

单词 异教
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ahab〕Pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel who, according to the Old Testament, was overthrown by Jehu.亚哈:以色列异教徒国王,耶洗别的丈夫。据《旧约》记载被耶和推翻美国传统〔Messianic〕The cult leader saw himself as a Messianic figure.这个异教团体的领袖把自己看作救世主一般的人物。柯林斯高阶〔Neo-Pagan〕An adherent of Neo-Paganism.新异教运动拥护者美国传统〔Neo-Pagan〕Of or relating to Neo-Paganism.新异教运动的:新异教运动的或相关的美国传统〔TEACH〕Mrs Davis accused the cult of having brainwashed her daughter. 戴维斯太太指责该异教团体对她女儿进行洗脑。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.欧洲早期的基督教徒承袭了更古老的一些异教的许多习俗。牛津高阶〔auto-da-fé〕The burning of a heretic at the stake.在火刑柱上烧死异教美国传统〔backslide〕He had backslid so far as to bargain with the infidel.他已堕落到和异教徒讨价还价的地步。英汉大词典〔burn〕Heretics were burnt at the stake (=burnt in a fire as a punishment) .异教徒被绑在火刑柱上烧死。朗文当代〔carol〕The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.唱圣诞颂歌的习俗源于早期异教徒的舞蹈仪式。外研社新世纪〔carol〕The singing of Christmas carols is a custom derived from early dance routines of pagan origin.唱圣诞颂歌的风俗源自异教徒早期的舞蹈仪式。柯林斯高阶〔celebration〕The pagan winter solstice celebration was a time for sending gifts.异教徒冬至庆祝日是送礼物的时候。外研社新世纪〔condemn〕They were condemned as criminals/heretics/rebels/traitors.他们被谴责为罪犯/异教徒/叛乱分子/卖国贼。韦氏高阶〔convert〕Pope Clement was a convert from paganism.克雷芒教皇是来自异教的皈依者。牛津搭配〔cult〕The followers of such a religion or sect.异教徒:该种宗教或宗教派别的追随者美国传统〔cult〕The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.这个少年可能被一个异教组织绑架了。外研社新世纪〔cult〕The teenager may have been abducted by a religious cult.这个少年可能被一个异教组织绑架了。柯林斯高阶〔cult〕Their son ran away from home and joined a cult.他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。牛津高阶〔defilable〕The infidels defiled the holy shrine.异教徒亵渎神圣的神殿。21世纪英汉〔derive〕The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(异教的春天女神)衍生而来。外研社新世纪〔epiphany〕A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.主现节:一基督教节日,纪念耶稣向以东方三圣为代表并向异教人民显圣美国传统〔ethnic〕Relating to a people not Christian or Jewish; heathen.异教徒的:关于非基督教徒或犹太教徒的人的;异教徒的美国传统〔expellable〕He was not expellable from his club on account of his heresy.他不应由于信奉异教而被俱乐部开除。英汉大词典〔gap〕He realized how narrow the gap was that separated him from his pagan ancestors.他意识到自己与异教徒祖先之间的差别是如此之小。牛津搭配〔gentile〕A pagan or heathen.异教徒或不信教的人美国传统〔ghazi〕A man who has fought successfully against infidels.成功地抗击异教徒的人美国传统〔giaour〕A nonbeliever; an infidel.没有信仰的人;异教美国传统〔god〕The people worshipped pagan gods.这个民族崇拜异教神。牛津搭配〔goy〕Used as a disparaging term for one who is not a Jew.非犹太人,异教徒:用于对非犹太人的贬称美国传统〔heathenish〕Of or having to do with heathens.异教徒的或与异教徒有关的美国传统〔heathen〕He set out to convert the heathen(= people who are heathens).他决心要使异教徒皈依。牛津高阶〔heathen〕He went abroad to preach Christianity to the heathen.他去国外向异教徒布讲基督教。英汉大词典〔heathen〕One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.