

单词 扔垃圾
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOUD〕People living near the football stadium complain about litter and rowdy fans. 居住在足球场附近的人抱怨球迷乱扔垃圾,大声喧哗。朗文写作活用〔automatic〕Littering results in an automatic fine.乱扔垃圾必然要罚款。朗文当代〔chuck out〕Many companies have struggled valiantly to use less energy and chuck out less rubbish.很多公司都在努力减少能耗并少扔垃圾外研社新世纪〔cross〕It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.看到人们在大街上乱扔垃圾,我非常生气。牛津搭配〔drill〕It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter.我们从小就被叮嘱绝不能乱扔垃圾牛津高阶〔happen〕I happen to live here too – don't leave your rubbish everywhere! 我碰巧也住在这儿,请别乱扔垃圾麦克米伦高阶〔litterbug〕One who litters public areas with waste materials.在公共场合乱扔垃圾的人美国传统〔litterer〕Litterers are subject to a fine.乱扔垃圾的人难逃一罚。韦氏高阶〔litter〕He had to pay a fine for littering.他不得不因为乱扔垃圾而付罚金。韦氏高阶〔litter〕He was arrested for littering.他因乱扔垃圾被拘捕。牛津高阶〔litter〕It is illegal to litter.在公共场所乱扔垃圾是违法的。韦氏高阶〔litter〕People who drop litter can be fined in some cities.在有些城市,乱扔垃圾的人会被罚款。朗文当代〔litter〕People who litter often have no pride in the area.随地乱扔垃圾的人没有地区荣誉感。剑桥高阶〔litter〕The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts.当地议会保证要严厉惩治乱扔垃圾者。牛津搭配〔litter〕There will be fines for people who drop litter.乱扔垃圾的人将被罚款。牛津高阶〔litter〕You shouldn't litter.你不应该乱扔垃圾外研社新世纪〔penalty〕No littering. Penalty $500.禁止乱扔垃圾。违者罚款 500 美元。朗文当代〔remonstrate〕He got angry when I politely remonstrated with him about littering.当我礼貌地规劝他不要乱扔垃圾时,他生气了。韦氏高阶〔separate out〕Before you put out the trash, you have to separate out the bottles and cans.在扔垃圾之前,须将瓶子和罐头盒分拣出来。韦氏高阶〔tipping〕How do you stop people tipping?怎么制止人们乱扔垃圾呢?外研社新世纪〔trash〕The child trashed my lawn.那个小孩在我的草坪上扔垃圾21世纪英汉Please do not leave any litter in the picnic area.在野餐区内请勿乱扔垃圾剑桥国际The increased fines for litter louts are part of a range of measures for cleaning up the environment.提高对乱扔垃圾的人的罚款是为清洁环境而采取的一系列措施中的一部分。剑桥国际




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