

单词 感兴趣
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUY〕The consumer is interested in high quality goods, not just low prices. 消费者感兴趣的是高质量的产品,而非仅仅是低廉的价格。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕I was a teenager when I first took a serious interest in films. 我最初对电影认真感兴趣时才十几岁。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Recently she seems to have lost all interest in her work. 她近来好像对自己的工作一点都不感兴趣了。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕The children seemed very interested when I showed them my photographs. 当我把我的照片给孩子们看时,他们似乎都非常感兴趣朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕When did you first get really interested in baseball? 你最初对棒球真正感兴趣是什么时候?朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Why are people so crazy about opera? It leaves me completely cold. 为何人们会如此热衷于歌剧?我可不感兴趣朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕You're an expert on legal problems - I'd be interested to know what you think. 您是法律问题专家,我对您的想法很感兴趣朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕It is expected that the results of the research programme will be of interest not only to academics, but also to the government. 预期该项研究计划的成果不仅会让学者感兴趣,而且也能让政府感兴趣朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The Singapore government is interested in investing abroad. 新加坡政府对在海外投资感兴趣朗文写作活用〔ad〕I often prefer the ads on TV to the actual programmes.我常常对电视广告比对节目本身更感兴趣剑桥高阶〔against the law〕He's interested in a career in law enforcement. [=a career as a police officer] 他对警察这一职业感兴趣韦氏高阶〔amused〕There was an amused expression on his face.他的脸上露出感兴趣的表情。文馨英汉〔any〕I will speak to any number of people who are truly interested.凡是真正感兴趣的,我不管听众来多少。英汉大词典〔apathetic〕Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.连最不感兴趣的学生都开始坐直了听讲。柯林斯高阶〔approach〕There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已有对整组感兴趣的买家来进行洽谈。柯林斯高阶〔approach〕There had already been approaches from buyers interested in the whole of the group.已经有对整组感兴趣的买家来进行洽谈。外研社新世纪〔bothered〕It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.男孩子们对我不感兴趣令我很烦恼。柯林斯高阶〔boy〕Now she's a teenager, she's starting to be interested in boys.她现在已经是个十几岁的姑娘了,开始对男孩子感兴趣牛津高阶〔characterization〕As a writer I am interested in characterization.作为作家,我对人物塑造感兴趣柯林斯高阶〔cotton on〕At last he has cottoned on to the fact that I'm not interested in him!他终于明白了一个事实, 就是我对他不感兴趣外研社新世纪〔discourse on〕My girl friend discoursed on a topic she had grown greatly interested in.我女友谈及一个她很感兴趣的问题。21世纪英汉〔disinterest〕The exception to Balfour's disinterest in social issues was education.贝尔福对教育以外的社会问题都不感兴趣朗文当代〔eliminate〕We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.我们删去了全部统计表格,因只有专家才对这些表格感兴趣21世纪英汉〔enthusiasm〕Few people expressed enthusiasm about the current leaders.很少人对当前的领导者感兴趣牛津搭配〔few〕She approached several people, but few were interested.她接触过几个人,但几乎没有人感兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔film〕He's interested in making films about war.他对拍摄战争片感兴趣韦氏高阶〔film〕I'm interested in photography and film.我对摄影和电影制作感兴趣朗文当代〔flick〕He switched on the television, flicking through the channels in a search for something to hold his interest.他打开电视机,不停地换台,想找个感兴趣的节目。柯林斯高阶〔high〕Neither Anna nor I are interested in high finance.