

单词 强凌弱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLAIN〕Parents made a complaint to the principal about bullying in the school. 家长向校长投诉学校里恃强凌弱的现象。朗文写作活用〔DESERVE〕He was a bully, and in the end he got what he deserved. 他喜欢恃强凌弱,结果是自作自受得了报应。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕He was a bully, a mean kid who beat up on the other kids. 他是个恃强凌弱的坏孩子,总是欺负别的孩子。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕What is particularly alarming is that bullying is on the increase among even very young primary children. 尤其使人忧虑的是恃强凌弱的现象甚至在年幼的小学生中也在增加。朗文写作活用〔NEWSPAPERS〕There was an interesting article in the LA Times about bullying at work. 《洛杉矶时报》上有一篇很有意思的文章,讲的是在工作上以强凌弱的现象。朗文写作活用〔admiration〕I have nothing but admiration for the way she tackled those bullies.她对付那些恃强凌弱者的方法令我叹服。牛津搭配〔back-stabbing〕She accused her colleagues of bullying and back-stabbing.她指责同事以强凌弱、暗箭伤人。外研社新世纪〔back-stabbing〕She accused her colleagues of bullying and back-stabbing.她指责同事恃强凌弱,暗箭伤人。柯林斯高阶〔bullying〕Bullying is not tolerated at school.学校不允许恃强凌弱的行为。韦氏高阶〔bullying〕He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.他是一个懦夫,一个分不清蛮力和大丈夫气概的恃强凌弱者。柯林斯高阶〔condone〕The school does not condone bullying of any kind.学校决不容忍任何恃强凌弱的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔conspiracy〕There's often a conspiracy of silence surrounding bullying in schools.关于学校里恃强凌弱的行为往往有不公开讨论的约定。朗文当代〔counteract〕Schools are taking action to counteract bullying.学校正在采取措施抵制恃强凌弱的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔far〕Competition can be healthy, but if it is pushed too far it can result in bullying.竞争可以是良性的,但如果太过火,就可能造成以强凌弱柯林斯高阶〔feel〕Some of the parents felt the school wasn't doing enough about bullying.有些家长认为,在解决恃强凌弱的问题上,学校做得还不够。朗文当代〔form〕Bullying can take many forms.恃强凌弱可表现为多种形式。牛津搭配〔fundamentally〕He can be very charming, but he is fundamentally a bully.他有时也会表现得很有魅力,但他本质上还是一个恃强凌弱的恶棍。柯林斯高阶〔general〕The project should raise general awareness about bullying.这个项目将会提高大众对恃强凌弱行径的认识。外研社新世纪〔general〕The project should raise general awareness about bullying.这个项目将会提高民众对恃强凌弱行径的认识。柯林斯高阶〔grit〕It takes true (= real) grit to stand up to a bully.面对一个恃强凌弱者奋起反抗确实需要勇气。剑桥高阶〔hate〕He was a violent bully, destructive and full of hate.他是个残暴、恃强凌弱的人, 富有破坏力, 且心中充满仇恨。外研社新世纪〔hector〕To behave like a bully; swagger.恃强凌弱;虚张声势美国传统〔hell〕Bullies can make your life hell.恃强凌弱者能使你的生活如地狱一般。外研社新世纪〔hothead〕He is a hothead and a bully just like his dad.他和他爸爸一样都是个恃强凌弱的莽夫。柯林斯高阶〔impotent〕The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.恃强凌弱者的侵犯行为令人感觉痛苦、气愤而又无奈。外研社新世纪〔misrepresent〕The press misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.新闻界把他歪曲成狂妄自大、恃强凌弱的人。外研社新世纪〔pluck〕It takes a lot of pluck to stand up to a bully.不向恃强凌弱者屈服需要很大勇气。朗文当代〔stamp out〕Dr Muffett stressed that he was opposed to bullying in schools and that action would be taken to stamp it out.马费特博士强调说,他反对学校中的恃强凌弱现象,将会采取行动杜绝该现象。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Cliff couldn't stand up to bullying.克利夫不能勇敢反对恃强凌弱的行为。朗文当代〔swashbuckle〕His swashbuckling behaviour shows that he isn't a gentleman.他的恃强凌弱的行为表明他不是一个君子。21世纪英汉〔turn a blind eye〕Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace.管理层对工作场所发生的恃强凌弱行为常常睁一只眼闭一只眼。剑桥高阶〔weak〕Workplace bullies pick on weak and vulnerable colleagues.职场中的恃强凌弱者总欺负那些软弱的同事。麦克米伦高阶〔word〕She used loaded words like 'bully' when describing his actions.在描述他的行为时,她用的是一些像 bully (恃强凌弱)之类别有意味的词语。牛津搭配He was one of those school bullies who tyrannized the whole playground.他是学校里那些恃强凌弱者之一,在整个操场上称王霸道。剑桥国际Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.教师们通常知道谁是班里的恃强凌弱者。剑桥国际




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