

单词 恐怖主义
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕The terrorist threat is still real, and the public should remain vigilant. 恐怖主义威胁依然存在,公众要保持警惕。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕During the court case it emerged that both men had convictions for terrorist offences. 法庭审判过程中披露了两名男子都犯过恐怖主义罪。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The terrorist fringe condemned the decision and threatened to use force. 恐怖主义的极端分子谴责了这项决定,并威胁说要使用武力。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The incident added to growing concern about the extent of terrorist influence in the region. 这一事件使人们对该地区恐怖主义影响的严重程度更加担忧。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕A terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the killing. 一个恐怖主义组织声称对这起谋杀负责。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕About 5000 people have been jailed for crimes of terrorism or treason since 1992. 自1992年以来,约5,000人因恐怖主义犯罪或叛国罪被捕入狱。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The reign of civil disorder and terrorism culminated in armed insurrection. 社会动乱和恐怖主义的盛行终于引发了一场武装起义。朗文写作活用〔SERIES〕The bombing is the latest addition to the catalogue of terrorist crimes. 这次爆炸是继一连串恐怖主义罪行之后的最新事件。朗文写作活用〔action〕The leaders have agreed on joint action to combat terrorism.各位领导人已同意采取联合行动打击恐怖主义牛津搭配〔activity〕He was found guilty of terrorist activity.他因从事恐怖主义活动而被判有罪。剑桥高阶〔act〕Almost two hundred suspects were detained in the UK last year under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.根据《防止恐怖主义法》,去年英国有将近200名嫌疑人被拘留。剑桥高阶〔agenda〕Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.采取行动打击恐怖主义是当务之急。朗文当代〔allege〕The prosecution alleged that the man had been responsible for an act of terrorism.控方指控那名男子发动了一次恐怖主义行动。朗文当代〔anti-terrorist〕Several governments have adopted tough new anti-terrorist legislation in the wake of the attacks.袭击事件发生后,数国政府已经通过新的立法,严厉打击恐怖主义剑桥高阶〔collaborate〕Have these people been cooperating and collaborating in terrorism?这些人有没有勾结串通搞恐怖主义活动?外研社新世纪〔collusion〕It is thought that they worked in collusion with the terrorist network.人们认为他们与恐怖主义网络有勾结。剑桥高阶〔complacent〕U.S. officials were accused of being complacent about terrorism.美国官员被控对恐怖主义听之任之。外研社新世纪〔compound〕The new threat was a compound of terrorism and social revolution.那项新的威胁是恐怖主义和社会革命的混合物。文馨英汉〔condemnation〕The government's statement was a condemnation of all acts of terrorism.政府的声明是对所有恐怖主义行为的谴责。韦氏高阶〔condemn〕The government condemns all acts of terrorism.政府谴责一切恐怖主义行为。韦氏高阶〔consolidate〕World opinion will begin to consolidate against terrorism and the causes it supports.国际舆论将开始加强, 反对恐怖主义和其支持的事业。外研社新世纪〔cost-effective〕In the eyes of the intelligence agency terrorism can be a cost-effective undertaking.在该情报局看来,恐怖主义可以成为一种有利可图的活动。英汉大词典〔counterterrorism〕The city has fewer than 50 officers assigned to counterterrorism.将近50名警察被派到这个城市打击恐怖主义剑桥高阶〔counterterror〕Action or strategy intended to counteract or suppress terrorism.反恐怖主义行动,反恐怖主义策略:意在抵消或压制恐怖主义的行动或策略美国传统〔disarm〕Terrorist groups are unlikely to disarm.恐怖主义团体不可能削减武器装备。麦克米伦高阶〔effort〕Governments are pooling their efforts to stem international terrorism.政府正汇集力量遏制国际恐怖主义牛津搭配〔establishment〕The establishment of the regional government in 1980 did not end terrorism.1980年地区政府的成立并没有终结恐怖主义外研社新世纪〔fight〕The government has restated its determination to fight terrorism.政府重申了坚决打击恐怖主义的决心。麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕Poverty is a breeding ground for terrorism. () 贫困易滋生恐怖主义牛津搭配〔gunpoint〕The pilot was forced at gunpoint to fly to where the terrorists' headquarters were.飞机机师在枪口威逼下被迫飞往恐怖主义分子大本营的所在地。英汉大词典〔in absentia〕An Italian court convicted him in absentia for his terrorist activities.一个意大利法庭因他参与恐怖主义活动对他进行了缺席宣判。