安娜和我对巨额融资都不感兴趣柯林斯高阶〔humanity〕I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.我一直对人文学科比对自然科学更感兴趣剑桥高阶〔incurious〕Like anyone of twenty, Jane was incurious about the past.就像任何20岁的年轻人一样,简对于往事不感兴趣英汉大词典〔inquiry〕There have already been over 300 inquiries from people interested.来自感兴趣的人的问询已经有300多条了。麦克米伦高阶〔intense〕He took an intense interest in all religious matters.他对所有宗教事宜都很感兴趣朗文当代〔interested〕As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.身为土地所有者,他对农业方面的改良非常感兴趣牛津搭配〔interested〕He's not in the least interested in girls.他对女孩丝毫不感兴趣牛津搭配〔interested〕She's always been interested in other people.她一直对别人很感兴趣牛津搭配〔interest〕He has a particular interest in Italian art.他对意大利艺术特别感兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔interest〕It interests me enormously.这让我感兴趣21世纪英汉〔interest〕Military history doesn't really interest me.我对军事历史不太感兴趣韦氏高阶〔jack〕They're just interested in jacking up their profit margins.他们只对大幅度提高利润感兴趣朗文当代〔least〕I tried to convince them, but they weren't the least interested.我想说服他们,可他们一点也不感兴趣朗文当代〔less〕They are not interested in reading poetry, still less in writing it.他们对读诗都不感兴趣,更不用说写诗了。麦克米伦高阶〔lukewarm〕She was lukewarm about the plan.她对这个计划不大感兴趣牛津高阶〔malarkey〕I'm not interested in all this scientific malarkey.我对这些无聊的科学话题不感兴趣朗文当代〔marginal〕The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.我们的读者对这则故事不会很感兴趣牛津高阶〔midget〕Tyler wasn't interested in signing up for midget football.泰勒对报名参加儿童足球比赛不感兴趣剑桥高阶〔minutiae〕I'm not interested in the minutiae of the research, just its conclusions.我对这项研究的细枝末节不感兴趣,只要结论。朗文当代〔monopoly〕Celebrities don't have a monopoly on being interesting.并不是只有名人才让人感兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔much〕I'm not much for politics.我对政治不太感兴趣英汉大词典〔natural science〕He is interested in the natural sciences.他对自然科学很感兴趣韦氏高阶〔nibble〕He nibbled at the idea, but would not make a definite decision.他对这个主意略感兴趣,但还不愿意作出明确决定。牛津高阶〔not〕I'm just not interested.我只是不感兴趣剑桥高阶〔now〕Right now I'm not interested in dating – I need to spend some time alone.此刻我对约会不感兴趣,我想独自一个人过一阵子。麦克米伦高阶〔off-the-grid〕We're interested in independent self-sufficient living, off-the-grid.我们对自给自足、水电自理的独立生活感兴趣剑桥高阶〔of〕She seemed to like the idea of having children.她似乎对生孩子这个念头感兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔passionately〕He was passionately interested in painting.他对画画非常感兴趣外研社新世纪〔pertain〕I am interested in anything pertaining to folklore.属于民间文学的任何东西我都感兴趣21世纪英汉〔physiology〕He was interested in the physiology of bulls.他对公牛的生理机能感兴趣外研社新世纪〔political〕Most students aren't very political.大多数学生对政治都不怎么感兴趣朗文当代〔politics〕I'm not interested in politics.我对政治不感兴趣外研社新世纪〔reference〕They've taken up my references (= contacted the people who provided them), so they must be interested in me.他们已联系了我的推荐人,一定是对我感兴趣才这么做的。牛津搭配〔remotely〕I'm afraid we're not remotely interested in your proposal.很抱歉,我们对你的建议丝毫不感兴趣剑桥高阶〔remotely〕I'm not remotely interested.我一点也不感兴趣外研社新世纪〔see〕He had lost interest in the match but was determined to see it out.他对这场比赛已不感兴趣,但仍决定看到比赛结束。英汉大词典〔sell〕I've never been absolutely sold on the classics.我对古典文学从不怎么感兴趣英汉大词典〔serious〕I am not serious about him; I do not intend to marry him.我对他并不感兴趣;我不打算和他结婚。英汉大词典〔shell〕We brought him out of his shell by talking about a subject he was interested in.