

单词 感知
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ESP〕Communication or perception by means other than the physical senses.直觉:通过生理感官之外的途径进行的沟通和感知美国传统〔added value〕The intangible, subjective, perceived difference setting one brand apart from another in the mind of a consumer.附加价值,增值:能使消费者在脑海中将一商标区别于其他商标的不可触摸的、主观的、感知的差异美国传统〔aesthesia〕The ability to feel or perceive.敏感性:感觉或感知的能力美国传统〔aesthetics〕In Kantian philosophy, the branch of metaphysics concerned with the laws of perception.审美学:康德哲学中有关感知规律的形而上学分支美国传统〔appreciably〕The temperature dropped appreciably during the night.温度在夜里可感知地下降。文馨英汉〔appreciation〕Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.欣赏:意识或灵敏的感知力,尤其指审美品质或价值美国传统〔apprehend〕These verbs are compared as they denote perception of the nature and significance of something.在意指对自然及某些事物的感知时,这些动词作比较。美国传统〔audile〕Capable of learning chiefly from auditory, rather than tactile or visual, stimuli.听象型的:可以主要通过听觉感知,而非通过触觉或视觉,刺激美国传统〔aural〕Of, relating to, or perceived by the ear.耳的:属于、关于耳的或由耳感知美国传统〔blinder〕Something that serves to obscure clear perception and discernment.障眼罩物:使清楚的感知和了解变得模糊的事物美国传统〔blindfold〕Something that serves to obscure clear perception.障眼物:使清楚的感知变模糊的事物美国传统〔clairaudience〕The supposed power to hear things outside the range of normal perception.神听,非凡的听力:对在正常感知范围外的事物能听到的假想的能力美国传统〔clear〕Easily perceptible to the eye or ear; distinct.清晰的,嘹亮的:易为眼睛或耳朵感知的;分明的美国传统〔clothe〕A complex idea is clothed in the more palpable form of myth.一个复杂的想法隐藏在更易感知的神话形式中。外研社新世纪〔cloudy〕Not clearly perceived or perceptible.混乱的,模糊不清的:不是能清楚感知美国传统〔conceptualize〕How we conceptualize things has a lot to do with what we feel.我们如何将事物概念化与我们的感知有很大关系。外研社新世纪〔cue〕Psychology A stimulus, either consciously or unconsciously perceived, that elicits or signals a type of behavior.【心理学】 次要刺激:一种有意识或无意识感知的刺激,能引起或提示某种行为的发生美国传统〔definition〕Human perception is by definition subjective.人的感知在本质上是主观的。外研社新世纪〔definition〕Human perception is highly imperfect and by definition subjective.人的感知具有高度缺陷,而且天性主观。柯林斯高阶〔depth perception〕The ability to perceive spatial relationships, especially distances between objects, in three dimensions.洞察力,透视力:在三维空间中感知空间关系(尤其是物体间距离)的能力美国传统〔distortion〕Psychology The modification of unconscious impulses into forms acceptable by conscious or dreaming perception.【心理学】 扭转:无意识的冲动转变为可被有意识的感知或梦觉所接受的形式美国传统〔fascinating〕Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating.她对人性的理解和感知引人入胜。柯林斯高阶〔filter out〕The brain filters out perceptions that are not immediately useful to physical survival.大脑过滤掉对个体生存不产生直接作用的感知外研社新世纪〔fine〕No-one has a finer ear for the rhythms of English prose.没有谁能更敏锐地感知英文散文的韵律。外研社新世纪〔heat〕The sensation or perception of such energy as warmth or hotness.热力,热感:如温暖或炎热等对这种能量的感知或察觉美国传统〔hypocrisy〕Teenagers often have a keen awareness of their parents' hypocrisies.青少年常对自己父母的虚伪有敏锐的感知韦氏高阶〔imperceptive〕Lacking perception; not perceptive.缺乏感知力的;觉察不出的美国传统〔intuitionism〕The theory that external objects of perception are immediately known to be real by intuition.直觉主义:通过直觉直接感知外部事物的理论美国传统〔intuit〕She intuited that he regarded them as snobbish.她凭直觉感知他认为他们势利。英汉大词典〔lateral line〕A series of sensory pores along the head and sides of fish and some amphibians by which water currents, vibrations, and pressure changes are detected.侧线:鱼或一些两栖动物从头部延伸到身体两侧的一系列感觉孔,通过这两条侧线可以感知水流、振动和压强的变化美国传统〔laud〕Dickens was lauded for his social and moral sensitivity.狄更斯以对社会、道德问题的敏锐感知为人们所称颂。外研社新世纪〔masking〕Physiology The concealment or screening of one sensory process or sensation by another.【生理学】 遮蔽:一个感觉的过程或感觉器官的感知被另一个隐蔽或遮盖美国传统〔matter〕Something that occupies space and can be perceived by one or more senses; a physical body, a physical substance, or the universe as a whole.物质:占据一定空间并能被一种或多种感觉感知到的东西;实体、物质或整个宇宙美国传统〔maya〕The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.空幻境界:神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量美国传统〔mimesis〕The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.模仿:文学或艺术中对可感知世界的某些侧面的模仿或表现,尤指人类的行为美国传统〔object〕Philosophy Something intelligible or perceptible by the mind.【哲学】 客体,客观,对象:头脑中可反映或可以感知的事物美国传统〔organoleptic〕Relating to perception by a sensory organ.