

单词 心头
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕The loneliness and grief comes in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头柯林斯高阶〔HIDE〕Even after years of psychiatric treatment, she was full of hidden anger. 即使经过了多年的心理治疗,她还是有满腔的怒火藏在心头朗文写作活用〔MIND〕The same thoughts kept going through my mind and I couldn't get to sleep. 这些念头不断掠过我心头,使我无法入睡。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕She was still haunted by what happened in Barcelona, although she had left twenty years earlier. 虽然她20年前就离开了巴塞罗那,但在那里发生的往事仍萦绕在她心头朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕He hadn't expected to see her, but he was surprised at how quickly memories of Paris came flooding back. 他未料到会见到她,但他对巴黎的那些记忆那么快涌上心头感到惊讶。朗文写作活用〔a thorn in the/your flesh/side〕He's been a thorn in my side for years.多年来他一直是我的心头刺。韦氏高阶〔aftertaste〕The memory would take on a sour aftertaste.忆及往事心头常泛起一番辛酸的滋味。英汉大词典〔bilious〕She is suffering a bilious attack.她觉得恶心头痛。柯林斯高阶〔black〕The black memory of his mother's death rushed over him again.母亲的死这件使他十分悲痛的往事又涌上他的心头英汉大词典〔blinding〕Suddenly I had a blinding flash of inspiration.我心头霍然闪过一丝灵感。朗文当代〔bubble〕Resentment was still bubbling inside her.仇恨依然在她心头翻滚。朗文当代〔cloud〕He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.他的心头仍有一团疑云。牛津高阶〔come back〕When I thought about it, it all came back.当我回想起来,往事全都涌上了心头柯林斯高阶〔coruscation〕The coruscations of immortal truth will shine into us.不朽真理放射出的熠熠光芒将照进我们心头英汉大词典〔course〕Anger coursed through him.怒火涌上他的心头麦克米伦高阶〔crowd〕Memories came crowding into her mind.往事一齐涌上她的心头牛津高阶〔crowd〕She shut her mind against the fears that crowded in on her.她克制自己不去想那些涌上心头的恐惧感。朗文当代〔day〕Day in, day out the same thoughts were going round and round in my head.日复一日, 同样的想法一直萦绕在我心头外研社新世纪〔doom〕A sense of impending doom (=coming very soon) gripped her.她心头被一种大难临头的感觉所笼罩。朗文当代〔doubt〕She still felt the same niggling doubt: was he really telling the truth? 她仍然无法消除萦绕心头的疑虑:他真的说实话了吗?牛津搭配〔doubt〕There was still one little nagging doubt at the back of his mind.他的心头仍有一丝难以摆脱的疑虑。朗文当代〔fetish〕An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.迷恋,迷信(物):不正常地萦绕于心头的事物或情感;固恋美国传统〔fight down〕She tried to fight down her rising terror.她极力克制浮现在她心头的恐惧。21世纪英汉〔fit〕The haunting melody fits seamlessly within the song.这萦绕心头的旋律与歌曲配合得天衣无缝。牛津搭配〔flare〕All the old hatred for their former enemy flared up.对他们过去敌人的一切旧恨宿怨顿时涌上心头英汉大词典〔flash through〕The idea flashed through his mind.这个想法闪过他的心头21世纪英汉〔flash〕An idea flashed through his mind.一个念头忽然闪过他的心头21世纪英汉〔flood〕Memories of her childhood came flooding back.她童年的往事涌上心头牛津高阶〔flood〕Seeing her again brought back a flood of memories.再次见到她,回忆如潮水般涌上心头韦氏高阶〔flush〕He felt a flush of pride as he watched his children.他看着自己的孩子一种强烈的自豪感涌上心头美国传统〔gall〕He looked ready to explode but then he swallowed his gall.他看来快要发作了,可是随即又把心头的怒火强忍了下去。