剑桥高阶〔increase〕World terrorism is on the increase.世界性恐怖主义活动正在增加。英汉大词典〔landmark〕The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.停火协定被看作是与恐怖主义斗争的重要里程碑。牛津高阶〔lead〕The U.S. took the lead in declaring war on terrorism.美国带头向恐怖主义宣战。朗文当代〔let〕This is no time for the world to let down its guard agaist terrorism.现在不是世界人民可以对恐怖主义放松警惕的时候。英汉大词典〔line〕The government is taking a firm line on terrorism.政府现在对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度。牛津高阶〔line〕There is a fine line between resolving the crisis peacefully and giving in to terrorism.和平解决危机和向恐怖主义屈服之间只有一线之隔。麦克米伦高阶〔measure〕What further measures can we take to avoid terrorism? 我们该采取哪些进一步的措施来防范恐怖主义剑桥高阶〔narcoterrorism〕Terrorism carried out to prevent interference with or divert attention from illegal narcotics trafficking.毒品恐怖主义:为使非法毒品交易不受干涉或转移对非法毒品交易的注意力而实施的恐怖主义美国传统〔occlude〕The anti-terrorism perspective has occluded all others.反恐怖主义的观点使所有其他观点都显得微不足道。外研社新世纪〔open〕The new international agreement opens up the possibility of much greater co-operation against terrorism.这项新的国际协定为打击恐怖主义创造了更大的合作机会。朗文当代〔opposed〕I am utterly opposed to any form of terrorism.我坚决反对任何形式的恐怖主义外研社新世纪〔outrage〕The bomb, which killed 15 people, was the worst of a series of terrorist outrages.炸弹炸死了15人,这是恐怖主义者一系列暴行中最严重的一次。剑桥高阶〔power〕The police have been given special powers to help them in the fight against terrorism.警方被赋予特殊权力以便于打击恐怖主义朗文当代〔principle〕We are opposed on principle to any collaboration with terrorists.基于道德准则,我们反对和恐怖主义者进行任何合作。麦克米伦高阶〔reaffirm〕He has reaffirmed that he will continue to fight terrorism.他重申将继续打击恐怖主义外研社新世纪〔renounce〕After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism.在被囚禁一段时间之后, 她宣布放弃恐怖主义外研社新世纪〔renunciation〕The talks were dependent on a renunciation of terrorism.会谈以放弃恐怖主义为前提。柯林斯高阶〔right-minded〕Every right-minded person is against terrorism.每个有正义感的人都反对恐怖主义剑桥高阶〔run〕Dogs ran the fox to earth. The police ran the terrorists to ground.狗追获了狐狸。警察捕获恐怖主义美国传统〔spate〕The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.这次炸弹爆炸事件是一连串恐怖主义袭击中最近的一起。牛津高阶〔spectre〕The grim spectre of terrorism cast its shadow.恐怖主义的可怕幽灵正在逼近。牛津搭配〔sponsor〕We have to make the states that sponsor terrorism pay a price.我们必须让那些支持恐怖主义的国家付出代价。柯林斯高阶〔statute〕The men have been charged under a federal anti-terrorism statute.该名男子已依据联邦反恐怖主义法被起诉。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕The president took the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the terrorist attack.总统为了谴责恐怖主义袭击,采取了极不寻常的做法,临时更改了事先准备好的讲稿。剑桥高阶〔stockpile〕Terrorist groups are believed to be stockpiling weapons.据信恐怖主义集团在囤积武器。麦克米伦高阶〔tackle〕The interviewer tackled him about his failure to criticize the terrorist bombings.采访者质问他为何没有谴责恐怖主义爆炸事件。麦克米伦高阶〔terrorism〕The two men are facing trial on terrorism charges.那两个人被指控有恐怖主义行径, 正面临审判。外研社新世纪〔terrorism〕These measures failed to bring acts of terrorism to an end.这些措施没能结束恐怖主义行动。英汉大词典〔terrorism〕These measures failed to end acts of terrorism.这些措施没能终结恐怖主义行动。外研社新世纪〔terrorism〕They have been arrested for acts of terrorism.他们因恐怖主义活动被捕。韦氏高阶〔terrorism〕They were charged with conspiring to commit acts of terrorism.他们被指控密谋策划恐怖主义活动。麦克米伦高阶〔terrorism〕This government will not give in to terrorism.这个政府不会屈服于恐怖主义牛津搭配〔terrorist〕A number of people were deported for being suspected terrorists.一些涉嫌的恐怖主义分子被驱逐出境。韦氏高阶〔terrorist〕Twenty people were killed in the latest terrorist attack.有二十人死于最近这次恐怖主义袭击。朗文当代〔totally〕Terrorism is totally unacceptable in a civilised world.文明社会是绝对不能接受恐怖主义的。朗文当代〔tough〕The government is continuing to take a tough line on terrorism.政府继续对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度。剑桥高阶〔tough〕We must take a tough stance against terrorism.