

单词 性激素
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DHEA〕An androgenic steroid hormone secreted largely by the adrenal cortex and found in human urine.脱氢表雄酮:大部分由肾上腺皮质分泌的雄性激素类固醇,存在于人类尿液中美国传统〔androgenize〕To treat with male hormones, usually in large doses.注射雄性激素:注射雄性激素,通常是大剂量美国传统〔androsterone〕A steroid hormone excreted in urine that reinforces masculine characteristics.雄酯酮:可促进男性特征的雄性激素,随尿液排出美国传统〔antiandrogen〕A substance that inhibits the biological effects of androgenic hormones.抗雄激素:抑制雄性激素生物效果的物质美国传统〔cyproterone〕A synthetic steroid that inhibits the secretion of androgens.去乙酰环丙氯地孕酮:一种用来抑制雄性激素分泌的合成类固醇美国传统〔hell〕Testosterone-crazed youths roam the countryside, raising hell.雄性激素分泌旺盛的年轻人在乡间闲逛, 大吵大闹。外研社新世纪〔ovary〕The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone.卵巢:通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素美国传统〔sex change〕The modification of a person's biological sex characteristics, by surgery and hormone treatment, to approximate those of the opposite sex.变性:通过外科手术和性激素处理以使某人接近相反性别,并对其的生物学性特征进行的改变美国传统Oestrogen is a female sex hormone.雌激素是一种女性的性激素剑桥国际Osteoporosis afflicts many older women because of the loss of calcium and estrogen that commonly occurs in women after menopause.一般在妇女绝经以后,由于失钙和雌性激素,许多老年妇女深受骨质疏松症的折磨。剑桥国际




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