

单词 想法
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕I found myself in agreement with the lawyer, for once. 就这一回,我发现自己和律师想法一样。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Withdraw the police from the area? I've never heard such a stupid idea! 从这个区撤走警察?我从没听说过这么愚蠢的想法朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The Government has spent £1 million on putting its case to the public. 政府花了一百万英镑把它的想法传达给民众。朗文写作活用〔altogether〕They had an altogether new idea.他们有个全新的想法韦氏高阶〔apart〕Their ideas and ours were a long way apart.他们的想法和我们的大相径庭。外研社新世纪〔bat around〕We batted the idea around.我们随意谈论了这个想法21世纪英汉〔blind alley〕This sort of thinking just seems to be leading us up/down a blind alley.这种想法似乎只会将我们引入死胡同。剑桥高阶〔board〕I told her what I thought, but she didn't take my advice on board.我把我的想法告诉了她,可她没有听取我的建议。牛津高阶〔brainstorm〕The children brainstorm ideas and decide that their main character will be the Big Brown Bear.孩子们通过头脑风暴交换想法, 决定将他们的主角定为大棕熊。外研社新世纪〔brain〕To explore another's ideas through questioning.思想剽窃:在解决问题中使用别人的想法美国传统〔bright〕There are lots of books crammed with bright ideas.许多书籍里都有不少很好的想法外研社新世纪〔brush aside〕Perhaps you shouldn't brush the idea aside too hastily.也许你不应该太仓促地否定这个想法柯林斯高阶〔bubble〕It seemed a good idea, but a few sharp questions soon pricked the bubble.这个主意似乎不错,但经不得几下追问就证明这种想法纯属虚妄。英汉大词典〔centre〕Our thoughts centred upon one idea.我们的想法集中在一种打算上。英汉大词典〔come〕A good idea just came to me.我恰有一个好想法美国传统〔comfortable〕I'm not very comfortable with that idea.我不太能够接受那个想法外研社新世纪〔conceive〕She had conceived the idea of a series of novels.她产生了写系列小说这一想法外研社新世纪〔condense〕Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是, 用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。外研社新世纪〔congratulations〕Congratulations to everybody who sent in their ideas.每一位来信提交想法的人做得都很漂亮。外研社新世纪〔contrary〕It is still a useful exercise to set such contrary ideas side by side.把这些相反的想法列出来还是有帮助的。外研社新世纪〔coolly〕The idea met with a cool response.人们对这个想法反应冷淡。柯林斯高阶〔crazy〕That's why he's got so caught up with this crazy idea about Mr. Trancas.那就是为什么他对特兰卡斯先生一直有如此疯狂的想法柯林斯高阶〔crotchet〕An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.怪念头:奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法美国传统〔death wish〕A suicidal urge thought to drive certain people to put themselves consistently into dangerous situations.自杀冲动:一种逼得某些人不断把自己置于危险境地的想法美国传统〔delay〕Can you delay him in some way?你能想法拖住他一会儿吗?外研社新世纪〔deny〕You can't deny that it seems a very attractive idea.无可否认,那个想法看来很有吸引力。牛津搭配〔die〕Let the thought die.忘了这一想法吧!英汉大词典〔doubtless〕He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds.他肯定会努力说服自己的同事改变想法外研社新世纪〔down-to-earth〕Their ideas seem to be far more down to earth and sensible.他们的想法貌似更务实也更合理。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕He was increasingly drawn to the idea of making short films.制作短片的想法越来越吸引他。牛津搭配〔dream〕A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.梦:在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自然地出现的一系列形象、想法、情感和感觉美国传统〔dynamically〕His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics.他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。