

单词 所受
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLAIN〕Workers who had lost their jobs complained bitterly about the way they had been treated. 失去工作的工人忿忿不平地抱怨他们所受到的待遇。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Do we naturally have a sense of right and wrong, or are we taught it? 我们天生就有是非观念,还是这是我们所受的教育?朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The injuries sustained by the victim were not sufficient to have caused death in a healthy person. 受害者所受的伤对一个健康的人来说不足以造成死亡。朗文写作活用〔Magnus effect〕The force perpendicular to the forward motion on a spinning object moving through a fluid or gas, as that responsible for the curve on a curve ball.马格纳斯效应:当旋转物体通过液体或气体时,其所受到的垂直上举的力,而这也就是曲球会曲行的原因美国传统〔REDUCE〕Prompt action can often reduce the severity of shock in road accident victims. 立即采取行动常可以减轻车祸受害者所受打击的严重程度。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕I intend to speak to the manager about the way I have been treated. 我打算跟经理谈谈我所受到的对待。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Sylvie could still remember the hurt of being treated like an outsider. 西尔维还记得被当作局外人来对待所受的伤害。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Indian cinema shows several diverse influences. 印度电影表现出所受到的几种不同的影响。朗文写作活用〔accord〕Certainly in our society teachers don't enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers.的确,在我们这个社会中,老师没有得到像医生和律师所受到的那种尊敬。剑桥高阶〔angry〕He is very angry about the way he's been treated.他对自己所受的待遇感到愤慨。麦克米伦高阶〔ballast〕He stated that his training had given him ballast and a sense of responsibility.他说他所受到的训练使他变得坚定且具有责任感。英汉大词典〔boxed in〕He feels boxed in at work and wants greater freedom to develop his ideas.他觉得在工作上所受限制太多,想要更多的自由拓展自己的想法。剑桥高阶〔break out〕It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.我花了很长时间才摆脱掉自身所受的传统训练的羁绊。柯林斯高阶〔break someone's heart〕It breaks my heart to think of how those children have suffered.想到这些孩子所受的苦难,我就心碎。韦氏高阶〔caricature〕Hall is angry at what he sees as a caricature of the training offered to modern-day social workers.在霍尔看来,当代社会工作者所受的培训被大肆夸大,他感到很气愤。柯林斯高阶〔caused (quite) a stink〕He kicked up a stink about the way he'd been treated.他大吵大嚷地抱怨所受的待遇。韦氏高阶〔consider〕Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.如果你考虑过她所受的良好训练,你对她的成功就不会惊讶了美国传统〔credit〕Influence based on the good opinion or confidence of others.信誉:对他人有好感或信任的基础上所受到的影响美国传统〔curriculum vitae〕A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer.简历,履历:关于某人所受教育、专业经历以及工作资格的简要说明,如即将被雇用的雇员的履历美国传统〔deliver〕Those blows to the head could have been delivered by a woman.头部所受的那些重击有可能出自一个女人之手。柯林斯高阶〔disdain〕She disdained replying to the insults.她不屑理会所受的侮辱。21世纪英汉〔downgrade〕Police often downgrade the seriousness of violence against women in the home.警方往往低估妇女所受家庭暴力的严重性。朗文当代〔drag〕The degree of resistance involved in dragging or hauling.摩擦力:拖拉中所受阻力的程度美国传统〔education〕His education has been invaluable to him.他所受的教育对他而言是非常宝贵的。外研社新世纪〔education〕How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.父母所受的教育水平影响到孩子在学校里的表现。牛津搭配〔epicritic〕Of or relating to sensory nerve fibers that enable the perception of slight differences in the intensity of stimuli, especially touch or temperature.精细觉的:与能够察觉到所受刺激强度最微小的差别,尤其是与触摸或温度的感觉神经纤维有关的美国传统〔equip〕Her training equipped her to cope with the new job.她所受的训练使她有能力去对付这项新的工作。21世纪英汉〔fate〕She managed to escape the fate of the other rebels.她设法逃脱了其他造反者所受的惩罚。牛津搭配〔favour〕The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to a bias in favour of the countryside.农民所受的保护几乎变成了对乡村的偏袒。柯林斯高阶〔film〕Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job.