

单词 排列成
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕After the flood, hundreds of stranded vehicles lined the roads. 洪水退去后,数以百计滞留的车辆在路上排列成行。朗文写作活用〔V-engine〕An internal-combustion engine having cylinders arranged so that pairs form V shapes.V型发动机:具有成对排列成V型的汽缸的内燃机美国传统〔arrange〕She arranged the chairs in neat rows.她把椅子整齐地排列成行。牛津搭配〔boot〕Cars lined up with their boots wide open.汽车排列成行,行李箱全大敞着。英汉大词典〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔column〕A formation, as of troops or vehicles, in which all elements follow one behind the other.列:部队或车辆排列成的前后队型美国传统〔draw〕The troops were drawn up in battle array.部队排列成战斗队形。英汉大词典〔echelon〕To arrange or take place in an echelon.排成梯队:排列成梯队或以梯队形式发生美国传统〔embattle〕To prepare for battle; array.使准备战斗:准备战斗;使…排列成阵势美国传统〔endocardium〕The thin serous membrane, composed of endothelial tissue, that lines the interior of the heart.心内膜:排列成心脏内部面上的薄浆层膜,由内皮细胞组织组成美国传统〔equivalent〕Capable of being put into a one-to-one relationship. Used of two sets.等价的,等积的:能排列成一一对应的。用于两组集合美国传统〔form〕The soldiers formed themselves into lines.这些士兵们排列成队。21世纪英汉〔line〕She lined the boxes up.她把盒子排列成行。英汉大词典〔line〕The streets were lined with cars.街上汽车排列成行。英汉大词典〔order〕The children lined up in order of age/height.孩子们按照年龄/身高顺序排列成队。剑桥高阶〔quincuncial〕Of, relating to, or forming a quincunx.梅花形的:五点排列成的梅花状的,与之有关的或形成梅花状的美国传统〔range〕Eggs were ranged small, medium, and large.蛋按小号、中号、大号排列成行。英汉大词典〔rank〕The books were neatly ranked in rows.这些书籍整整齐齐地排列成行。韦氏高阶〔round robin〕A petition or protest on which the signatures are arranged in a circle in order to conceal the order of signing.圆形签名请愿书或抗议书:签名时排列成圆形使分不清签名者先后的请愿书美国传统〔serial〕Of, forming, or arranged in a series.序列的:属于、形成或排列成一系列的美国传统〔swirl〕To be arranged in a spiral, whorl, or twist.回曲:被排列成螺旋状、螺纹状或盘旋状美国传统〔swirl〕To form into or arrange in a spiral, whorl, or twist.使回曲:形成或排列成螺旋形、螺纹形或盘旋形美国传统〔tabulate〕To arrange in tabular form; condense and list.将…排列成表格形式;将…浓缩并开列出来美国传统〔warp〕To arrange (strands of yarn or thread) so that they run lengthwise in weaving.排列(线等):整理排列(线或丝束)以使它们排列成纺织中的经线美国传统〔wedge〕The seats are arranged in wedges.座位被排列成一组组的楔形。英汉大词典The cabs were lined up outside the station.出租车在站外排列成行。剑桥国际We followed the line of cairns across the open hillside.我们跟随着排列成行的堆石标越过山坡。剑桥国际




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