

单词 拥戴
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acclaim〕They acclaimed him (as) president.他们欢呼拥戴他为总统。英汉大词典〔allegiance〕Both candidates are working hard to convince voters to switch allegiances.两位候选人都在努力说服选民们改变拥戴对象。韦氏高阶〔allegiance〕He affirmed his allegiance to the president.他坚称自己拥戴总统。牛津高阶〔allegiance〕He keeps everyone guessing about his true allegiance.他一直让大家猜测谁是他真正的拥戴对象。牛津搭配〔allegiance〕In Sale, disappointed voters switched their allegiance in droves.在塞尔, 一批批失望的选民改变了他们的拥戴对象。外研社新世纪〔allegiance〕It is hard to keep up with the shifting allegiances between the various political parties.各个政党不断变换拥戴对象,令人跟都跟不上。牛津搭配〔as〕As popular as he is, the President hasn't always managed to have his own way.尽管总统很受拥戴,但他也并非总能随心所欲。朗文当代〔ballot box〕The popularity of the party's platform will be decided by the ballot box.用秘密选举来决定政党纲领被拥戴的程度美国传统〔element〕He was more popular among the rural elements.他在乡村中更受拥戴英汉大词典〔hail〕They hailed him (as) king.他们高呼拥戴他为王。文馨英汉〔hail〕They hailed him as King.大家欢呼拥戴他为国王。21世纪英汉〔image〕The history books built up a false image of an unpopular president.历史书树立了一个不受拥戴的总统的不实形象。牛津搭配〔just〕Charlemagne was respected as a just ruler.查理曼作为一个公正的统治者,受到大家拥戴朗文当代〔king〕They made him king (of England).他们拥戴他为(英国)国王。英汉大词典〔politic〕Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.很多城镇经常发现改变拥戴对象才是上策。柯林斯高阶〔reign〕She was a popular ruler throughout her reign.她当政时一直受到拥戴韦氏高阶〔stage〕The president was extremely popular on the world stage but was disliked in his own country.总统在世界舞台上极受欢迎,但在本国却不受拥戴剑桥高阶They made him king of England. 他们拥戴他为英国国王。译典通




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