

单词 忒弥斯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Actaeon〕A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs.阿克特翁:年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并最终被他自己的狗群咬死美国传统〔Arethusa〕A wood nymph who was changed into a fountain by Artemis.阿瑞托莎:被阿耳忒弥斯变成喷泉的山林中的仙女美国传统〔Artemis〕The virgin goddess of the hunt and the moon and twin sister of Apollo.阿耳忒弥斯:狩猎女神和月神,与阿波罗为孪生姊妹美国传统〔Diana〕The virgin goddess of hunting and childbirth, traditionally associated with the moon and identified with the Greek Artemis.黛安娜(月亮和守猎女神):狩猎和分娩女神,传统上同月亮有关系并且与希腊阿耳忒弥斯(月亮和狩猎女神)是一致的美国传统〔Iphigenia〕The daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, who was offered as a sacrifice by Agamemnon but rescued by Artemis. She later became a priestess.依菲琴尼亚:克吕泰墨斯特拉和阿加门农的女儿,被阿加门农献作祭品但被阿耳忒弥斯所救。她后来成了一名女祭司美国传统〔Leto〕A consort of Zeus and the mother of Apollo and Artemis.勒托:宙斯的一个妻子,也是阿波罗和阿耳忒弥斯的母亲美国传统〔Orion〕Greek Mythology A giant hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, killed by Artemis.【希腊神话】 俄里翁:一个巨人般的猎人,普勒阿德斯的追求者、厄俄斯的恋人,被阿耳忒弥斯所杀美国传统〔Phoebe〕Greek Mythology The goddess Artemis.【希腊神话】 女神阿耳忒弥斯美国传统〔Thetis〕One of the Nereids, the wife of Peleus and mother of Achilles.忒弥斯:海的女神之一,是珀琉斯的妻子和阿喀琉斯的母亲美国传统




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