

单词 digital
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT〕This leaflet should answer all the questions you have about switching to digital TV. 这本小册子应该可以解答你关于如何转换到数字电视的所有问题。朗文写作活用〔COBOL〕A language based on English words and phrases, used in programming digital computers for various business applications.COBOL语言:一种基于英文单词与词组的语言,用于编写数字式计算机的各式各样的商务程序美国传统〔FIRST〕The first-generation digital televisions cost over $2000. 第一代数字电视机要2,000多美元一台。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕No-one can say where the amazing explosion of digital services will take us. 谁也说不清数字服务的惊人急剧增长将把我们引向何方。朗文写作活用〔Image sensors〕Image sensors are used in digital cameras.图像传感器被应用于数码相机。韦氏高阶〔JPEG〕The standard algorithm for the compression of digital images.压缩数字影像的标准算法美国传统〔LED〕A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in digital displays, as of a calculator.发光二极管:一种半导体二极管,可将实用电压转变成亮光,用于数字显示,如计算器美国传统〔LEND〕It's a digital tape recorder, and it's on loan to me. 这是个数字录音机,是我借来的。朗文写作活用〔MIDI〕A standard for representing musical information in a digital format.乐器数字接口:以数字形态表现音乐讯息的一种标准美国传统〔MPEG〕Any of a set of standards established for the compression of digital video and audio data.动态影像压缩标准:任何一种用来压缩数字影音数据的标准美国传统〔accuracy〕Digital techniques achieve exceptionally high accuracy.数码技术可达到异常高的精确度。牛津搭配〔aid〕She has recently mastered digital photography with the aid of her grandson.她最近在孙子的帮助下学会了用数码相机照相。外研社新世纪〔aliasing〕The static distortion in digital sound caused by a low sampling rate.声音失真:由低采样率引起的数字声音静态失真美国传统〔analogue〕The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自录像带的模拟信号被转换成了数字代码。外研社新世纪〔analogue〕The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。柯林斯高阶〔analog〕It receives an analog video signal and converts it to a digital signal.它接收模拟视频信号,并将其转换为数字信号。韦氏高阶〔around〕Digital television has been around for some time now.数字电视已经面市一段时间了。牛津高阶〔blackout〕ITV Digital subscribers face a viewing blackout.英国独立电视公司的数字电视用户面临节目停播。外研社新世纪〔brief〕We should, in brief, invest heavily in digital systems.总之,我们应该在数字化设备上大力投资。朗文当代〔camera〕The documentary was shot using a hand-held digital camera.这部纪录片是用一部手提数码摄影机拍摄的。牛津搭配〔code〕It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.把数字信号重新转换回通常的电视信号需要另外的微芯片。柯林斯高阶〔code〕It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.需要不同的微芯片才能把数字代码重新转换成通常的电视信号。外研社新世纪〔cold〕Millions of ordinary workers feel left out in the cold by the shift to digital technology.数百万普通员工觉得产业的数字技术转型将他们抛在了一边。牛津搭配〔content〕Record companies have had to transform themselves into digital content providers.唱片公司不得不转型为数字化内容供应商。牛津搭配〔conversion〕No conversion from analogue to digital data is needed.没有必要把模拟转换为数字数据。牛津高阶〔convert〕The signal will be converted into digital code.信号会被转变为数字代码。柯林斯高阶〔convert〕The signal will be converted into digital code.信号将被转换成数字码。外研社新世纪〔counterattraction〕Digital downloads are now a major counterattraction to cinemagoing.如今数字下载已经成为去电影院的主要竞争娱乐方式。剑桥高阶〔curve〕We've fallen behind the curve when it comes to developing new digital products.就开发新的数码产品而论,我们已经落后了。牛津高阶〔decode〕The box decodes the digital signal for your CD player.这个盒子能给你的CD播放器的数字信号解码。韦氏高阶〔definition〕The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent.数字电视图像的清晰度很高。牛津高阶〔delivery〕Digital content delivery, especially music and video, is the next big business.数码内容的传送,特别是音乐和视频,是下一项大业务。牛津搭配〔demonstrate〕The BBC has demonstrated its digital radio system.