我们一定要采取强硬立场反对恐怖主义麦克米伦高阶〔war〕The president vowed to wage war on/against terrorism.总统发誓要打击恐怖主义剑桥高阶An Italian court convicted him in absentia for his terrorist activities and sentenced him to life imprisonment.一个意大利法庭因他的恐怖主义活动而将其缺席审判为终生监禁。剑桥国际Because of the impact of Islamic terrorism, the candidate Donald Trump is proposing to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Many people think he is putting the cart before the horse. 因为回教恐怖主义的冲击,候选人川普主张禁止回教徒进入美国。许多人认为他这是本末倒置。译典通Driving the explosive-laden car into the barracks was a kamikaze mission for the terrorists.把载满炸药的汽车开进营房是恐怖主义者的自杀性使命。剑桥国际He thought all terrorists were vermin and that prison was too good for them.他认为所有恐怖主义者都是蟊贼,监禁对他们来说太慈善了。剑桥国际If I may précis the president's words --“This country will never give in to terrorism.” 总统讲话的大意是,“我们国家决不会屈服于恐怖主义。”剑桥国际Members of the terrorist group have spent the last two years in hiding, trying to escape the unwelcome attention of the secret police (=trying to avoid their notice because they want to hurt them).这个恐怖主义组织的成员在过去两年里一直东躲西藏,希图避开秘密警察的注意。剑桥国际No one wants to see the terrorists score a propaganda victory.谁也不想看到恐怖主义者取得宣传胜利。剑桥国际One of the government's main aims has been the suppression of terrorism.政府的主要目标之一就是镇压恐怖主义剑桥国际Politicians are fond of hyperbolic phrases like ‘terrorist outrages’ and ‘murderous deeds’.政治家们喜欢用诸如“恐怖主义暴行”和“谋杀行为”之类的夸张言辞。剑桥国际Terrorist forces made several incursions into occupied areas during the fighting.恐怖主义军事力量在战斗期间数次侵入了被占地区。剑桥国际Terrorist paramilitary organizations have been responsible for over 35 killings in the region over the past year.过去一年中该地区发生的35起以上的杀人事件都与恐怖主义准军事组织有关。剑桥国际Terrorists have attempted to sabotage the nuclear power station.恐怖主义者企图破坏核电站。剑桥国际The bomb attack was in retaliation for the recent arrest of two well-known members of the terrorist organization.炸弹袭击是对最近两名知名的恐怖主义组织成员被捕的报复。剑桥国际The demand was for the group to repudiate and renounce terrorism.该要求是使这个团体谴责并弃绝恐怖主义剑桥国际The government has been urged to take decisive/concrete steps to end terrorism.政府被要求采取果断的/具体的措施来终止恐怖主义活动。剑桥国际The government has said that it will not be intimidated by terrorist threats.政府宣称它决不为恐怖主义者的威胁所吓倒。剑桥国际The government is continuing to take a tough stance/line on terrorism.政府继续对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度/方针。剑桥国际The government is taking proactive measures against terrorism. 政府正采取积极措施打击恐怖主义译典通The government must repudiate terrorism in word and deed.政府必须言行一致地抵制恐怖主义剑桥国际The interests of an organization will never be furthered through acts of terrorism.一个组织的利益永远也不会通过恐怖主义行为而有所增长。剑桥国际The minister warned that vigilance against terrorism must not be relaxed.部长警告说对恐怖主义的警惕性丝毫不能放松。剑桥国际The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.人们谴责那恐怖主义行径是野蛮和懦弱的行为。剑桥国际The terrorist threat has made many Americans reluctant to travel to Europe and has crucified the transatlantic air industry.恐怖主义的威胁使许多美国人不愿去欧洲旅行,从而严重损害了横跨大西洋的航空业。剑桥国际The terrorists are hiding out in a remote village.恐怖主义者现藏身于偏远的乡村。剑桥国际The terrorists in the house started shooting and the police returned (their/the) fire (= started shooting back).房子中的恐怖主义者开始射击,于是警察开始回击。剑桥国际The terrorists retaliated against the government with a bomb attack.恐怖主义者用炸弹袭击来报复政府。剑桥国际The terrorists said that anyone caught informing (on them) would be killed.恐怖主义分子说任何告发他们的人都会被干掉。剑桥国际The terrorists took/held several British diplomats captive as hostages.恐怖主义者扣押了数名英国外交官作为人质。剑桥国际The terrorists were tracked to (= found in) Amsterdam.恐怖主义分子在阿姆斯特丹被追踪找到。剑桥国际There has been an increase in terrorist attacks.恐怖主义袭击有增无减。剑桥国际They were as far removed from the ethos of terrorism as you could imagine.他们丝毫不受恐怖主义思潮的影响,这你可以想象及之。剑桥国际




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