器官感觉的:有关用感觉器官感知美国传统〔paranormal〕This book is about people who claim to have paranormal abilities such as ESP and mind reading.这本书有关那些自称有超感知觉、会读心术等特异功能的人。剑桥高阶〔parasensory〕Extrasensory.超感官的,感觉的,超感知美国传统〔perceptible〕After quite a perceptible pause, during which he consulted his notes, the lecturer continued.演讲人在很长的一段可感知的停顿后,他核对了自己的笔记,然后继续。美国传统〔perception〕Drugs can alter your perception of reality.毒品会改变你对现实的感知剑桥高阶〔perception〕If we improve drivers' hazard perception, road deaths will fall.如果我们提高司机们感知危险的能力,交通死亡人数就会下降。牛津搭配〔perception〕Insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving.感知:直觉、洞察力或通过感知获得的知识美国传统〔perception〕The effect or product of perceiving.感知:知觉的效果或产物美国传统〔perceptive〕Having the ability to perceive; keen in discernment.有感知能力的;极端敏锐的美国传统〔perceptual〕Of, based on, or involving perception.感性的:与感知有关的、感知的或基于感知美国传统〔perceptual〕Perceptual skills are particularly important in sports.在体育运动中,感知能力尤为重要。剑桥高阶〔perceptual〕Some children come to school with more finely trained perceptual skills than others.到了上学的年龄, 有些孩子比其他孩子受过更好的训练, 具有更强的感知能力。外研社新世纪〔perceptual〕Some children have more finely trained perceptual skills than others.一些孩子比其他孩子具备更为训练有素的感知技能。柯林斯高阶〔percept〕A mental impression of something perceived by the senses, viewed as the basic component in the formation of concepts; a sense datum.感知:对某物通过感官得到的精神印象,被看做形成概念的基本构成部件;感觉证据美国传统〔percipient〕Having the power of perceiving, especially perceiving keenly and readily.洞察的:有感知力的,尤指感知力强烈的美国传统〔percipient〕One that perceives.洞察者:感知美国传统〔positivism〕A doctrine contending that sense perceptions are the only admissible basis of human knowledge and precise thought.实证主义:认为感官的感知是人类知识及精确思维唯一可允许的基础的主义美国传统〔psychic〕Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.通灵的:能够进行超常心理活动的,比如超感知觉和心灵感应美国传统〔psychoacoustics〕The scientific study of the perception of sound.心理声学:对声音感知的科学研究美国传统〔scan〕To move a finely focused beam of light or electrons in a systematic pattern over (a surface) in order to reproduce or sense and subsequently transmit an image.扫描:以系统的方式移动高度集中的光或电子束使之掠过(一个表面),目的是再现或感知并达到传递图象美国传统〔schema〕Psychology A pattern imposed on complex reality or experience to assist in explaining it, mediate perception, or guide response.【心理学】 试验图式:一种强加于复杂现实或体验以帮助对其进行解释,促成感知或引导回答的模式美国传统〔sense〕He seems to have lost his sense of reality.他似乎已经丧失了对现实世界的感知力。牛津搭配〔sensibility〕The writer is remembered most for his sensibility.这位作家主要因其独特的感知力而为世人所铭记。韦氏高阶〔sensitivity〕He displays a remarkable sensitivity to the subtle nuances of language.他对语言的细微差别表现出非比寻常的感知韦氏高阶〔sentient〕Man is a sentient being.人是有感知力的生物。朗文当代〔sharp-sighted〕Keenly perceptive or alert.机智的:敏锐的感知力的或警觉的美国传统〔sharp-witted〕Having or exhibiting keenly perceptive intellect.机智的:具有或表现出敏锐感知能力的美国传统〔shrewd〕Characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical.机敏的,精明的:有敏锐的感知、机敏的智力以及通常为实用感的特征的美国传统〔shrewd〕These adjectives mean having or showing keen awareness, sound judgment, and often resourcefulness, especially in practical matters.这些形容词都表示具有或显示出敏锐的感知力、合理的判断力以及通常需要的应变力,尤指在实际事务中。美国传统〔sixth sense〕She claimed to have a sixth sense for knowing when someone was about to call her.她称自己有第六感,在别人要给她打电话之前就能提前感知韦氏高阶〔spectrum〕Other species can perceive colours / colors of the spectrum that are invisible to us.其他物种能够感知光谱中我们看不到的颜色。牛津搭配〔tactile〕Perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible.可用触觉感知的;可触摸的美国传统〔taste〕To perceive as if by the sense of taste.尝到…的滋味:仿佛是通过味觉来感知美国传统〔thing〕An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.东西:一个实体、想法或可以被感知、了解或认为自身存在的性质美国传统〔unconscious〕Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.无意识的:缺乏意识和感知能力的;无意识的美国传统Drugs can alter your perception of reality.毒品能够改变你对现实的感知剑桥国际Items made of fine wood have a high perceived value.精细木制品拥有很高的感知价值。牛津商务Sharks have sensory organs that can detect faint electrical fields from other fish.鲨鱼有种能感知其它鱼的微弱电场的感觉器官。剑桥国际The right hemisphere of the brain is specialized for the perception of complex patterns, both visual and tactile.右半脑是专门从视觉上和触觉上感知复杂形状的。剑桥国际The security device has a heat sensor which detects the presence of people and animals.保安装置有一个热传感器,能感知人和动物的存在。剑桥国际




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