

单词 拉图
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Atlantis〕A legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean west of Gibraltar, said by Plato to have sunk beneath the sea during an earthquake.亚特兰蒂斯:大西洋中一传说岛屿,位于直布罗陀西部,柏拉图声称在一场地震中沉入海底美国传统〔Neo-Platonism〕A revival of Neo-Platonism or a system derived from it, as in the Middle Ages.新柏拉图主义:新柏拉图主义的复兴或由它发展而来的体系,如在中世纪时期美国传统〔PERFECT〕Plato dreamed of an ideal society. 柏拉图梦想过一个理想的社会。朗文写作活用〔Platonic〕Platonic dialogues; Platonic ontology.柏拉图对话;柏拉图的本体论美国传统〔Platonic〕Platonic ideas柏拉图思想外研社新世纪〔Platonic〕Platonic teachings柏拉图学说外研社新世纪〔Proclus〕Greek philosopher and the last major Neo-Platonic teacher. He maintained that reality is fundamentally mental rather than material.普罗克洛斯:希腊哲学家,最后一个重要的新柏拉图主义的导师,他认为现实从基础上说是精神的而非物质的美国传统〔SEX〕In the novel, Edward and Susannah present a perfect model of platonic love. 小说里,爱德华和苏珊娜表现了一种理想的柏拉图式的爱情。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Their relationship was strictly platonic, even though she was living in his apartment. 他们的关系完全是柏拉图式的,虽然她住在他的公寓里。朗文写作活用〔academy〕Plato's school for advanced education.学园:柏拉图创建的高等教育学校美国传统〔academy〕Platonism.柏拉图哲学美国传统〔academy〕The disciples of Plato.柏拉图信徒美国传统〔demiurge〕Demiurge A Platonic deity who orders or fashions the material world out of chaos. Demiurge 造物主:柏拉图哲学中将物质世界从混沌中创造出来的神美国传统〔disseminate〕Plato's philosophy has been disseminated throughout the world.柏拉图哲学已被广泛传遍全世界。21世纪英汉〔echo down/through the ages〕The ideas of Plato have echoed through the ages.柏拉图的思想已经留传了千百年。剑桥高阶〔hula〕A Polynesian dance characterized by undulating hips, miming movements of the arms and hands, and usually accompanied by rhythmic drumbeats and chants.呼拉图舞:一种波利尼西亚舞,以臀部的起伏来模仿手臂和手的运动,通常用有节奏的鼓点或歌唱来伴奏美国传统〔ideal〕Existing as an archetype or pattern, especially as a Platonic idea or perception.观念的,理念的:以原型或固定形式出现的,特指柏拉图哲学中的观点或概念美国传统〔ideal〕Platonic ideals of beauty 柏拉图式的审美理想牛津搭配〔idea〕In the philosophy of Plato, an archetype of which a corresponding being in phenomenal reality is an imperfect replica.理念:柏拉图哲学中的一种原型,它在现实物质世界中有一个并不完美的复制品美国传统〔immortal〕Plato believed that the soul is immortal.柏拉图认为灵魂不灭。朗文当代〔incorporeal〕Plato demonstrated the incorporeal nature of the soul.柏拉图阐明灵魂是无形的。朗文当代〔nous〕In Neo-Platonism, the image of the absolute good, containing the cosmos of intelligible beings.奴斯:在新柏拉图主义中,作为绝好的形象,包括易领悟的生物宇宙美国传统〔phantasm〕In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses.幻觉,错觉:柏拉图哲学思想中,被第五感觉察觉并歪曲的客观事实美国传统〔philosopher〕Plato was a Greek philosopher.柏拉图是古希腊哲学家。剑桥高阶〔philosopher〕Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek philosophers 柏拉图、亚里士多德和其他希腊哲学家朗文当代〔platonic〕Our relationship was strictly platonic.我们的关系绝对是柏拉图式的。韦氏高阶〔platonic〕She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。柯林斯高阶〔platonic〕They had a platonic friendship, not a romantic one.他们之间是柏拉图式的友谊,不是爱情。韦氏高阶〔popularization〕It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept.亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念。柯林斯高阶〔project〕He embarked on an ambitious project to translate all the works of Plato.他开始了一项翻译柏拉图所有著作的艰巨计划。牛津搭配〔pupil〕Aristotle was Plato's most brilliant pupil.亚里士多德是柏拉图最杰出的门生。韦氏高阶〔strand〕Plato draws all the strands of the argument together.柏拉图把各个论点归结到一起。朗文当代〔theurgy〕Magic performed with the aid of beneficent spirits, as formerly practiced by the Neo-Platonists.法术:如先前新板拉图主义者在善良的精灵的帮助下的魔术表演美国传统〔thinker〕Plato was one of the world’s great thinkers.柏拉图是世界上伟大的思想家之一。牛津同义词〔thinker〕Such thinkers as Plato, Rousseau and Freud are well-known.像柏拉图、卢梭及弗洛伊德等思想家都是人所共知的。英汉大词典〔timocracy〕A state described by Plato as being governed on principles of honor and military glory.荣誉至上政治:一种柏拉图提出的由荣誉和军事荣誉为原则进行统治的国家美国传统It has been said that all philosophy is a footnote to Plato. 有人说过一切哲学都不过是柏拉图哲学的一个脚注而已。译典通Plato was a Greek philosopher.柏拉图是一位希腊哲学家。剑桥国际




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