

单词 感激的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕She tried to look grateful, but her disappointment was obvious. 她想表示出感激的样子,但是失望之情却溢于言表。朗文写作活用〔appreciation〕An expression of gratitude.感谢:感激的表示美国传统〔beholden〕Owing something, such as gratitude, to another; indebted.受惠的:欠别人东西,如人情;感激的美国传统〔company〕She would be grateful for their company on the drive back.有他们做伴开车陪她回去,她会很感激的柯林斯高阶〔explain〕If you would only explain me the mystery I should be vastly obliged.只要你肯对我解释一下这个谜团,我会不胜感激的英汉大词典〔grateful〕Appreciative of benefits received; thankful.感激的,感谢的:为获得的好处感激的;感谢的美国传统〔gratitude〕Tears of gratitude filled her eyes.她眼里充满感激的泪水。朗文当代〔gratitude〕The state of being grateful; thankfulness.感激,谢意:感激的样子;感谢美国传统〔indebted〕Morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; beholden.有义务的:道德、社会或法律上有义务偿还某人的;感激的美国传统〔keep〕I'd be grateful if you kept this information to yourself.你要是不把这消息传出去,我会不胜感激的牛津高阶〔obligation〕The service or favor for which one is indebted to another.恩惠:一个人对另一人感激的帮助或恩惠美国传统〔pathetically〕She was pathetically grateful when Kyle helped her.凯尔帮助了她, 她感激的样子令人生怜。外研社新世纪〔shed tears〕They shed tears of joy/gratitude when they heard the news.他们听到那个消息时流下了高兴/感激的泪水。韦氏高阶〔superhero〕The people who do this dangerous work are real-life superheroes who deserve our gratitude.做这种危险工作的人才是值得我们感激的真正的大英雄。韦氏高阶〔thankful〕Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful.感激的:对于恩惠知道的与感激的感激的美国传统〔token〕Consider this gift a token of my affection/gratitude.把这份礼物看作是我挚爱/感激的象征。韦氏高阶〔would〕I'd have thought they'd be grateful for your help.我原以为他们会对你的帮助很感激的麦克米伦高阶Any advice (=Whatever advice) that you can give me would be greatly appreciated.对你所提的任何建议,我都会十分感激的剑桥国际I know you wanted to help, and I'm duly grateful.我知道你想帮忙,我理所应当是很感激的剑桥国际I'm in need of some interesting suggestions so if you can put your thinking cap on I'd be grateful.我需要一些有意义的建议,如果你能认真地想一想我是很感激的剑桥国际The bitter irony is that the hospice treating AIDS patients is rich from the legacies of grateful dying patients.辛辣的讽刺是专门治疗艾滋病病人的临终关怀院竟获取感激的垂死病人的遗产而致富。剑桥国际We are indebted to her for her help. 我们对她的帮助是很感激的译典通




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