

单词 快餐
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Performances are sponsored by fast food restaurants and other unlikely patrons of the arts. 演出由快餐店等与艺术不大有关的团体赞助。朗文写作活用〔Americanize〕Many European cities have been Americanized with burger bars and diners.许多欧洲城市已经美国化了,大街上到处都是汉堡快餐店和美式快餐馆。剑桥高阶〔BAD〕Most of the food in these fast food joints is garbage. 这些快餐店所售卖的食品大部分都是些垃圾。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕Jake's home-made burgers beat anything you can get at fast-food restaurants. 杰克自制的汉堡包比快餐店里卖的要好得多。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕We're not really picky eaters, but we don't eat much fast food. 我们不是很挑剔的食客,但是不常吃快餐朗文写作活用〔INSTEAD〕Children often choose high-fat fast foods in preference to fresh, healthy ones. 儿童常常会选择高脂肪的快餐食品,而不是新鲜的、有益的食品。朗文写作活用〔MRE.〕Meals Ready to Eat.快餐:即食便餐美国传统〔NEW〕Fast-food restaurants like McDonald's are still something of a novelty in Moscow. 像麦当劳一类的快餐店在莫斯科仍是新鲜事物。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕The two bank robbers got in line at a nearby fast-food restaurant, hoping to be inconspicuous as police flooded the area. 那两名银行劫匪站进附近一家快餐店的队伍里,希望在这个地区到处都是警察的时候不引起注意。朗文写作活用〔THIRSTY〕We were dying for a Coke, so we stopped at a fast-food place. 我们很想喝杯可乐,因此就在一家快餐店前停了下来。朗文写作活用〔anywhere〕Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.无论走到世界哪个地方,你都能看到这样或那样的汉堡快餐店。剑桥高阶〔better〕You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal.你最好简单吃点快餐,不要着急着慌地吃正餐。柯林斯高阶〔buffet〕We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.我们坐在车站的快餐部里抿茶。外研社新世纪〔caloric〕Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly caloric.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。剑桥高阶〔calorific〕Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly calorific.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。剑桥高阶〔capture〕In 1987, McDonald's captured 19 percent of all fast-food sales.1987年,麦当劳占据了整个快餐业销售额的19%。柯林斯高阶〔come〕Fast food has come in for further criticism in a report published today.在今天刊登的一篇报道中,快餐遭到进一步的批评。麦克米伦高阶〔convenience store〕A small retail store that is open long hours and that typically sells staple groceries, snacks, and sometimes gasoline.方便小商店:一种零售小商店,营业时间较长,通常出售日常食品杂货,快餐且有时也出售汽油美国传统〔cook〕He found work as a short-order cook in a local diner.他在当地一家小餐馆找了份做快餐的工作。牛津搭配〔corner the market〕They've more or less cornered the fast-food market - they're in every big city in the world.他们几乎垄断了快餐市场——世界各大城市都有他们的分店。剑桥高阶〔crave〕I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。韦氏高阶〔craving〕I had/felt a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我突然很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。韦氏高阶〔culprit〕About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.大约10%的日本青少年体重超标。营养学家称主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。外研社新世纪〔culprit〕About 10% of Japanese teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on Western fast food.大约10%的日本青少年超重。营养学家指出主要原因是对西式快餐越来越依赖。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕This latest judgement will definitely be one in the eye for the fast food corporations.这最新的裁决肯定对快餐公司不利。朗文当代〔fast food〕Inexpensive food, such as hamburgers and fried chicken, prepared and served quickly for consumption on the premises or elsewhere.快餐:在店里或其它地方快速准备和提供消费的便宜食品,如汉堡包和炸鸡美国传统〔fast food〕James works as assistant chef at a fast food restaurant.詹姆斯在一家快餐店当助理厨师。柯林斯高阶〔fast food〕Most fast foods are high in calories.