

单词 得太多
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕When we added up the receipts we realized we had spent too much. 我们把收据加起来,发现钱用得太多了。朗文写作活用〔DRUNK〕I'd better take Tanya home - she's had too much to drink. 我最好送塔尼娅回家,她喝得太多了。朗文写作活用〔EARLY〕Too much success too early can cause you to grow overconfident. 过早取得太多成功会使你变得过分自信。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕You need to watch your weight - have you been overeating? 你要注意体重了——是不是吃得太多了?朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕He has such an unhealthy lifestyle -- smoking, drinking, eating too much. 他的生活方式很不健康—抽烟、喝酒、吃得太多朗文写作活用〔OD〕OD'd on chocolate cake.巧克力蛋糕吃得太多美国传统〔PAST〕He drinks far too much. On one occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of vodka. 他酒喝得太多了,有次我看到他喝了整整一瓶伏特加。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He was shot because he knew too much and was about to blow the whistle. 他遭枪杀,因为他知道得太多,而且还打算去告密。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Don't talk too much now - you need to rest. 现在不要讲得太多,你需要休息。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Jim drinks too much. 吉姆酒喝得太多朗文写作活用〔TV〕You watch too much TV! 你电视看得太多剑桥高阶〔WATER〕You'll find the paint drips everywhere if you water it down too much. 要是水掺得太多,涂料会滴得到处都是。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Water the young plants well, but don't swamp them. 好好给这些幼苗浇水,但不要浇得太多朗文写作活用〔belt〕He had eaten so much that he had to loosen his belt a couple of notches.他吃得太多,不得不把腰带放松几个扣。剑桥高阶〔bloated〕I felt bloated from eating too much.我吃得太多,觉得肚子很胀。韦氏高阶〔bump off〕He knew too much, so they bumped him off.他知道得太多了,所以他们把他干掉了。韦氏高阶〔care〕Take care (that) you don't drink too much! 当心别喝得太多牛津高阶〔chain-smoke〕He ate too much and chain-smoked (cheap cigars).他吃得太多,(劣质雪茄)烟不离口。英汉大词典〔cloud〕When it came to explaining the lipstick on his collar, he found that drink had clouded (= confused) his memory.等到要他解释衣领上的口红印时,他才意识到当时酒喝得太多,什么都记不清了。剑桥高阶〔coffee〕If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep.要是咖啡喝得太多,我会睡不着觉。剑桥高阶〔come〕That comes of eating too much! 那是吃得太多的结果!牛津高阶〔cost〕Don't use too much of it—it cost a lot of money.这东西很贵,不要用得太多牛津高阶〔cure sb of sth〕I ate so many sweets that day that I was cured of my sugar craving for months.有一天我吃糖吃得太多了,这让我好几个月都不想吃甜东西。剑桥高阶〔disgusted〕I was disgusted with myself for eating so much.我吃得太多,自己也觉得无地自容。牛津高阶〔dozy〕Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.也许我吃得太多了,所以昏昏欲睡。柯林斯高阶〔dozy〕Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.也许是我吃得太多了, 所以才昏昏欲睡。外研社新世纪〔dry-eyed〕I am dry-eyed from too much crying.我哭得太多把眼泪哭干了。英汉大词典〔excess〕The salad had such an excess of chilli that it was almost inedible.色拉里辣椒放得太多, 都快没法吃了。外研社新世纪〔excess〕They both eat to excess (= too much).他们两个都吃得太多了。剑桥高阶〔far〕You eat far too much.你吃得太多了。麦克米伦高阶〔fat〕The dog is getting fat because you feed him too much.那只狗越来越胖,因为你给它喂得太多了。韦氏高阶〔flavouring〕There is too much flavouring in the dish.这道菜调料加得太多了。英汉大词典〔fling〕I've had so much bad language flung at me in the press, and I really don't deserve it.