英国广播公司演示了其数字广播系统。外研社新世纪〔demonstrate〕The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a new digital radio transmission system.英国广播公司刚刚成功地演示了一套新的数字无线电传输系统。柯林斯高阶〔design〕Digital design tools are essential.数字设计工具必不可少。牛津搭配〔digicam〕Film-making was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。外研社新世纪〔digicam〕Filmmaking was transformed by digital editing, digital f/x, and digicams.数字剪辑、数码特效以及数码摄像机改变了电影摄制方式。柯林斯高阶〔digital camera〕The speed with which digital cameras can take, process and transmit an image is phenomenal.数码相机拍摄、处理和传输图像的速度相当惊人。柯林斯高阶〔digital camera〕The speed with which digital cameras can take, process, and transmit an image is phenomenal.数码相机拍摄、处理和传输图像的速度相当惊人。外研社新世纪〔digital radio〕Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.制造商正在研制价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。柯林斯高阶〔digital radio〕Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.制造商正在研发价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。外研社新世纪〔digital satellite system〕A system in which a satellite dish receives a digital signal, decodes the signal, and passes it to a television, radio receiver, or computer.数字卫星系统:卫星碟形天线接收讯号,并将其译码传送至电视、无线电接受器或计算机的系统美国传统〔digitalin〕One of several mixtures of digitalis glycosides that are extracted from the leaves or seeds of the common foxglove.洋地黄叶片的糖苷混合物:一种毛地黄属葡糖苷的混合物,从普通熟地的叶子或种子里得到美国传统〔digitalize〕To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms.服最大的量:供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状美国传统〔digitally〕The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.新的数字技术将会使电视频道的数量迅速增加。柯林斯高阶〔digital〕In this new digital age, computers and the Internet are part of our everyday lives.在新的数码时代,计算机和互联网是我们日常生活的一部分。韦氏高阶〔digital〕With digital you can choose the camera angle you want.有了数字电视你就可以选择你想要的摄像角度。牛津高阶〔digital〕You can transfer digital images/pictures from your camera to your computer.你可以把相机上的数码图像/图片传到电脑上。韦氏高阶〔digitize〕To put (data, for example) into digital form.将(例如数据)数字化美国传统〔downside〕Digital cell phones offer more security, but the downside is that they have less power.数码手机提供了更好的安全性,但其不足之处在于功率不大。朗文当代〔duplicate〕Digital images can be duplicated in seconds.数码图像在几秒钟内就能复制好。麦克米伦高阶〔emergence〕Since their emergence in 2001, iPods have come to account for 50 per cent of the digital music player market.自2001年问世以来, 苹果音乐播放器已经占领了数字音乐播放器市场50%的市场份额。外研社新世纪〔exciting〕The launch of our digital satellite service is one of the most exciting things I've worked on.推出数字卫星服务是我所参与过的最让人兴奋的事情之一。麦克米伦高阶〔executive routine〕A set of coded instructions designed to use a digital computer to develop or control other routines.执行程序,执行例行程序,执行例行程序:为管理或控制其他程序而设计的用于数字计算机的一套编码指令美国传统〔expand〕Digital radio will expand the number of stations on air.数字广播将会增加广播电台的数量。外研社新世纪〔field〕Britain was leading the field in the digital revolution.英国曾在数字革命中处于领先地位。外研社新世纪〔form〕The data is stored in digital form.数据以数字形式存储。牛津搭配〔he's〕He's just bought a new digital camera.他刚买了一个新的数码相机。剑桥高阶〔hearing-impaired〕The hearing-impaired say digital phones interfere with hearing aids.听觉障碍者反映数字电话会对助听器造成干扰。柯林斯高阶〔heart〕I have set my heart on buying a digital camera.我已决定买一台数码相机。英汉大词典〔idle character〕An alphanumeric or digital character that is transmitted over a communications line but does not appear in the output of the receiving terminal.