大多数快餐食品都是高热量的。韦氏高阶〔fast food〕Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food.多数时候我们只吃点心和快餐柯林斯高阶〔fast food〕Most of the time we just ate snacks and fast food.大部分时间我们吃点心和快餐外研社新世纪〔fast food〕They eat a lot of fast food.他们吃很多快餐食品。韦氏高阶〔fastidious〕They were too fastidious to eat in a fast-food restaurant.他们太讲究了,不会在快餐店吃饭。剑桥高阶〔fast〕Let's eat a quick snack.让我们吃一顿快餐吧!美国传统〔franchise〕Most of the Burger King outlets operate as franchises.汉堡王的大多数快餐店都是特许经营的。麦克米伦高阶〔franchise〕They just opened a new fast-food franchise down the street.他们刚在街边开了家新的快餐专卖店。韦氏高阶〔gear〕Fast food restaurants are geared up to serve thousands of people daily.快餐店每天可以接待成千上万的顾客。朗文当代〔glorified〕The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。牛津高阶〔great〕This restaurant is great for a quick meal. = This is a great restaurant for a quick meal.这家餐馆的快餐很好。韦氏高阶〔intensely〕The fast-food business is intensely competitive.快餐业竞争极为激烈。外研社新世纪〔intensely〕The fast-food business is intensely competitive.快餐业竞争非常激烈。柯林斯高阶〔junk food〕Any of various prepackaged snack foods high in calories but low in nutritional value.劣等食物:高卡路里但低营养价值的预先包装好的快餐食品美国传统〔load〕Most fast foods are loaded with fat.快餐食品大多都富含脂肪。剑桥高阶〔lunchroom〕A luncheonette.快餐小饭馆美国传统〔maker〕They're the biggest maker of fast-food products in the UK 他们是英国最大的快餐供应商。剑桥高阶〔megamall〕Megamalls and fast food restaurants line the highway system.公路系统沿线有大型商场和快餐店。柯林斯高阶〔nor〕Cooking up a quick dish doesn't mean you have to sacrifice flavour. Nor does fast food have to be junk food.烹饪快餐并不意味着牺牲风味,快餐也不见得就一定是垃圾食品。柯林斯高阶〔nosh〕A snack or light meal.食物:快餐或简单的食品美国传统〔others〕The issue affects the fast-food industry, the farming industry and some others.这一问题影响快餐业、农业及其他一些行业。外研社新世纪〔person〕I don't like takeaways. I'm not a fast food person.我不喜欢外卖食品。我不是那种喜欢快餐的人。麦克米伦高阶〔pig out〕He had probably pigged out in a fast-food place beforehand.他很可能事先已经在快餐店大吃了一顿。外研社新世纪〔plan on doing sth〕We were planning on just having a snack and catching the early train.我们打算吃份快餐赶早班火车。剑桥高阶〔popularity〕Instant foods are gaining in popularity.快餐食品越来越普遍了。英汉大词典〔prejudice〕He has a prejudice against fast-food restaurants.他对快餐店有偏见。韦氏高阶〔proper〕Try to eat proper meals instead of fast-food takeaways.尽量吃点像样的饭菜,而不是外卖的快餐朗文当代〔queue〕The crowd was queuing at the snack bar.一群人在快餐店排队等候。韦氏高阶〔queue〕The crowd was queuing up at the snack bar.那群人在快餐店排队等候。韦氏高阶〔run〕Here are some quick recipes for when you're eating on the run(= in a hurry).这是一些供匆忙用餐时用的快餐食谱。牛津高阶〔serve〕After all, it is no use serving up TV dinners if the kids won't eat them.毕竟,如果孩子不想吃冷冻快餐,给他们也没用。柯林斯高阶〔shoot〕There were fast-food restaurants shooting up all over town.城里各处突然冒出许多快餐店。麦克米伦高阶〔short order〕An order of food prepared and served quickly, as in a diner.快餐:一种比如在快餐店中很快地制作,很快地吃掉的食物美国传统〔snack bar〕A lunch counter or small restaurant where light meals are served.快餐部:提供少量食物的午餐柜台或小餐馆美国传统〔snack〕A hurried or light meal.快餐,点心:仓促的,少量的饭菜美国传统〔snack〕Do you serve bar snacks? 你这儿卖不卖快餐牛津高阶〔snack〕Many snack foods are high in salt, sugar, and fat.很多快餐都是高盐、高糖、高脂肪。剑桥高阶〔snack〕Most office staff prefer a snack lunch to a sit-down meal.大部分办公室职员都喜欢快餐午饭而非在餐厅正式用餐。牛津搭配〔spring〕Fast-food restaurants are springing up all over town.突然之间,镇上到处都是一家一家的快餐店。朗文当代〔square off〕The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.本月快餐业两大巨头展开了异常激烈的广告攻势,拉开阵势准备一决高下。剑桥高阶〔supersize〕We are being supersized into obesity(= made very fat)by the fast food industry.我们正被快餐业催肥。