

单词 所累
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bankrupt〕The company was almost bankrupted by legal costs.这家公司为律师费用所累几乎破产。牛津高阶〔be a victim of your own success〕The school has become a victim of its own success, as parents with children who have special needs now actively seek it out.这所学校已经为其成功所累,因为那些需要特殊教育的孩子的家长现在会想方设法向他们寻求帮助。剑桥高阶〔burden〕She was burdened with five small children.她为五个小孩所累文馨英汉〔burden〕The country was burdened with massive foreign debt.该国为庞大的外债所累文馨英汉〔burden〕The people were heavily burdened with taxation.=The people were burdened with heavy taxes.人民为重税所累文馨英汉〔encumber with〕The company is encumbered with debts.这家公司为债务所累21世纪英汉〔encumber〕It is still labouring under the debt burden that it was encumbered with in the 1980s.20世纪80年代它就受债务所累, 如今依然被这笔债务压得喘不过气来。外研社新世纪〔encumber〕The girl was encumbered with a suitcase and several packages.那位姑娘为一个小提箱和几个包裹所累21世纪英汉〔languish〕I sigh'd for fame, I languished for renown.我追求声名, 却为荣誉所累外研社新世纪〔martyr〕Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.埃尔斯沃思深为自己的荣誉感和责任感所累柯林斯高阶〔paranoia〕He was gripped by paranoia.他为偏执所累牛津搭配〔victim〕The small company became a victim of its own success when it could not supply all its orders on time.这家小公司为成功所累,未能按时全部交付订单。牛津搭配She was encumbered with debts. 她为债务所累译典通




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