无效字符:一个虽经通信线路传递却未出现于接收终端输出设备的混合字符或数字字符美国传统〔image〕Advertisers have given permission to post these digital images.广告商已经允许发布这些数字图像。牛津搭配〔information〕Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.图片被扫描成一种电脑可以识别的数字信息形式。外研社新世纪〔information〕Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.照片被扫描成某种电脑可以识别的数字资料。柯林斯高阶〔label〕Their album was released on the Digital Experience label.他们的专辑由数码体验唱片公司发行。麦克米伦高阶〔leapfrog〕American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现在已经超越日本同行, 将在一两年内生产出一套数字系统。外研社新世纪〔leapfrog〕American researchers have now leapfrogged the Japanese and are going to produce a digital system within a year or two.美国研究人员现已乘日本人之东风赶超而上,将在一两年内研制出一套数字系统。柯林斯高阶〔market〕There will be a huge market for our digital systems.我们的数字系统将会有一个巨大的市场。麦克米伦高阶〔metadata〕Digital cameras can tag images with useful metadata.数码相机能够在图片上加上有用的元数据。剑桥高阶〔microserf〕Coupland's microserfs are the foot soldiers in the digital revolution.库普兰笔下的网虫是数码革命中的排头兵。英汉大词典〔mode〕Most digital cameras have an automatic mode.多数数码相机都有自动模式。牛津搭配〔move〕It's time this company moved into (= started to take advantage of the benefits of) the digital age.这家公司该实行数字化了。剑桥高阶〔niche〕The company fills a niche in the digital TV market.这家公司在数字电视市场中获得了一个独家经营的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔optical scanner〕A device that converts printed images and text into digital information that can be stored as a computer file and processed by graphics software.光学扫瞄器:可将印刷图像与文字转化为数字数据并储存成计算机文件以供影像软件进行处理的装置美国传统〔order〕My digital camera is out of order again.我的数码相机又坏了。 英汉大词典〔personal digital assistant〕A lightweight, hand-held, usually pen-based computer used as a personal organizer.个人数字助理:轻巧的手持计算机,通常配备手写笔,用作个人管理器美国传统〔photography〕With digital photography it's easier to view your pictures.有了数字摄影, 看照片就更方便了。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕I prefer to print my digital photographs.我喜欢把我的数码照片打印出来。牛津搭配〔photograph〕I took a lot of photographs with my digital camera during my holiday.我在度假期间用数码相机拍了许多照片。英汉大词典〔present〕This digital camera would make an excellent present for Christmas.这部数码相机可以作为一件上佳的圣诞礼物。英汉大词典〔price〕Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes.Digital公司新产品的定价比同类主机的一半还要低。柯林斯高阶〔print〕Photographs can be printed from a digital file or from a negative.数字文档或底片均可打印出照片。牛津搭配〔produce〕The letter has been produced with digital technology.那封信是用数字技术制作出来的。牛津搭配〔program〕This program allows you to edit and catalogue digital photographs.运用这一程序能编辑数码照片并为其编目分类。牛津搭配〔prototype〕The team is developing a prototype for a digital compact camera.这个小组正在研制袖珍数码相机的模型。牛津搭配〔readout〕Presentation of data, usually in digital form, from calculations or storage.读出:计算得出或从存储器中取出,通常是以数字形式表现的数据美国传统〔readout〕The calculator has a digital readout.这个计算器有一个数字显示屏。韦氏高阶〔readout〕The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle's speed.该系统提供车辆速度的数字读数。外研社新世纪〔readout〕The system provides a digital readout of the vehicle's speed.这个系统提供车辆速度的电子读数。柯林斯高阶〔reception〕A new digital antenna might improve your reception.安装一个新的数码天线可能会改善接受效果。剑桥高阶〔recharger〕The digital camera has a built-in recharger.数码相机有内置充电器。韦氏高阶〔red-eye〕The digital photo editing program can be used to remove red-eye.数码照片编辑程序可以用来去除红眼。韦氏高阶〔reengineer〕Radio networks are being reengineered to give digital operation.无线电网络正被改造成数字模式操作。朗文当代〔removable〕I'm looking for a digital camera with a removable lens.我正在寻找一款带可拆装镜头的数码相机。