

单词 deft
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adroit〕Dexterous; deft.熟练的;灵巧的美国传统〔camerawork〕The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches.导演在镜头运用上既富有美感又渲染了气氛,戏剧手法的运用也娴熟自如。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕The barber cuts with a deft hand.理发师熟练地修剪。英汉大词典〔deftly〕With a deft flick of his foot, Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up.沃思先生机敏地把脚一伸,把其中一个袭击者给绊倒了。柯林斯高阶〔deft〕He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush.他用画笔熟练地勾上几笔,这幅画就完成了。牛津高阶〔deft〕He sketched her with quick, deft strokes.他以快速灵巧的笔触给她画素描。朗文当代〔deft〕He's very deft at handling awkward situations.他应对尴尬局面很有一套。剑桥高阶〔deft〕Her movements were deft and quick.她的动作灵巧敏捷。剑桥高阶〔deft〕She answered the journalist's questions with a deft touch.她巧妙地回答了记者的提问。剑桥高阶〔deft〕Small-billed crossbills are more deft at removing the seeds from small thin-scaled cones.小嘴的交嘴雀更擅于从薄鳞片小球果中把种子啄出来。外研社新世纪〔deft〕The photographer is known for her deft use of lighting.这位摄影师以她娴熟的用光技巧而闻名。韦氏高阶〔deft〕With a deft flick of his foot, Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up.沃思先生敏捷地一抬脚, 就把一个袭击者绊倒了。外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕He is a very deft novelist too, with a superb ear for dialogue.他同时也是一名才思敏捷的小说家,很善于搜集对话方面的素材。柯林斯高阶〔diplomacy〕It will take deft diplomacy to sustain the fragile momentum.需要灵活的外交技巧才能维持这种脆弱的势头。牛津搭配〔dodgy〕So risky as to require very deft handling.冒险的:冒险的,需灵巧处理的美国传统〔fantasy〕His genre is sci-fi fantasy, leavened with daft, yet deft, humour.他的作品属于科幻小说, 但文中不乏拙朴而机巧的幽默。外研社新世纪〔footwork〕It took a bit of deft footwork to get them to agree.说服他们同意颇费了点巧计。朗文当代〔footwork〕It was going to take some deft political footwork to save the situation.当时得采取一些巧妙的政治手段以挽回局势。牛津高阶〔portrait〕The letters contained many deft pen portraits of his colleagues.信件中包含有许多他对同事们笔法细腻的描绘。牛津搭配〔stroke〕A distinctive effect or deft touch, as in literary composition.笔触:如在文学创作中的有特色的影响或熟练的笔触美国传统〔touch〕He has a deft touch with tricky painting jobs.他很善于做复杂的油漆活。剑桥高阶〔touch〕She seemed to have a deft touch with comedy.看来她的喜剧演技颇为娴熟。牛津搭配〔touch〕To describe or portray with deft precision.活灵活现地描述:用精确的笔法灵活地描写或描绘美国传统He's very deft at handling awkward situations.他很善于处理尴尬局面。剑桥国际Her movements were deft and quick, as she assembled the radio.她组装收音机时,动作熟练迅速。剑桥国际His piano-playing is extremely deft.他的钢琴弹奏极为娴熟。剑桥国际She was knitting with deft fingers. 她用灵巧的手指编结著。译典通The way she answered the journalist's questions showed that she has a deft touch.她回答记者提问的样子显示出她相当机敏。剑桥国际




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