媒体的恶语相向我经历得太多, 而我真的很冤枉。外研社新世纪〔footsore〕Having sore or tired feet, as from too much walking.走痛了脚的:由于走得太多,脚乏了的或脚疼的美国传统〔from〕She's fat from eating too much.她因吃得太多而肥胖。文馨英汉〔given〕Given (the fact) that he's had six months to do this, he hasn't made much progress.鉴于他有六个月的时间完成这项工作,他并没有取得太多进展。剑桥高阶〔good〕Watching too much TV isn't good for you.电视看得太多不好。朗文当代〔heavy-handed〕The cook was much too heavy-handed with salt.厨子把盐放得太多了。英汉大词典〔impact〕These warnings have been heard so often that they have lost their impact.这些警告人们听得太多了,已经失去了作用。韦氏高阶〔jittery〕I get really jittery if I drink too much coffee.我如果咖啡喝得太多就会发抖。剑桥高阶〔lay〕If you eat too much, the surplus is laid down as fat.要是吃得太多,过剩的营养就会积聚成为脂肪。牛津高阶〔lecture〕He used to lecture me about getting too much sun.他以前常唠叨我太阳晒得太多柯林斯高阶〔lest〕She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.她担心她泄露得太多了。牛津高阶〔look-in〕James talks so much that no-one else gets a look-in.詹姆斯说得太多了, 其他人都没有插话的机会。外研社新世纪〔loosen〕I'd eaten so much I had to loosen my belt.我吃得太多了,得松一松皮带。麦克米伦高阶〔mask〕Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food.盐放得太多了, 遮住了食物原本的味道。外研社新世纪〔morning〕I had too much to drink at Sarah's party, and I felt terrible the morning after.我在萨拉的聚会上喝得太多,第二天上午觉得很难受。剑桥高阶〔much〕She laughs too much.她笑得太多了。柯林斯高阶〔not have a hope in hell〕We were so outclassed - we didn't have a hope in hell of winning.我们差得太多了——根本就没希望获胜。剑桥高阶〔overdressed〕I was overdressed for the weather.这种天气我穿得太多了。韦氏高阶〔overextend yourself〕Don't overextend yourself or else you'll burn out.别干得太多,不然你会累垮的。韦氏高阶〔overflow〕The cup was overflowing while she poured coffee for me.她给我倒了些咖啡,倒得太多咖啡都溢了出来。21世纪英汉〔overuse〕The couch sagged from overuse.沙发因坐得太多而凹陷了。韦氏高阶〔overworked〕I'm overworked and underpaid.我干得太多,挣得太少。剑桥高阶〔partake〕He had partaken of too much dinner and was now stuffed.他吃得太多,现在肚子发胀。韦氏高阶〔pick a fight/quarrel/argument〕He'd had too much to drink and tried to pick a fight with the bartender.他酒喝得太多了,想找酒吧侍者的茬。剑桥高阶〔pig〕I'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.恐怕我晚餐时吃得太多了。柯林斯高阶〔pig〕I'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.我晚饭恐怕吃得太多了。外研社新世纪〔pile on〕I piled on the weight over the years because I ate too much.那些年我吃得太多, 体重增加了不少。外研社新世纪〔poison〕The soup is poisoned with too much salt.这汤盐放得太多,不能吃了。英汉大词典〔press〕Too many people were pressed in the room.房间里人挤得太多了。英汉大词典〔put〕You put too much salt in the soup.你在汤里盐搁得太多了。英汉大词典〔queer〕I felt queer after eating too much.吃得太多,我觉得不舒服。牛津同义词〔rather〕Toby had drunk rather too much.托比酒喝得太多了。麦克米伦高阶〔reason〕We ought to reason why it is harmful to health to eat too much.我们应当论证一下为什么吃得太多对健康会有害。21世纪英汉〔room〕Don't eat too much. You should leave some room for dessert.不要吃得太多,你得留点肚子吃甜点呀。韦氏高阶〔sleep it off〕He had too much to drink, and I'm letting him sleep it off.他喝得太多了,我让他睡一会儿以消除醉意。韦氏高阶〔soak〕There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts.血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。柯林斯高阶〔splutter〕She took too big a gulp of whisky and started to cough and splutter.