韦氏高阶〔represent〕Representing an image accurately requires a great many bytes of digital information.精确显示图像需要大量字节的数字信息。牛津搭配〔reproduction〕Digital recording gives excellent sound reproduction.数码录音的声音效果极佳。牛津高阶〔retrieve〕The new version of the software automatically retrieves digital information.新版软件会自动检索数字信息。朗文当代〔reverb〕The unit includes built-in digital effects like reverb.这个设备具有诸如混响之类的内置数码音效。柯林斯高阶〔road test〕We ran a road test on two new digital radios.我们试用了两台数字收音机以了解其性能。剑桥高阶〔roaming〕International Roaming is your digital mobile phone's passport to travel but the cost of calls is high.国际漫游服务可使数字手机在全球畅通无阻,但话费却很高。柯林斯高阶〔service〕The studio launches its own digital music download service next month.这个工作室将于下月推出自己的数字音乐下载服务。牛津搭配〔sharp〕The new high-definition TV offers razor-sharp pictures and digital sound.这台新的高清电视画面及数字声音都非常清晰。麦克米伦高阶〔ship〕Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215.柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。21世纪英汉〔signal〕The digital signal travels down wires to the server.数字信号沿着线路传到服务器。牛津搭配〔signature〕The law recognizes a digital signature for online transactions.法律认可在线交易时数字签名有效。牛津搭配〔sound〕The digital music player delivers phenomenal sound.这台数码音乐播放器音质非常棒。外研社新世纪〔stamp〕The software uses digital time stamps.该软件使用数字时间戳。牛津搭配〔strengthen〕The development of new electronic products has strengthened the company's position as the leader in digital technology.新型电子产品的开发巩固了这家公司在数码技术领域的领导地位。韦氏高阶〔subscription〕East Coast Pay Television was Australia's first digital direct broadcast satellite subscription television service.东海岸付费电视台是澳大利亚第一家提供数字化卫星直播服务的收费电视频道。外研社新世纪〔subscription〕East Coast Pay Television was Australia's first digital direct broadcast satellite subscription television service.东海岸付费电视台是澳大利亚第一家提供数字化卫星直播服务的收费电视频道。柯林斯高阶〔such〕I’m not a digital media expert as such, but one of our guys who is, wrote down the specs I needed.我不是数字媒体专家, 但我们中有一个人是, 写了我需要的技术规范说明。外研社新世纪〔support〕This digital audio player supports multiple formats.这台数字音频播放器支持多种格式。牛津高阶〔toy〕Dave's bought a new digital camera – it's his latest toy.戴夫买了一台新的数码相机——那是他的新宠。麦克米伦高阶〔traction〕In our digital age, it takes less time for new words and phrases to gain traction than it did in the past.在当前数码时代,新词或词组流行起来要过去快得多。剑桥高阶〔transmit〕The system transmits information over digital phone lines.这一系统通过数字电话线路传输信息。朗文当代〔travel〕I suppose the digital camera must have come from abroad on your travels.我想这架数码相机一定是你出国旅游时带回来的。英汉大词典〔trend〕Digital technology is the latest/current trend in television.数字技术是电视业中最新/流行的趋势。韦氏高阶〔upload〕She uploaded the pictures from her digital camera to her computer.她将照片从数码相机上传至电脑。韦氏高阶〔video〕Video files can be readily transmitted over digital broadband.用数字宽带可快速传输视频文件。牛津搭配〔watermark〕The card has a digital watermark detectable only to electronic cash dispensers.这种卡上带有只能被电子取款机识别的数码水印。朗文当代〔webcam〕A camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the Internet or other network.网络摄影机:用来处理数字相片以及将其传送到因特网上或其它网络的摄影机美国传统Digital audio is the last word (= is the best) in sound reproduction.数码音响是最好的放音设备。剑桥国际Digital codes are used to authenticate the user's identity.用数字代码鉴定用户的身分。牛津商务Digital compact cassettes are one of several digital recording media.数字式压缩存储磁带是几种数字式的记录介质之一。剑桥国际Digital content is so easily stored and distributed that it is difficult to protect.数字内容易于保存和传播以至于难以保护。