异教徒:一个国家或民族中不信犹太教、基督教或伊斯兰教的人美国传统〔heathen〕She called us all heathens and hypocrites.她称我们所有人为异教徒、伪君子。外研社新世纪〔heathen〕The heathens worshipped idols.异教徒崇拜各种异教偶像。英汉大词典〔heathen〕They first set out to convert the heathen.他们首先着手使异教徒皈依。柯林斯高阶〔heathen〕Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death.那些试图使异教徒皈依的人都被处死了。剑桥高阶〔heresy〕He was burned at the stake for heresy in the 15th century.15世纪,他因信仰异教而被烧死在火刑柱上。剑桥高阶〔heresy〕He was executed for heresy.他因信奉异教而被处死。朗文当代〔heresy〕He was tried for heresy in the ecclesiastical courts.他因信奉异教而受到宗教法庭的审判。外研社新世纪〔heresy〕They were accused of heresy.他们被控信奉异教韦氏高阶〔heretical〕Of or relating to heresy or heretics.异教的,异教徒的:异教异教徒的或与其有关的美国传统〔heretical〕The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.教会把灵媒和声称能与死人交谈的人视为异教徒。外研社新世纪〔heretic〕Cranmer was put to death as a heretic.克兰默因信奉异教而被处死。朗文当代〔heretic〕Heretical.异端的,异教美国传统〔heretic〕The church regards them as heretics.教会视他们为异教徒。韦氏高阶〔heretic〕Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake.上千名异教徒被处以火刑。外研社新世纪〔heretic〕Thousands of heretics were burned at the stake.几千名异教徒被烧死在火刑柱上。柯林斯高阶〔heterodox〕Holding unorthodox opinions.持异教见解的:持非正统观点的美国传统〔idolize〕The Israelites refused to idolize after the manner of the pagans.古代以色列人不愿像异教徒那样崇拜偶像。英汉大词典〔idol〕They would warn the Hebrews against the worship of idols or rival gods.他们会警告希伯来人不要信奉除上帝之外的偶像或异教神祇。外研社新世纪〔infidel〕An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam.异教徒:不信仰某一种宗教(尤指基督教或伊斯兰教)的人美国传统〔infidel〕During the Crusades, Moslems called Christians infidels.十字军东侵时期,伊斯兰教徒称基督教徒为异教徒。英汉大词典〔infidel〕He lived among infidels/the infidel.他生活在异教徒中。剑桥高阶〔infidel〕He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.他承诺继续同异教徒势力作斗争。外研社新世纪〔infidel〕He promised to continue the fight against infidel forces.他许诺继续对抗异教势力。柯林斯高阶〔inquisition〕Inquisition A tribunal formerly held in the Roman Catholic Church and directed at the suppression of heresy. Inquisition 宗教法庭:曾设于罗马天主教堂的法庭,目的是对异教进行压制美国传统〔intend〕He intended his novel to dramatize the conflict between heresy and Christianity.他打算在他的小说里戏剧化地再现异教与基督教之间的冲突。英汉大词典〔jihad〕A Moslem holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.圣战:穆斯林反对异教徒的圣战或神圣斗争美国传统〔join〕By this time people were flocking to join the cult.到目前为止,人们一直在蜂拥加入这个异教组织。牛津搭配〔messianic〕The cult leader saw himself as a messianic figure.那位异教领袖把自己视为救世主。外研社新世纪〔misbelief〕A heretical or unorthodox religious belief.宗教信仰:异教的或非正统的宗教信仰美国传统〔miscreant〕An infidel; a heretic.异教徒;异端者美国传统〔paganism〕The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism.这个国家在基督教和异教间摇摆不定。柯林斯高阶〔paganize〕To make or become pagan.使成为或变为异教美国传统〔pagan〕Not Christian, Moslem, or Jewish.异教徒的:不是基督教、伊斯兰教或犹太教教徒的美国传统〔pagan〕One who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew; a heathen.异教徒:基督教、犹太教或伊斯兰教徒以外的人;异教美国传统〔pagan〕Professing no religion; heathen.