她那一口威士忌喝得太多,开始咳嗽起来,嘴里噗噗地吐着气。剑桥高阶〔surfeit〕He's still sleeping; he was surfeited with too much wine last night.他昨晚上酒喝得太多了,到现在还在睡觉。21世纪英汉〔talk〕Am I talking too much? 我说得太多了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔television〕Your problem is that you watch too much television.你的问题在于电视看得太多剑桥高阶〔think〕You think too much - that's your problem.你想得太多——这是你的问题。剑桥高阶〔upset〕I have an upset stomach/tummy - serves me right for eating so much.我肚子不舒服——我这是自作自受,谁让自己吃得太多剑桥高阶〔want〕You want to be careful, I think you've drunk too much.你应该小心点,我想你喝得太多了。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕These shoes are way too big for her.这双鞋子对她来说大得太多了。外研社新世纪〔well〕She poured too much milk in the glass, and it welled over (the lip).她杯里牛奶倒得太多,牛奶(从杯子边)溢了出来。英汉大词典〔wheeze〕I know when I've been smoking too much because I start to wheeze when I run for a train.我知道自己烟抽得太多了,因为我在跑着赶火车时开始呼哧呼哧地喘。剑桥高阶〔wonder〕No wonder you've got a headache, the amount you drank last night.怪不得你头痛,昨晚喝得太多了。朗文当代〔young〕Val is incredibly young for her age .瓦尔比她的实际年龄年轻得太多了。朗文当代Be careful not to peel away too much of the potato.小心不要把土豆皮削得太多剑桥国际Don't overload the washing machine, or it won't work properly.洗衣机里衣物别塞得太多,否则它就不会正常工作了。剑桥国际He drank far too much at the party and barfed all over the carpet.晚会上他酒喝得太多,结果吐了一地毯。剑桥国际He had eaten so much that he had to undo his belt a couple of notches.他吃得太多,不得不把腰带放松几格。剑桥国际He said that because they watch so much television, many people have lost the art of conversation (=talk-ing to each other).他说许多人由于电视看得太多而变得不善辞令了。剑桥国际I couldn't get a word in because she was talking so much.我一句话也插不进,因为她说得太多了。剑桥国际I don't think that prices will go up really sharply but, by the same token, I don't see them going down much lower either.我认为物价不会真的飞涨,同样地,我也不认为物价会跌得太多剑桥国际I get spotty if I eat too much chocolate.如果我巧克力吃得太多的话,会长粉刺的。剑桥国际I had too much to drink at Sarah's party, and I felt terrible the morning after.我在萨拉的晚会上喝得太多了,第二天上午我感觉很糟糕。剑桥国际I had too much to drink last night, and I can't think very clearly (=well) this morning.我昨天晚上喝得太多了,以至于今天早上脑子不大清楚。剑桥国际I had too much to drink last night, and I'm really regretting it this morning.昨晚我喝得太多,今天早晨我真是后悔。剑桥国际I hate that bloated (= uncomfortably full) feeling you get when you've had too much to eat.吃得太多后那种饱胀感叫我讨厌。剑桥国际I think I've had a drop too much--the room is starting to spin.我想我喝得太多了----房间开始旋转了。剑桥国际She is behaving in a very self-destructive way, drinking too much and taking drugs.她喝得太多,还吸毒,是一种严重的自毁表现。剑桥国际She puked her dinner up/puked up her dinner after eating too much.她吃得太多,所以呕吐了。剑桥国际So far, her performance is full of bravado, but nothing substantial. 到目前为止,她的表现显得太多虚张声势,但没有实质的内容。译典通The child made a pig of himself at dinner and now feels very sick. 那孩子在晚餐时吃得太多,现在感到很不舒服。译典通The garden was overgrown with bramble and honeysuckle.花园里的刺藤和忍冬长得太多了。剑桥国际You think too much -- that's your problem.你操心得太多----这就是你的问题。剑桥国际You've drunk more than enough (= too much) already.你已经喝得太多了。剑桥国际




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