英汉大词典〔glow〕Her words brought him a glow of satisfaction.她的话让他心头涌起一股满足感。外研社新世纪〔grave〕His advice was graven [graved] on my mind.他的忠言铭记在我的心头文馨英汉〔grow〕She could feel the anger growing inside her.她能感到自己心头的怒气在上升。麦克米伦高阶〔gushing〕She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother.对母亲的爱突然涌上她的心头柯林斯高阶〔hang〕The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her.可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头牛津高阶〔hang〕The threat of redundancy was still hanging over us.失业的威胁依然笼罩在我们心头朗文当代〔haunt〕Memories of the old days haunted him。对过去岁月的回忆常常萦绕在他的心头21世纪英汉〔haunt〕The decision to leave her children now haunts her.抛下孩子们的决定现在总在她心头挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕That untruth will lie heavy on his conscience.那谎言将使他内疚而心头沉重。英汉大词典〔imposition〕I felt a flash of anger over the imposition on my privacy.我因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。英汉大词典〔inside〕Fury continually rose inside me.怒火不断在我心头上升。英汉大词典〔jealousy〕Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy when she saw Paul with Suzanne.波莉看到保罗和苏珊娜在一起时,一阵强烈的妒意涌上心头朗文当代〔knock〕Don't knock your head on the beam.小心头碰横梁。外研社新世纪〔knowledge〕He was safe in the knowledge that Lowell was dead.他知道洛厄尔已死,心头很踏实。英汉大词典〔least〕At that moment, they were among the least of the concerns of the government.那时,他们还谈不上是政府的心头之患。柯林斯高阶〔lie〕This trouble lies on my heart.这件麻烦事压在我心头英汉大词典〔linger〕He was ashamed. That feeling lingered, and he was never comfortable in church after that.他深感羞耻。这种感觉一直萦绕在心头,并且自那以后他在教堂总是觉得不自在。柯林斯高阶〔linger〕The resentments and the longings lingered.怨恨与热望仍堆在心头无法褪去。外研社新世纪〔load〕Good news took a load off my mind.这个好消息卸去了我心头的重担美国传统〔loom〕Fear of failure loomed large in his mind.对失败的担忧沉重地压在他的心头朗文当代〔melancholy〕It is haunting, melancholy music.这是萦绕心头的、让人伤感的音乐。外研社新世纪〔memory〕When we visited my old family home, memories came flooding back.我们探访我家老屋时,回忆如潮水般涌上心头牛津搭配〔mind〕Finally, she broached the subject that had been playing on her mind for days.最后她终于开口说了压在她心头多日的那个话题。朗文当代〔mind〕It weighs heavily on my mind.这事沉重地压在我的心头英汉大词典〔mind〕She isn't usually rude; she's got a lot on her mind.她通常并不粗鲁,压在她心头的事情太多了。麦克米伦高阶〔need〕The king needed the assassin dead, for the death of the man would be a catharsis for him.国王定要处死刺客,这样才解他的心头之恨。英汉大词典〔nostalgia〕A wave of nostalgia came over him.一股思乡之情涌上他的心头牛津搭配〔nostalgia〕A wave of nostalgia swept over me when I saw my childhood home.当我看到儿时的家,一股怀旧之情涌上心头韦氏高阶〔object〕The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French.令她心头生恨的是24岁的模特罗斯·弗伦奇。柯林斯高阶〔object〕The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French.令她心头生恨的是24岁的模特罗斯•弗伦奇。外研社新世纪〔pang〕She felt a sudden pang of guilt.一阵罪恶感突然涌上她的心头朗文当代〔panic〕He felt panic rising within him.他感到心头涌起一阵恐慌。牛津搭配〔panic〕The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her.突然间莫名涌起的回忆让她心头一紧。外研社新世纪〔pit〕She felt a flutter in the pit of her stomach when he walked through the door.