考虑到她拍摄时所受的各种限制,我觉得她交出的答卷值得嘉许。柯林斯高阶〔full〕She was full of admiration for the care she had received.她对所受到的关怀照顾赞不绝口。牛津高阶〔furious〕He is furious at the way his wife has been treated.他对妻子所受到的待遇感到愤愤不平。外研社新世纪〔grind sb down〕Ground down by years of abuse, she did not have the confidence to leave him.多年来所受的虐待已经使她丧失了逃离他魔爪的信心。剑桥高阶〔impact〕Air bags are designed to soften the impact for crash victims.气囊是为减缓撞车事故受害人所受冲击而设计的。牛津搭配〔incapacitate〕The player's injury incapacitated him for playing football.这个球员所受的伤使他不能再踢足球了。英汉大词典〔indemnify〕The railroad indemnified him for his injuries.铁路公司对他所受的损伤给予赔偿。英汉大词典〔inhibit〕His strict upbringing inhibited him from asking questions.他所受的严格教养使他怯于提问。英汉大词典〔instance〕She cited an instance where their training had been a marvelous help in dealing with problems.她举了一个所受训练为解决问题帮了大忙的实例。柯林斯高阶〔keen〕His business training was combined with a keen sense of duty.他所受的商业训练和强烈的责任感结合在了一起。麦克米伦高阶〔legitimate〕He complained quite legitimately about his treatment.他完全有理由对自己所受的待遇表示不满。朗文当代〔loading〕Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground.这些椅子中有的是平脚的,这样可分散地面所受的压力。柯林斯高阶〔log〕The captain ordered me to log Jack.船长命我将杰克所受的处分记入航海日志。英汉大词典〔loser〕They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.他们所受的教育只是和其他男人一争高下, 所以一位成功的女性会使他们觉得非常有挫败感。外研社新世纪〔mass〕The acceleration of a body equals the force exerted on it divided by its mass.物体所受外力除以其质量等于加速度。剑桥高阶〔mechanism〕Biology The involuntary and consistent response of an organism to a given stimulus.【生物学】 生理反应:生物体对所受到的刺激作出的无意识的连贯反应美国传统〔meet〕You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.每次龙骨触地的时候你都能感受到船体所受的压力。柯林斯高阶〔memory〕The remembrance of his humiliation was almost too painful to bear.对于他所受到的侮辱的回忆使他痛苦得不能忍受。美国传统〔mission〕My mission in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the poor.我一生的使命就是让富人认识到穷人所受的痛苦。剑桥高阶〔mobility〕Social mobility is often affected by a person's birth, income, and education.社会流动性经常受到一个人的出身、收入和所受教育的影响。韦氏高阶〔mould〕His character has been moulded more by his experiences in life than by his education.在他性格的形成上,他所受的教育不如他的生活经历所起的影响大。21世纪英汉〔mumble〕The workers murmured against the treatment they received.工人们抱怨所受的待遇。21世纪英汉〔of〕He was cleared of all blame.他所受的一切责难都澄清了。牛津高阶〔owe〕I owe my success to my education.我的成功归功于我所受的教育。剑桥高阶〔passion〕The sufferings of Jesus in the period following the Last Supper and including the Crucifixion.受难:耶稣在最后的晚餐之后,包括被钉死在十字架上的时期内所受的苦难美国传统〔personally〕He was personally responsible for all that the people had suffered under his rule.他个人要为他统治时人民所受的所有苦难负责。柯林斯高阶〔pity〕Sympathy and sorrow aroused by the misfortune or suffering of another.同情,怜悯:对他人所受的不幸或遭遇产生的同情和悲哀美国传统〔practice〕We weren't allowed to put into practice in our daily lives the teachings we received.我们不能够将所受的教义在日常生活中付诸实践。柯林斯高阶〔react〕He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.他强烈反对从小所受的宗教教育。朗文当代〔rebel〕He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.他后来背叛了他所受的严格的宗教教育。牛津高阶〔rectify〕The damage will be easily rectifiable.所受损坏很容易修复。牛津高阶〔relieve〕You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。21世纪英汉〔reprisal〕Retaliation for an injury with the intent of inflicting at least as much injury in return.报复:对所受的伤害带有以牙还牙意图的回报美国传统〔resentful〕She felt resentful at the way she had been treated.她对所受到的对待恼怒不已。牛津搭配〔resentment〕Maggie was filled with resentment about her treatment.玛吉对自己所受到的对待愤恨不平。牛津搭配〔round〕She rounded out her education by practising in a large factory for a year.她在一个大工厂里实习了一年,使她所受的教育更趋完善。21世纪英汉〔run〕The cost of repairing the damage could run into millions.