

单词 很滑稽
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCIDENTALLY〕Several scenes in the movie are unintentionally funny. 电影中有些镜头不经意地弄得很滑稽朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Carlo looked so comical, striding along in a coat which nearly touched the ground. 卡洛看上去很滑稽,穿着一件几乎拖地的外套大踏步地走着。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Lizzie, bouncing along on the donkey, made a comical sight. 莉齐在驴背上一路颠簸,看上去很滑稽朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕You look really funny in that hat. 你戴那顶帽子看起来很滑稽朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕They look so funny together. She's really tiny and her husband's about six foot five. 他们俩在一起看上去很滑稽,她很矮小,而她丈夫大概有6英尺5英寸左右。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕I can't remember exactly what he said, but I do remember thinking it was very funny at the time. 我不怎么记得他确切是怎样说的,但我确实记得当时感到他的话很滑稽朗文写作活用〔a bundle of laughs〕He's not exactly a bundle of laughs, is he? 他并不是个很滑稽搞笑的人,是不是?剑桥高阶〔absurd〕Do I look absurd in this hat? 我戴这顶帽子是不是很滑稽剑桥高阶〔burst out laughing〕The movie was hilarious. We laughed our heads off.这部电影很滑稽。我们笑得前仰后合。韦氏高阶〔comical〕I must have looked comical in that big hat.我戴着那顶大帽子看起来一定很滑稽韦氏高阶〔droll〕His way of speaking is very droll.他讲话的方式很滑稽英汉大词典〔face〕The look on his face was priceless.他脸上的表情很滑稽牛津搭配〔funny〕He was a very funny guy.他这个人很滑稽牛津高阶〔funny〕I've never found Charlie Chaplin very funny.我从来都不觉得查理‧卓别林很滑稽剑桥高阶〔giggle〕He looked so ridiculous I got the giggles (=started to giggle) .他看上去很滑稽,逗得我咯咯笑。朗文当代〔hoot〕Wasn't that a hoot? 那岂不是件很滑稽的事?韦氏高阶〔humorous〕She was tall and lean, with humorous eyes.她又高又瘦, 长了一双很滑稽的眼睛。外研社新世纪〔hysterical〕I think his movies are hysterical.我觉得他的电影很滑稽韦氏高阶〔laughable〕The idea that TV shows like 'Dallas' or 'Dynasty' represent typical American life is laughable.说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。柯林斯高阶〔ludicrous〕His face was ludicrous in its dismay.他那沮丧的神色看上去很滑稽英汉大词典〔nothing〕It did nothing but make us ridiculous.这只是让我们显得很滑稽柯林斯高阶〔pointed〕He's got funny little pointed ears.他长着一对尖尖的小耳朵,很滑稽剑桥高阶〔priceless〕The look on his face was priceless.他脸上的表情很滑稽韦氏高阶〔reason〕For some odd reason, he found it really funny.由于某种奇怪的原因,他觉得这件事很滑稽牛津搭配〔smile〕She smiled a smile of dry amusement.她心里觉得很滑稽,但只是含蓄地微微一笑。牛津高阶He makes himself look ridiculous in that suit.他穿着那套服装很滑稽剑桥国际I've never found Charlie Chaplin very funny.我从不觉得查理·卓别林很滑稽可笑。剑桥国际It might seem funny to you but getting stuck up a tree was no laughing matter (= was serious).在你看来可能很滑稽,但呆在树上下不来可不是开玩笑的。剑桥国际On the surface it's a very funny novel but it does have a more serious underlying theme.表面上看,它是本很滑稽的小说,但它确有更为深沉的隐含主题。剑桥国际The play is sublimely funny.这部戏很滑稽剑桥国际They first met at a masque when both were in funny costumes. 他们第一次见面是在一个化装舞会上,两人都穿著很滑稽的服饰。译典通




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