

单词 deep-rooted
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dependence〕French doctors tend to regard drug dependence as a form of deep-rooted psychological disorder.法国医生倾向于把毒瘾看作是一种根深蒂固的心理障碍。柯林斯高阶〔her〕Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner英国对其欧盟伙伴根深蒂固的不信任外研社新世纪〔her〕Our reporter looks at reactions to Britain's apparently deep-rooted distrust of her EU partner.英国对其欧盟伙伴显然存在着根深蒂固的不信任,我们的记者就人们对此的反应进行了报道。柯林斯高阶〔inferiority〕He had a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority.他有一种根深蒂固的自卑感。朗文当代〔phreatophyte〕A deep-rooted plant that obtains water from a permanent ground supply or from the water table.地下水湿生植物:一种根很深的植物,从永久性地下水资源或潜水面获取水分美国传统〔prejudice〕There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries became rivals and went to war.早在这两个国家成为敌人并且兵戎相见之前,它们之间就有了根深蒂固的种族偏见。柯林斯高阶〔racism〕The report made it plain that institutional racism (= racism in all parts of an organization) is deep-rooted in this country.报告明确指出,该国各组织机构中都存在着根深蒂固的种族偏见。剑桥高阶〔spring from sth〕His need to be liked obviously springs from a deep-rooted insecurity.他渴望别人喜欢他,这显然源于一种根深蒂固的不安全感。剑桥高阶His need to be liked obviously springs from a deep-rooted insecurity.他需要人们喜欢他,很明显这来自于一种根深蒂固的不安全感。剑桥国际The report made it plain that institutionalized racism is deep-rooted in the country and that immigrants face discrimination in education, training, and employment.该报告明确指出有组织的种族主义在该国根深蒂固,移民面临在教育、培训及就业方面的歧视。剑桥国际There is a deep-rooted (= firm and strong) distrust of any form of change.对任何形式的改变都有一种根深蒂固的怀疑。剑桥国际




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