牛津商务Digital information is imprinted on a compact disc in the form of microscopic rounded hollows called pits.数字信息以被称作纹孔的微型圆形凹穴印在光盘上。剑桥国际Before the digital revolution, mankind relied upon analog signals to communicate with one another. 在数位革命之前,人类的通讯多半是靠类比的讯号。译典通For Sale: digital camera, $150 obo.出售:数码相机,150 元,价格可议。牛津商务In electronic calculator displays and digital watch read-outs, the digits are made up from diodes.在电子计算器和数字式手表数字读出屏上,数字是由二极管组成的。剑桥国际Information coming from the camera is converted to digital format and stored on disc for later retrieval.来自摄影机的信息被转换成数字格式,存在磁盘上,以备以后的检索。剑桥国际It is one of a new class of electronic products variously called ‘personal communicators’or ‘personal digital assistants’ 那是其中一个新型的电子产品,叫作“个人通讯器”,或者叫作“个人数字助手”。剑桥国际Liquid crystal displays are used in calculators, portable computers and digital watches and clocks.液晶显示器被用于计算器、手提电脑和数字式手表、钟表上。剑桥国际Many TV companies are converting to digital.许多电视公司都转为生产数字电视。牛津商务Most digital cameras use flash memory.大多数数码相机采用闪存。牛津商务Most PC companies offer digital cameras as an add-on.大部分个人电脑公司提供数码照相机作为附加设备。牛津商务Most computers now are digital computers.现在的大多数计算机是数字计算机。剑桥国际My grandmother can't stand those watches with digital read-outs, she always buys analogue models.我祖母不习惯用液晶数字显示手表,她总是买指针式的电子表。剑桥国际Our digital camera has been named best in class by ‘PC Magazine’.我们的数码相机获《个人电脑杂志》选为同类产品中的最佳。牛津商务People need more computer skills to compete in today's digital economy.人们需要更多的计算机技能才能在当今的数字化经济中与人竞争。牛津商务Quartz crystals are widely used in digital watches.石英晶体被广泛运用于数字显示表中。剑桥国际The digital channel has expanded its subscriber base to 2 million.数字频道的用户基数已扩大到 200 万。牛津商务The digital images can then be transferred to/onto disk.数字图像可以转存到磁盘上。牛津商务The digital organizer can record up to 45 minutes of dictation.这电子记事簿可以记录长达 45 分钟的口述资料。牛津商务The company has just unveiled two promising new digital technologies.这家公司刚刚推出了两项前景广阔的新型数字技术。牛津商务The company has several digital brands (= products sold on the Internet).这公司有好几个数字化品牌(在互联网上销售的产品)。牛津商务The government wants to switch all viewers from analogue to digital by 2010.政府希望到 2010 年将所有电视观众接收的信号从模拟信号转变到数字信号。牛津商务The images are stored in a digital format.影像以数字格式贮存。牛津商务The origination process involves transferring the digital designs onto plastic film.印前工艺包括将数码设计转移到塑料薄膜上。牛津商务The phone comes equipped with a built-in digital camera.这款电话配备了一个内置数码相机。牛津商务The quality of sound from a digital audio tape is truly excellent.从数字声频带传出的声音质量的确出色。剑桥国际The system allows you to attach a digital signature to your emails.这系统让你能够在所发的电子邮件上附加数字签名。牛津商务They have played a pioneering role in the development of digital radio.他们在数字无线电开发方面起了先锋作用。牛津商务They have positioned themselves as the cost leader in digital telephones.他们将自己定位为数字电话的成本领先者。牛津商务They recently debuted a phone incorporating a digital camera.他们最近推出了一款内置数码相机的手机。牛津商务This digital camera has all the latest bells and whistles.这款数码相机具有所有最新的装饰性附属配件。牛津商务This model was selected as the best-value digital camera on the market.这款数码相机当选最具市场价值的数码相机。牛津商务To quit your reliance on digital devices, you must embark upon a digital detox period. 要戒除你对数位工具的依赖,你必须开始一段数位戒毒期。译典通Two basic types of internal memory are used in digital computers: Read-Only Memory (ROM) and Random-Access Memory (RAM).两种基本内存被应用于数字计算机中: 只读存储器和随机存储器。剑桥国际You can upload an image directly from a digital camera.你可以直接从数码相机上传图像。牛津商务




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