牛津高阶〔trendsetter〕They are not only the biggest fast food chain, but also the industry's trendsetter.他们不仅是世界上最大的快餐连锁店,而且是该行业的潮流领导者。剑桥高阶〔trivia〕The two men chatted about such trivia as their favourite kinds of fast food.这两个男人闲聊了些诸如彼此最喜欢的快餐这样的琐事。柯林斯高阶〔unacceptable〕To some critics, the big fast-food chains represent the unacceptable face of consumerism.对一些爱挑剔的人来说,大型的快餐连锁店代表了消费主义的阴暗面。麦克米伦高阶〔wonton〕Noodles and wonton were available at snack time.在快餐时间能吃到面条和馄饨。英汉大词典〔world〕Fast food outlets seem to be taking over the world.快餐店似乎正占领全球。牛津搭配About 2% of fast-food packaging ends up as roadside litter.大概有百分之二的快餐盒最终成为街道两旁的垃圾。剑桥国际Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is very calorific (=it contains a lot of calories.) 尽管是快餐,但一个汉堡包含有很高的卡路里。剑桥国际Bloggs Brothers is the largest maker of fast-food products in the UK.布劳格斯兄弟是英国最大的快餐供应商。剑桥国际Foods such as instant noodles are popular as snacks.速食面之类的食品是流行快餐剑桥国际Go anywhere in the world and you'll find some sort of hamburger restaurant.不管你走到世界上什么地方,你都会看到某种汉堡包式快餐厅。剑桥国际He ate a snack before resuming work. 他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。译典通He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant. 他常在一家中式快餐馆吃饭。译典通Packaging for fast food includes boxes, bags, wrappers, straws and paper cups.快餐包装材料包括盒子,袋子,包装纸,吸管及纸杯。剑桥国际Snack foods tend to be high in salt and fat, which we ought to be eating less of.快餐往往含有高盐和高脂肪,我们应当少吃为好。剑桥国际That fast food business has expanded through the sale of franchises. 该快餐店透过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。译典通The kebab and hamburger have become debased fast-food versions of their original selves.烤肉串和汉堡包已由原来的含义降指为蹩脚的快餐剑桥国际The market for fast food has shrunk.快餐食品市场已萎缩。牛津商务The pub's new owners have promised to improve the beers and widen the range of bar snacks.酒吧的新业主答应改善啤酒的质量和扩大快餐柜的范围。剑桥国际The snack bar on the corner is very busy and you often have to stand in line for a quarter of an hour to buy some lunch.拐角那家快餐店生意很红火,你常常不得不排上一刻钟队才能买到午饭。剑桥国际The snack has a price point similar to that of its chief competitor.这种快餐与其主要竞争对手处于同等价位。牛津商务The stall sells drinks and snacks.这个售货台卖饮料和快餐剑桥国际The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.两个快餐业的巨人这个月摆开了架式,准备进行最激烈的广告攻势。剑桥国际These days it's possible to travel in any developed country without ever tasting the native cuisine, thanks to the ubiquity of fast-food outlets (= the fact that they are found everywhere).现今人们可以到任何一个发达国家旅游而不去品尝当地的菜肴, 这得益于无所不在的快餐店。剑桥国际They are not only the world's biggest fast-food chain but also the industry's trendsetter.它们不仅是世界上最大的快餐连锁店而且还是该行业的标新立异者。剑桥国际They live in an area of town which is full of cheap bars and fast-food joints.他们住在这个镇上到处是廉价酒吧和快餐店的地区。剑桥国际They were too fastidious to eat in a fast-food restaurant.他们太讲究了,不肯在快餐馆吃饭。剑桥国际They've more or less cornered the fast-food market--they're in every big city in the world.他们在快餐市场多少是处于垄断地位的----世界上各大城市都有他们的分店。剑桥国际Today's busy lifestyles mean that people are eating more snack meals than ever before.当今繁忙的生活方式意味着人们所吃的快餐比以往任何时候都要多。剑桥国际We intend to offer quality fast food.我们打算供应高质量的快餐牛津商务We just had time for a quick nosh (= meal) then we had to leave.我们刚好有够吃一顿快餐的时间,然后我们就得走了。剑桥国际We were planning on just having a snack and catching the early train.我们打算吃份快餐赶早班火车。剑桥国际We've arranged to meet at the railway station snack bar in Lausanne next week.我们约好下星期在洛桑的火车站快餐店见面。剑桥国际




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