

单词 成碎片
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The bottle rolled off the table and smashed to pieces on the floor. 瓶子从桌上滚落,在地板上摔成碎片朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕The receipt had been folded and unfolded so many times that it was almost in pieces. 那张收条反复地折起打开,打开又折起,都快成碎片了。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕He was piecing together torn fragments of a letter. 他在把撕成碎片的信拼到一起。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕The jumper was very cheap - it'll probably fall to bits the first time I wear it. 那件套头毛衣便宜极了一我第一次穿就有可能会裂成碎片朗文写作活用〔bit〕The car was blown to bits.汽车被炸成碎片剑桥高阶〔blast〕The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.那架巨型喷气式飞机在空中被炸成碎片牛津高阶〔blew〕A mine blew the enemy warship to bits.水雷把敌舰炸成碎片21世纪英汉〔blown to pieces〕I watched her rip the letter to/into pieces and throw it away.我看到她把信撕成碎片扔掉了。韦氏高阶〔bomb〕Fifteen people were blown to pieces by the car bomb.15 人被汽车炸弹炸成碎片牛津搭配〔break〕These verbs are compared as they mean to separate or cause to separate into parts or pieces.这些动词在表示使分裂成碎片时可以进行比较。美国传统〔break〕This machine breaks the stone down into small pieces.这台机器可将大石捣成碎片英汉大词典〔break〕To become separated into pieces or fragments.分裂成碎片美国传统〔break〕To cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; smash.打破,击碎:使突然或猛烈地分裂成碎片;使碎裂美国传统〔break〕To crack without separating into pieces.损坏但不裂成碎片美国传统〔deliberately〕Calmly and deliberately, she cut up his suits one by one.她平静从容地把他的西服一件一件剪成碎片剑桥高阶〔deliberation〕With slow deliberation, he tore the letter into pieces.他从容不迫地把信撕成碎片牛津搭配〔dilaceraded〕She dilacerated the paper into pieces.她把那张纸撕成碎片21世纪英汉〔disintegrate〕The bomb disintegrated when it exploded.炸弹爆炸时炸成碎片英汉大词典〔dismay〕Louise stared at the torn letter in dismay.路易丝沮丧地盯着撕成碎片的信。牛津搭配〔fly apart〕The gun flew apart when I fired it, and wounded my hand.我射击时,枪爆炸成碎片,伤了我的手。21世纪英汉〔fly〕The glass flew into pieces [bits].玻璃杯破裂[成碎片]飞散。文馨英汉〔fragmentation〕The act or process of breaking into fragments.破碎:打碎成碎片的动作或过程美国传统〔fragmentize〕To break or become broken into fragments.使裂成碎片美国传统〔fragment〕The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.花瓶掉下,摔成碎片英汉大词典〔fritter〕To break, tear, or cut into bits; shred.弄碎:分或切成小片;弄成碎片美国传统〔lean〕Someone could lean too hard and cause them to break into pieces.如果有人用力倚靠, 会把它们压成碎片的。外研社新世纪〔limb〕The angry mob would have torn him limb from limb if the police hadn't protected him.要不是警方保护,他或许早已被愤怒的暴民撕成碎片了。韦氏高阶〔pick〕He picked apart an old quilt.他把一条旧被子撕成碎片英汉大词典〔piecemeal〕In pieces; apart.成碎片地,分开地美国传统〔piecemeal〕The beasts will tear you piecemeal.野兽将把你撕成碎片英汉大词典〔piece〕If the shell had hit the boat, it would have blown it to pieces.如果炮弹击中了小船,它早就被炸成碎片了。柯林斯高阶〔piece〕The vase was now in pieces on the kitchen floor.花瓶已经摔成碎片,散落在厨房的地板上。牛津搭配〔rave〕The tempest raved and threatened to tear the little boat to pieces.暴风雨肆虐, 几乎要把小船撕成碎片外研社新世纪〔rip sth up〕She ripped up his letters and burned the pieces.她把他的信撕成碎片烧了。剑桥高阶〔rip〕Her skirt was ripped to shreds.把某物撕成碎片麦克米伦高阶〔rive〕To break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder.击碎,撕碎:使成碎片,如通过打击;劈成或撕成碎片美国传统〔shatter〕To cause to break or burst suddenly into pieces, as with a violent blow.砸碎:使突然破碎或裂开成碎片,如伴以强烈的打击美国传统〔shiver〕To break into fragments or splinters; shatter.打碎,击碎:击成碎片或裂片;打碎美国传统〔shred〕Cursing, he took the paper from her hand and tore it to shreds.他一边咒骂着一边把她手中的文件夺过来, 撕成碎片外研社新世纪〔shred〕To cut or tear into shreds.切或撕成碎片美国传统〔sliver〕The stone slivered the glass.石块把玻璃砸成碎片英汉大词典〔sliver〕To split or become split into slivers.裂开:分成碎片或变成碎片美国传统〔spall〕To chip or crumble.碎裂:剥落或裂成碎片美国传统〔strip〕To cut or tear into strips.切成或撕成碎片美国传统〔tattered〕Torn into shreds; ragged.被扯成碎片的;破破烂烂的美国传统〔tear〕I watched him assemble the photograph he had torn to pieces.我看着他将自己撕成碎片的照片拼起来。外研社新世纪〔tear〕She tore the letter to pieces and threw it in the bin.她把信撕成碎片扔到垃圾桶里。朗文当代〔tear〕To pull apart or into pieces by force; rend.撕裂:用力扯开或扯成碎片;撕裂美国传统〔tear〕To tear to pieces.撕成碎片美国传统〔thump〕I ran so fast that I thought my heart would thump itself to pieces.我跑得飞快,我想我的心快要怦怦跳成碎片了。英汉大词典〔to〕Look at your shirt - it's torn to shreds! 看看你的衬衫——都成碎片了!剑桥高阶〔up〕He tore up the cheque.他将支票撕成碎片英汉大词典〔watch〕She watched in astonishment as he smashed the machine to pieces.她吃惊地看着他把机器砸成碎片牛津搭配A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal. 一只狼把小羊撕成碎片译典通Angrily she ripped the letter up. 她盛怒之下把信撕成碎片译典通I saw her ripping the note into little pieces.我看到她将笔记撕成碎片剑桥国际In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces. 一阵盛怒之下,他将画撕成碎片译典通Look at your shirt -- it's torn to shreds! 看看你的衬衫----都被撕成碎片了。剑桥国际She screamed and wept and rent her garments(into pieces).她尖叫着,哭泣着把衣服撕成碎片剑桥国际The bowl fell and fragmented into bits. 碗掉下,摔成碎片译典通The car was blown to bits.汽车被炸成碎片剑桥国际The cup fell and was broken into pieces. 茶杯掉下去,砸成碎片译典通The cup fell and was broken to pieces. 茶杯掉下去,砸成碎片译典通The glass broke and splintered. 玻璃破了,裂成碎片译典通The machine tore her dress to shreds. 机器把她的衣服撕成碎片译典通The satellite will fragment (=break into small pieces) and burn up as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere.卫星在掉进地球大气层时会裂成碎片并燃烧。剑桥国际The wind ripped the flag to/into shreds (= into little pieces).风将旗子撕成碎片剑桥国际This wood needs to be splintered into kindling for the fire. 这木头要劈成碎片作为炉火的引火柴。译典通We shall smite the evil invaders and tear them to pieces.我们应当给邪恶的侵略者以重击,将他们撕成碎片剑桥国际




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