柯林斯高阶〔embrace〕Most West European countries have embraced the concept of high-speed rail networks with enthusiasm.大多数西欧国家都非常积极,乐意接受修建高速铁路网的想法朗文当代〔entertain〕She could never entertain the idea of living in the country.她从来不曾有过住到乡下去的想法朗文当代〔expand〕They have expanded my ideas.他们已更充分地阐明了我的想法英汉大词典〔explore〕This idea is worth exploring in some detail.这一想法值得详细探讨。牛津搭配〔expound〕It will be an opportunity to expound the ideas he has been developing.这将是一次机会,让他可以详细解释自己正逐步形成的那些想法麦克米伦高阶〔extraneous〕I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.我可以选择无视这些无关的想法,当然也可以选择不按这些想法行事。柯林斯高阶〔fig〕I don't give a fig for what other people think of me.我毫不在乎别人对我有什么想法英汉大词典〔foist on〕I don't see my role as foisting my beliefs on them.我没觉得是自己把想法强加在他们身上。柯林斯高阶〔fulfilled〕They don't like the idea that women can fulfil themselves without the assistance of a man.他们不喜欢那种女人没有男人的帮助仍会有所成就的想法柯林斯高阶〔get〕He sometimes has trouble getting his meaning across in English.有时候他不知道如何用英语表达他的想法麦克米伦高阶〔grotesque〕The idea was simply grotesque.这一想法简直荒唐。英汉大词典〔head〕I don't want to put any ideas into your head.我不想给你灌输任何想法麦克米伦高阶〔heart〕I don't think his idea will work, though his heart's in the right place.我觉得他的想法行不通,不过他的本意是好的。朗文当代〔herd〕If you feel so strongly, why follow the herd (= do the same as everybody else).既然你如此坚信自己的想法,为什么还要随大溜?牛津搭配〔idea〕Chefs differ in their idea of what makes a good dessert.拿什么当餐后甜点最好,厨师们想法各异。朗文当代〔improbable〕There is nothing inherently improbable in the idea.这个想法本身没什么不可能的。牛津搭配〔incapacity〕The main problem is the author's incapacity to convey his ideas.主要问题在于作者无法表达他的想法朗文当代〔inhibition〕She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known.她敢于公开地谈论自己的想法牛津高阶〔inhibit〕Recording the meeting may inhibit people from expressing their real views.对会议进行记录可能会使人们不敢表达他们的真实想法朗文当代〔jell〕Ideas were beginning to jell in my mind.各种想法在我头脑里逐渐明朗起来。牛津高阶〔laugh〕I told my sister what I thought, and she just laughed in my face.我把我的想法告诉姐姐,她当面就嘲笑我。朗文当代〔line〕His ideas are out of line with reality.他的想法不切实际。英汉大词典〔meet〕The idea met with a cool response from various quarters.这个想法遭到了各方人士的冷遇。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕It would be impossible to change her mind.要让她改变想法是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔motivate〕She said that she was motivated by a desire to help children.她说她是出于帮助孩子们的想法韦氏高阶〔not give/care a toss〕I don't give a toss what he thinks.我根本不在乎他的想法剑桥高阶〔obsession〕Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.着魔,萦绕:不由自主地被某一定式的想法或某种不想要的感情困扰,常伴有焦虑的症状美国传统〔old maid〕Alex is too young to be already thinking of herself as an old maid.亚历克丝认为自己是个老姑娘的想法还太早了点。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕I woke up early and began to put down some of my ideas on paper.我一早醒来就动手把一些想法记下来。麦克米伦高阶〔persuade〕Derek persuaded me of the feasibility of the idea.德里克让我相信这个想法是可行的。外研社新世纪〔play along〕I know you don't like Jack's idea, but just play along with him for a while.我知道你不喜欢杰克的想法,但就暂且假装同意吧。剑桥高阶〔poacher〕The opposition parties complained that the government had poached their ideas.众反对党抱怨政府盗用它们的想法柯林斯高阶〔practicability〕To be honest, I doubt the practicability of the idea.老实说,我对这个想法的可行性持怀疑态度。韦氏高阶〔prepossess〕To preoccupy the mind of to the exclusion of other thoughts or feelings.