

单词 恢复得很好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕I had recovered sufficiently by the end of the week to give two more speeches. 那个星期结束时我已恢复得很好,完全可以作两个演讲。朗文写作活用〔Guillain-Barré syndrome〕Most patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome recover well but some never fully regain muscle strength.大部分吉兰—巴雷综合症患者恢复得很好,但有些未能全部恢复肌肉力量。剑桥高阶〔RECOVER〕Thomas is making a good recovery, although he is still quite weak. 托马斯虽然仍很虚弱,但他恢复得很好朗文写作活用〔come on〕The knee's coming on fine, I'm walking comfortably already.膝盖恢复得很好,我现在走路已经不疼了。柯林斯高阶〔intact〕If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭仍然完整,病人常常恢复得很好柯林斯高阶〔intact〕If the family unit is still intact, the patient frequently does very well.如果家庭单位仍然完整, 那么病人往往恢复得很好外研社新世纪〔nicely〕The doctor says Mother's doing nicely and should be home within a week.医生说母亲恢复得很好, 一周之内应该就能出院回家了。外研社新世纪〔out and about〕The doctor says she's making a good recovery, and she should be out and about in a few days' time.医生说她恢复得很好,几天后应该就可以正常行动了。剑桥高阶〔pronounce〕The doctor pronounced him to be (或that he was) recovering nicely.医生断言他恢复得很好英汉大词典〔reconstructive〕He's recovering well from reconstructive surgery on his nose.他鼻子整形后恢复得很好朗文当代〔recover〕She had a heart attack but is recovering well.她曾犯过心脏病,但现在恢复得很好韦氏高阶〔recover〕Your baby is recovering well.你的小孩恢复得很好牛津搭配〔road〕The doctor says she's well on the road to recovery.医生说她恢复得很好朗文当代〔shaky〕She's recovering well from her operation, but she's still a little shaky on her feet.手术后她恢复得很好,但走路时仍有些不稳。剑桥高阶〔surgery〕He made a good recovery after surgery to remove a brain tumour.做了脑部肿瘤切除手术以后,他恢复得很好剑桥高阶〔unassisted〕He has made a good recovery and is now able to walk unassisted.他已经恢复得很好,现在无需人帮助就能行走了。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕Jen is now well on the way to recovery (=she has improved and will be well soon) .耶恩现在恢复得很好朗文当代〔well〕He had the operation yesterday, and he's doing very well.他昨天做了手术,恢复得很好朗文当代Mrs Nuttall made a good recovery after surgery to remove a brain tumour.纳托尔太太在切除脑瘤的手术之后恢复得很好剑桥国际She's recovering well from her operation, but she's still a little shaky on her feet.在手术后她恢复得很好,但走路时仍有些摇晃。剑桥国际The doctor says she's making a good recovery and she should be out and about in a few days’time.医生说她恢复得很好,几天后就该能够外出走动了。剑桥国际Your leg is setting nicely, Mr Hirst.你的腿恢复得很好,郝斯特先生。剑桥国际




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