

单词 怨声
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DELAY〕There have been a lot of complaints about delays in issuing passports. 大家对延迟签发护照怨声鼎沸。朗文写作活用〔annoyance〕The whole theatre was muttering in annoyance.整个剧场怨声一片。外研社新世纪〔batter〕I heard the fans groan as the batter hit a grand slam.击球手击了个全垒打,我听见球迷发出抱怨声牛津搭配〔chorus〕In recent weeks the chorus of complaining has been growing.近几周出现了越来越多的抱怨声外研社新世纪〔complaint〕We had complaints about the noise.我们抱怨声音喧闹。牛津同义词〔gnashing of teeth〕There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.听到要关闭医院的计划,大家怨声载道。剑桥高阶〔gripe〕Still, the griping went on.怨声依旧未止。柯林斯高阶〔groan〕The kids all groaned when I switched off the TV.我关掉电视,孩子们都发出不满的抱怨声朗文当代〔groan〕They were all moaning and groaning(= complaining)about the amount of work they had.他们对工作量都怨声载道。牛津高阶〔groan〕We all groaned at his terrible jokes.他讲的笑话很糟糕,我们都发出不满的抱怨声牛津高阶〔grudge〕All over the country there is a grudge against him.全国对他怨声载道。英汉大词典〔harrumph〕They stood around harrumphing about the current state of politics.他们围站在一起,对目前政局怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔hell〕People are raising hell about the new law.人们对新法怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔inventory〕Manufacturers are groaning under a pile of inventories.制造商们在成堆的存货面前怨声载道。外研社新世纪〔molasses〕People have complained that the legislature is moving/working slower than molasses.人们对立法机关工作拖拖拉拉怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔murder〕People are screaming blue murder about the amount of traffic going through their town.人们对穿过小镇的车流量怨声载道。外研社新世纪〔muttering〕There has been some muttering among the employees.雇员中有些抱怨声韦氏高阶〔muttering〕There have been mutterings about his leadership.底下对他的领导一直怨声不断。牛津高阶〔mutter〕There were angry mutters from some commanders.一些指挥官发出了愤怒的抱怨声外研社新世纪〔penetrate〕The whole country is penetrated with discontent.全国到处怨声载道。英汉大词典〔rise〕Murmurs of disapproval rose from (= came from) the crowd.人群中传出一阵阵非难的抱怨声剑桥高阶〔rumble〕Pervasive, widespread expression of unrest or dissatisfaction.普遍的怨声:日益蔓延且分布广泛的不安或不满美国传统〔rumble〕There was a rumble of discontent at this statement.这一声明引起一片不满的抱怨声外研社新世纪〔rumbling〕There was a rumbling of discontent among the men.男人们发出一片抱怨声外研社新世纪〔rumbling〕There were rumblings about rising prices.人们对持续上涨的价格怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔rumbling〕There were rumblings of discontent from junior ranks in the Army.陆军下级军官怨声载道。英汉大词典〔rumbling〕There were rumblings of discontent within the ranks.士兵怨声载道。柯林斯高阶〔run〕An angry murmur ran through the crowd.愤怒的抱怨声在人群中迅速蔓延。牛津高阶〔run〕An angry muttering ran through (= went through) the crowd.人群中传出一阵低沉而愤怒的抱怨声剑桥高阶〔silence〕Even these improvements to the service failed to silence a grumbling chorus of complaints.即使对服务作了这些改进也不能平息一片抱怨声牛津搭配〔stink〕Residents are kicking up a stink about the amount of litter in the town.居民们对城里这么多胡乱丢弃的垃圾怨声载道。牛津搭配〔vociferous〕Local activist groups have become increasingly vociferous as the volume of traffic passing through the village has increased.随着途经村子的车辆不断增加,当地激进主义团体的抱怨声也越来越大。剑桥高阶Students made a rash of complaints. 学生们发出一片抱怨声译典通The government believes that its austerity programme will reduce inflation but people are angry at the loss of jobs and services.政府相信其紧缩经济的计划将可减少通货膨胀,但人民却因失业和裁员而怨声载道。剑桥国际There are rumblings of annoyance throughout the workforce.整个劳动大军中都有烦躁的抱怨声剑桥国际This state of discontent and disillusionment created a real crisis for the Republic. 怨声载道和理想破灭的现状给共和国造成了极为严重的危机。译典通




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