠缠要我接受采访英汉大词典〔positively〕Very few of those interviewed spoke posit ively about their childhood.接受采访的人当中,很少有人说他们的童年是快乐的。牛津高阶〔praise〕The patients interviewed had nothing but praise for the hospital staff.接受采访的病人对医院的工作人员全是赞扬之词。牛津搭配〔readily〕She had readily agreed to the interview, but now she was having second thoughts.她本已乐意接受采访,但是现在她有了别的想法。麦克米伦高阶〔readiness〕Over half the people interviewed expressed their readiness to die for their country.半数以上接受采访的人都表示愿意为国献身。牛津高阶〔ready〕She was always ready to give interviews.她一向乐意接受采访外研社新世纪〔ready〕She was always ready to give interviews.她一向乐意接受采访柯林斯高阶〔recognition〕Many of those interviewed said their job had changed beyond recognition (= changed completely) over the past five years.很多接受采访的人都说近 5 年来他们的工作发生了翻天覆地的变化。牛津搭配〔repairer〕The government continued to try to repair the damage caused by the minister's interview.政府不断努力弥补因该部长接受采访带来的不良影响。柯林斯高阶〔shy〕Although publicity-shy , he recently agreed to be interviewed.虽然他不喜欢抛头露面,最近他还是同意接受采访朗文当代〔silence〕This is the first time he has broken silence for an interview.这是他第一次打破沉默接受采访英汉大词典〔subliminal〕The leader was interviewed in front of a factory to give the subliminal message that he was a man of the people.这位领袖在一家工厂前接受采访,暗示自己和老百姓打成一片。剑桥高阶〔unused〕Unused to being interviewed, she appears tense.不习惯接受采访, 她显得很紧张。外研社新世纪〔well known〕It is well known that he never gives interviews.众所周知,他从不接受采访剑桥高阶〔wont〕As was his wont, Barelli refused to be interviewed.像惯常那样,巴雷利拒绝接受采访麦克米伦高阶He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.他是个隐居的百万富翁,拒绝接受采访剑桥国际It is well known that he never gives interviews.众所周知,他从不接受采访剑桥国际The singer was interviewed in his £1 500 a night hotel suite.歌星在1 500英镑一夜的旅馆套房里接受采访剑桥国际The singer was wearing a leather suit and heavy gold jewellery for the interview.那位歌手穿着皮套装,带着贵重的黄金首饰接受采访剑桥国际Three-quarters of the 672 doctors interviewed claimed to have fewer than four drinks a week and 12% said they were teetotal.接受采访的672位医生中有四分之三主张每周喝酒以四杯为限,12%说他们是主张绝对戒酒的。剑桥国际Unlike many of the medical profession's elder statesmen, the members of this group prefer not to give interviews on TV.不像许多医学界的元老,这团体的成员不喜欢在电视上接受采访剑桥国际




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