使先充溢(某种想法或感情):脑海中先具有了某种想法或感情,从而杜绝了其他想法美国传统〔preposterous〕The whole idea is preposterous! 整个想法很荒唐!韦氏高阶〔preposterous〕The whole idea was preposterous.整个想法太荒谬了。外研社新世纪〔pretence〕Now that the pretence was over, he could tell them what he really thought.既然不用假装了,他可以告诉他们自己的真实想法了。牛津搭配〔recur〕Some of those thoughts keep recurring, even though I try to stop them.有一些想法总在我心头萦绕, 挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔rigour〕I can only hope that they are applying rigour to these ideas and discoveries.但愿他们的这些想法和发现是严谨的。牛津搭配〔round〕The thought kept going round and round in her head.这个想法一直萦绕在她的心头。牛津高阶〔same〕I think the same as you do about this.在这件事上,我的想法和你一样。牛津高阶〔same〕I think the same of her.我对她有同样的想法文馨英汉〔scoff〕At first I scoffed at the notion.刚开始我对那种想法嗤之以鼻。外研社新世纪〔scoff〕I told them my ideas but they scoffed at them.我把自己的想法告诉他们,却被他们嗤之以鼻。英汉大词典〔secret〕The diary records her most secret thoughts and feelings.日记记录了她最秘密的想法和感情。麦克米伦高阶〔shy〕He disliked her and had never been shy of saying so.他不喜欢她,而且从来不忌讳说出这种想法牛津高阶〔silently〕Trish was silent because she was reluctant to put her thoughts into words.特里西一直不说话,因为她不愿意吐露内心的想法柯林斯高阶〔soapbox〕I wanted to talk about the pension age. It's rather a soapbox of mine.我想谈一谈领取退休金的年龄这个问题,对此我颇有想法柯林斯高阶〔spark〕Her mother sparked to the idea of an early wedding date.她母亲欣然同意早日举行婚礼的想法英汉大词典〔squash〕The boss squashed my idea immediately.老板立刻压制了我的想法韦氏高阶〔strike〕I recently struck upon an interesting idea.我最近突然产生了一个有趣的想法麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕The thought struck me from out of the blue.我突然有了这想法美国传统〔surmise〕An idea or opinion based on insufficiently conclusive evidence; a conjecture.臆测:没有充分的决定性证据得出的想法或观点;猜想美国传统〔take〕Try not to let negative thoughts take over.尽量别受消极的想法左右。牛津高阶〔talk〕We finally managed to talk them round to our way of thinking.我们最后总算说服他们接受我们的想法牛津高阶〔think〕She was trying to think up an excuse.她在想法编出一个借口。朗文当代〔to sb's way of thinking〕To my way of thinking, the plan should never have been approved.照我的想法,这个计划根本不该批准的。剑桥高阶〔track〕The thought almost stopped me dead in my tracks.这个想法几乎让我一下子停步。外研社新世纪〔unacceptable〕Some of her ideas were unacceptable to other people.她的有些想法令其他人无法接受。韦氏高阶〔understanding〕We had not set a date for marriage but there was an understanding between us.我们还没有确定结婚的日子,不过我们对此有一致的想法柯林斯高阶〔unsaid〕My real thoughts on the subject were better left unsaid.我对这个问题的真实想法还是不说出来为好。麦克米伦高阶He never abandoned the idea that he might solve the mystery of his friends’disappearance.有朝一日会解开他朋友失踪之谜,他从不放弃这一想法剑桥国际Her idea for reorganizing the department will never work in practice.她重组这个部门的想法在实际上将永远行不通。剑桥国际I just said the first thing that came into my mind.我只是说出了最先出现在我脑子里的想法剑桥国际The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.地方议会查问了当地的意见/民众,以获得他们对计划中的住宅社区的想法剑桥国际The idea rapidly gained acceptance (=became approved of) in political circles.这一想法很快得到了政界的认可。剑桥国际The traditional belief that banks do not lose customers once they have got them is not well founded, the study suggests.这一研究表明,那种认为银行一旦拥有了客户就不会失去他们的传统想法是没有事实根据的。剑桥国际We both think the same --the house is too expensive.我们两人的想法一样----这房子太贵了。剑桥国际




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