无宗教信仰的,异教的:公开声称无宗教的;异教徒的美国传统〔pagan〕The new religion was eager to convert the pagan world.那种新宗教急于使异教徒皈依本教。柯林斯高阶〔paynim〕A non-Christian, especially a Moslem.异教徒:非基督教教徒,尤指穆斯林美国传统〔paynim〕A pagan or heathen.异教徒或不信教的人美国传统〔practising〕He has been a practising Pagan for many years.他已经信奉异教好多年了。外研社新世纪〔renounce〕Members of the cult are forced to renounce all their old religious beliefs.异教的信徒被迫声明放弃原有的宗教信仰。麦克米伦高阶〔similarity〕European Paganism has many similarities to Hinduism.欧洲的异教和印度教有许多相似之处。外研社新世纪〔speculate〕We can speculate that the stone circles were used in some sort of pagan ceremony.我们可以推测,这些石头排成的圆圈是用于某种异教崇拜仪式的。牛津高阶〔unchristian〕Not Christian.异教徒的:不信奉基督教的美国传统〔uncircumcised〕Not Jewish; Gentile.非犹太人的;异教徒的美国传统An advocate of Marxism in this age of capitalism is regarded as a heretic.马克思主义的倡导者在这个资本主义时代被视为是异教徒。剑桥国际He lived among infidels/ the infidel.他生活在异教徒中间。剑桥国际He was burned at the stake in the fifteenth century for heresy.在15世纪,他因信奉异教而被烧死在火刑柱上。剑桥国际He was sent out to convert the heathens. 他被派去教化那些异教徒。译典通Her belief that a split would be good for the party was regarded as heretical.她认为分裂对政党有利,此观点被认为是异教邪说。剑桥国际In the past, faggots were used to make the fires on which heretics, witches and homosexuals were burned.在过去,人们用柴禾烧死异教徒、巫师和同性恋者。剑桥国际In the past, the Church ordered people charged with heresy to be burned to death if they did not recant.过去,教会命令,要是那些被控异教的人不放弃其信仰的话就把他们烧死。剑桥国际Many Christian festivals have pagan antecedents which stretch back into the distant past.很多基督教节日有其异教的渊源,它们可以上溯至远古时代。剑桥国际Many people in the country have begun calling for armed jihad against the infidels.这个国家的许多人开始要求对异教徒作战。剑桥国际Pagans thought that eclipses happened when a powerful witch hid the moon in a cave.异教徒们认为当一个魔法强大的女巫把月亮藏在一个山洞里时月食现象便发生了。剑桥国际She was branded a heretic and burned at the stake.她被谴责为异教徒,烧死在火刑柱上。剑桥国际She was burned at the stake for heresy in the 14th century. 她在十四世纪因信仰异教而被处火刑。译典通Some altars to pagan gods still remain.一些敬奉异教神灵的祭坛还保留着。剑桥国际The Church published Galileo's recantation throughout Europe to demonstrate their power to make people recant.教会在全欧洲公布伽利略的悔过书以展示其使人放弃异教信仰的力量。剑桥国际The Easter egg has both pagan and Christian origins.复活节彩蛋既有异教的又有基督教的起源。剑桥国际The heathen temple was torn down by a crowd of religions fanatics. 异教徒的神殿被一群宗教狂热分子拆除了。译典通The heretic met with severe persecution. 那个异教徒遭到残酷迫害。译典通The pagan festival of Eostre was converted into the Christian festival of Easter, celebrating Christ's Resurrection.始新世节这个异教的节日被改变成基督教的复活节,庆祝耶稣的复活。剑桥国际The priest went to the stake for his heretical beliefs.这神父因他的异教信念而被送上了火刑柱。剑桥国际They burnt thousands of pagans. 他们烧死了数千名异教徒。译典通They were denounced as heretics and burned at the stake. 他们被公开谴责为异教徒并被处以火刑。译典通Those who attempted to convert the heathen were put to death.那些企图使异教徒皈依的人都被处死了。剑桥国际




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