我们谈论一个他感兴趣的问题,使他活跃起来。英汉大词典〔show〕They put on a show of being interested, but I don't think they really were.他们假装很感兴趣,但我认为其实并非如此。剑桥高阶〔sincere〕She has a sincere interest in painting.她真的对绘画很感兴趣韦氏高阶〔skull〕He can't seem to get it into his skull that I'm just not interested in him.他这个笨蛋好像无法明白我根本对他不感兴趣朗文当代〔subject〕We're getting off the subject here – let's get back to your book.(由于对别的事物感兴趣而)中止谈论某话题麦克米伦高阶〔subtlety〕His fascination with the subtleties of human behaviour makes him a good storyteller.他对人们行为上的细微差别极感兴趣, 这使他成了一个很会讲故事的人。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕I'm not interested in superficial relationships.我对肤浅的情爱关系不感兴趣韦氏高阶〔taken〕She seems very taken with the idea.她好像对这个想法很感兴趣外研社新世纪〔take〕I think he's quite taken with the idea.我认为他对这个想法十分感兴趣牛津高阶〔tea〕Politics was not his cup of tea.他对政治不感兴趣柯林斯高阶〔then〕I haven't the time, and then I'm not interested.我没有时间,而且也不感兴趣文馨英汉〔the〕The average university student is not very interested in politics.大学生普遍对政治不太感兴趣麦克米伦高阶〔tickle your fancy〕Do you see anything on the menu that tickles your fancy? 菜单上有你感兴趣的菜吗?韦氏高阶〔tick〕I'm interested in how people tick.我对人们的所思所为很感兴趣外研社新世纪〔turn ... off〕She turned right off mathematics when they got the new teacher.来了新老师后,她就对数学不再感兴趣了。21世纪英汉〔turn on〕The most important thing for a student to find out in college is what really turns them on.学生在大学里最重要的事就是弄明白自己真正感兴趣的是什么。外研社新世纪〔unhealthy〕MacGregor believes it is unhealthy to lead a life with no interests beyond politics.麦格雷戈认为, 生活中只对政治感兴趣而没有其他爱好是不正常的。外研社新世纪〔uninterested〕She seemed uninterested in our problems.她似乎对我们的问题不感兴趣韦氏高阶〔unmanly〕He felt unmanly because he wasn't interested in sports.因为对体育不感兴趣,他觉得自己不像个男子汉。韦氏高阶〔witness〕There has been increasing interest in her life and work, as witnessed by the publication of two new biographies.从两部新传记的出版可以看出,人们对她的生活和工作越来越感兴趣牛津高阶〔wonk〕These are issues that would only interest policy wonks (=people interested in details of government) .这些问题只会让那些一本正经的政策专家感兴趣朗文当代〔write back〕I wrote back and said I wasn't interested.我回信说自己不感兴趣外研社新世纪〔yawn〕Stifling a yawn, he tried to look interested.他忍住哈欠,想表现出感兴趣的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔yesterday〕Nobody's interested in yesterday's pop stars.没人对过气明星感兴趣剑桥高阶Food, like sex, is a subject of almost universal interest.像性一样, 食物也是普遍感兴趣的话题。剑桥国际Here's some news you might be interested in.这里有些消息,或许你会感兴趣的。剑桥国际I am interested in true stories about great scientists. 我对一些伟大的科学家的真实故事很感兴趣译典通It's not healthy (=It is not good for people) to be so interested in death.对死亡太感兴趣不利于健康。剑桥国际Melanie said in the strongest of terms (= very forcefully) she wasn't interested in his suggestion.梅勒妮非常坚决地说她对他的建议不感兴趣剑桥国际She pretended to be interested, but I could see she wasn't.她装作感兴趣,但我看得出来她没有兴趣。剑桥国际Susan has always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.苏珊对人文科学一直比对自然科学感兴趣剑桥国际The TV channel aims to show programmes about subjects of marginal interest which will appeal to a limited audience.这个电视频道致力于播放只有少数人感兴趣的节目。剑桥国际The public isn't/aren't interested in the sex life of a second-rate pop star.公众对一个二流的流行音乐明星的性生活不感兴趣剑桥国际Their magalog features products and editorial material of interest to young women.他们的购物目录杂志以向年轻女性提供感兴趣的产品和稿件为特色。牛津商务




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