所受损坏的修缮费用可能要几百万元。朗文当代〔snuffle〕She snuffled about her sufferings.她哭诉了她所受的苦难。21世纪英汉〔tame〕Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will.童年所受的严厉惩罚使他萎靡不振,意志消沉。英汉大词典〔torment〕Nothing can describe the torments we went through while we were waiting for news.我们在等待消息时所受的精神折磨是无法用语言描述的。剑桥高阶〔torment〕The torment of having her baby kidnapped is written all over her face.因孩子被绑架所受的万分折磨全写在她脸上。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕The treatment meted out to captured soldiers was harsh.被俘士兵所受的待遇十分恶劣。牛津搭配〔two-faced〕The scientists saw the public as being particularly two-faced about animal welfare in view of the way domestic animals are treated.鉴于家养动物所受的待遇,科学家认为公众在动物福利的问题上尤为言行不一。柯林斯高阶〔undoing〕There can be no undoing of the injury done to him.他所受的伤害难以消除了。英汉大词典〔undo〕The injury of his could never be undone.他所受的伤害永远消除不了。英汉大词典〔upbringing〕Her upbringing had given her the social skills to cope with such situations.她所受的教育使她具有处理这种情况的社交能力。牛津搭配〔upbringing〕Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing? 把他犯下的所有罪行都归罪于他所受到的教育,这样说对吗?剑桥高阶〔what〕They soon repaired what damage had been done.他们很快修复了所受到的一切损坏美国传统As a teenager, he rebelled against his puritanical upbringing.在他十几岁时,他激烈反抗他所受的清教式管教。剑桥国际Certainly in our society teachers don’t enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers.当然,在我们的社会里教师没有受到医生和律师所受到的尊敬。剑桥国际Hard training now will pay (you) richly when it comes to the actual competition.遇到实际的竞争时,现在所受的艰苦的训练会使你得益匪浅的。剑桥国际Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will. 童年时代所受的严厉惩罚使他变得唯唯诺诺,缺乏意志。译典通He claimed his treatment was discriminatory under human rights law.他声称根据人权法他所受到的待遇是歧视性的。牛津商务He does not discount the possibility that the stress he was under affected his decisions (= he thinks the stress he felt influenced them) .他没有忽视这种可能性,即他所受的压力可能影响了他的决定。剑桥国际Her Majesty's Government is/are making a formal protest about the treatment British citizens have received in another country.英国政府正在对其公民在另一个国家所受到的待遇提出正式抗议。剑桥国际Her character has been ennobled by all her sufferings. 她所受的种种苦难使她的人品变得高尚。译典通His training gave him ballast. 他所受的训练使他变得坚定。译典通I owe my success to my education.我的成功应归功于我所受的教育。剑桥国际Nobody can imagine what staggering pain she suffered in those years. 谁也不能想像她那些年所受的巨大痛苦。译典通Our whole hearts revolt against the way women have hitherto been treated. 我们对妇女迄今所受的待遇从心底里感到厌恶。译典通She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.她相信这项研究没有充分表述妇女所受的歧视。剑桥国际She killed her father to avenge her mother/her mother's suffering.她杀了她的父亲为母亲(所受的痛苦)报仇。剑桥国际She often suffers from excruciating pain in her hands as a result of what was done to her during her imprisonment.她常受剧烈手痛的折磨,那是她在监狱里所受的遭遇的结果。剑桥国际She said that the treatment she had received in the hospital had completely deprived her of her dignity.她说自己在医院所受的待遇完完全全剥夺了她的尊严。剑桥国际The emotional hammering we endured was something else.我们在感情上所受的冲击是非同一般的。剑桥国际The friction on / against the ball's rough surface stopped it going very fast.球的粗糙表面所受的摩擦力使它不能滚得很快。剑桥国际The generous donations were a measure of the high esteem in which they were held.慷慨的捐款是衡量他们所受到的高度尊重的一个尺度。剑桥国际The management produced an ineffectual response to the criticisms of safety procedures.管理层就安全措施所受批评做了不起作用的反应。剑桥国际The misery suffered in this war makes your own problems seem pretty picayune.在战争中所受的苦使你自己的麻烦显得微不足道。剑桥国际The thought of the way she had been treated made her rage. 她一想到她所受的待遇就生气。译典通We have tried to minimize the disruption to our services.我们设法使我们的服务所受到的干扰降到最低程度。牛津商务




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