当他跨进门时,她感到心头一阵忐忑。韦氏高阶〔present〕A wonderful idea presented itself to him [in his mind].一个妙主意浮现在他的心头文馨英汉〔press on〕The weight of irrational guilt pressed on her.莫名的内疚重重地压在她的心头外研社新世纪〔prowl〕The mildewed anguish still prowls about me on long-drawn evenings.在漫漫长夜里,那积满岁月霉斑的痛苦仍然萦回在我心头英汉大词典〔pursue〕He was pursued by horrible memories.可怕的回忆萦绕在他心头英汉大词典〔recur〕Some of those thoughts keep recurring, even though I try to stop them.有一些想法总在我心头萦绕, 挥之不去。外研社新世纪〔revive〕Habib grimaced at the revived memories.重新涌上心头的记忆让哈比卜愁眉苦脸。柯林斯高阶〔ripple〕Anger was rippling through him so fiercely that his whole body shook.怒火在他心头燃烧,他浑身都颤抖起来。朗文当代〔rise〕A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。柯林斯高阶〔rise〕The scene rose before my mind.这情景浮现在我的心头英汉大词典〔round〕The idea has been going round and round in my head all day (= I can't stop thinking about it).这个想法一整天都萦绕在我心头剑桥高阶〔run through〕Thoughts and memories of home kept running through his mind.对家的思念和回忆总萦绕在他心头韦氏高阶〔self-satisfaction〕We all feel self-satisfaction after a job well done.在出色完成一项任务之后,我们都会喜上心头英汉大词典〔sleep〕How can Jayne sleep at night with all those worries on her mind! 心头有那么多担心的事,杰恩晚上怎么能睡得着?剑桥高阶〔submerge〕Feelings she thought she'd submerged were surfacing again.她以为已经抑制住的情感再一次涌上心头朗文当代〔sudden〕Life is cruel, she thought, with a sudden rush of anger.生活真残酷,她想,心头突然涌上一股怒气。朗文当代〔surge〕She was overwhelmed by a surge of remorse.悔恨一下子涌上了她的心头剑桥高阶〔swell〕His remarks swelled a past event up in my mind.他的一席话使一段往事涌上了我的心头21世纪英汉〔swell〕Rage swelled within me.我心头怒火升腾美国传统〔thought〕He pushed the thought from his mind.他抛开心头这个想法。柯林斯高阶〔throttle〕He throttled her in a fit of jealous rage.妒忌的怒火突然涌上心头,他掐死了她。韦氏高阶〔unburden〕She unburdened herself of her terrible secret.她说出隐情以放下压在心头的包袱。英汉大词典〔unwholesome〕My desire to be rich was an insane, unwholesome, oppressive desire.我对财富的渴望疯狂、病态,犹如心头的一块重石。柯林斯高阶〔urge〕The moving thoughts urged themselves upon her.一连串的想法涌上她的心头英汉大词典〔watch〕Watch your head on the shelf.小心头,别碰到架子。朗文当代〔wave〕A wave of panic swept over me.一阵恐慌掠过我的心头外研社新世纪〔wave〕Guilt and horror flooded her in waves.歉疚和恐惧一阵阵涌上她的心头牛津高阶〔wave〕She felt a wave of tiredness sweep over her.她的心头涌上一阵疲惫感。麦克米伦高阶〔well up〕Pity welled up in her heart as she watched the disabled child.当她看到那个残疾孩子的时候,怜悯之心涌上心头21世纪英汉A wave of anger swept over him. 他心头涌起一股怒潮。译典通He felt an onrush of shame. 他感到一阵羞耻袭上心头译典通She felt a wave of resentment surging (up) (= developing strongly) inside her.怨恨之情涌上她的心头剑桥国际She was overwhelmed by a surge of remorse.悔恨之情涌上她的心头剑桥国际The film star became wild with anger over the imposition on her privacy. 那位电影明星因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。译典通The problem weighed on his mind. 那个问题沉重地压在他心头译典通Too ill to get out of bed, feelings of uselessness haunted her.疾病缠身,卧床不起,活着无用的感觉萦绕她的心头剑桥国际




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