

单词 开发
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPROVE〕Apple is going to streamline its operations and concentrate development efforts on the Internet and multimedia. 苹果公司打算简化其业务并集中开发互联网和多媒体技术。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕McBride was a general manager in charge of research and development. 麦克布赖德是负责管理研究和开发的总经理。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕The new product took more than three years to develop before being put on the market. 这种新产品投入市场之前开发了三年多时间。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The city council has pulled the plug on the new housing development. 市议会已经终止了这个新的住宅开发项目。朗文写作活用〔a new lease of life〕The project suddenly got a new lease of life when the developers agreed to provide some more funding.开发商们同意提供更多资金,使这个项目重新燃起了希望。剑桥高阶〔agreement〕The two countries signed an agreement in 1988 to jointly launch and develop satellites.两国在1988年签署了一份联合发射和开发卫星的协定。外研社新世纪〔airing〕In a rare public airing of grievances, disgruntled soldiers complained about a lack of armoured vehicles and equipment.心怀不满的士兵们罕见地公开发声, 抱怨缺乏装甲车辆和装备。外研社新世纪〔allocate〕The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes.1985年有73亿美元的联邦预算拨给了开发项目。外研社新世纪〔amenity〕The building will be developed as a public amenity.这栋大楼将被开发成为福利生活区。牛津搭配〔and〕We spent well over $100 million on new plants and equipment and research and development.我们在建新厂,购置设备,研究和开发等方面所化的钱大大超过1亿美元。英汉大词典〔assist〕You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.你将受聘协助开发新设备。朗文当代〔bulldoze〕She defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket.她挫败了那些想要推平她的房屋兴建超市的开发商。外研社新世纪〔collaborate〕A German company collaborated with a Swiss firm to develop the product.一家德国公司与一家瑞士小公司合作开发该产品。剑桥高阶〔commercially〕Conservationists in Chile are concerned over the effect of commercial exploitation of forests.对森林的商业开发所带来的影响让智利的自然资源保护者们感到忧心忡忡。柯林斯高阶〔compromise〕The compromise is that commercial development will be postponed until researchers determine whether the technology is safe.折中方案是推迟该技术的商业开发直至研究者确定其安全性。外研社新世纪〔cutting edge〕What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.我们正在开发的是一种在澳大利亚从未有过的尖端技术。柯林斯高阶〔destruction〕Economic development has caused widespread environmental destruction.经济的开发已引起广泛的环境的破坏。文馨英汉〔developer〕A local developer is planning to build a supermarket on the site.一个当地的开发商打算在这块地上建超市。牛津搭配〔developer〕The common land would have a high commercial value if sold to developers.公共用地卖给开发商后会有很高的商业价值。外研社新世纪〔development〕A group of experts has been brought together to support the development of the project.一批专家已被调来支援此项目的开发牛津搭配〔development〕A new vaccine is under development.新疫苗正在开发中。牛津搭配〔development〕The act of developing.发展,开发:发展着的行为美国传统〔development〕The company went deep into debt to finance the development of the engine.公司为投资引擎开发负债累累。牛津搭配〔downmarket〕They're going downmarket to attract more viewers.为吸引更多的观众,他们打算开发低端市场。麦克米伦高阶〔educate〕To stimulate or develop the mental or moral growth of.教育:促进或开发智力或道德观念的提高美国传统〔exploitable〕Of 27 new wells drilled, 16 have proved exploitable.在新钻成的27口井中,已经有16口证明有开发价值。柯林斯高阶〔exploitation〕Britain's exploitation of its natural gas reserves began after the Second World War.英国对其天然气资源的开发利用始于二战后。剑桥高阶〔exploitation〕Turtles are increasingly threatened by human exploitation.海龟正日益受到人工开发的威胁。牛津搭配〔fossil fuel〕A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.矿物燃料:碳氢化合物的沉淀,如石油、煤、天然气等,由古代生物衍生而成,经过开发后用作燃料美国传统〔gamble〕Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.很少有公司愿意冒险开发新产品。柯林斯高阶〔greenfield〕The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site.政府禁止在一块未开发地皮上建设新机场的。柯林斯高阶〔greenway〕A corridor of undeveloped land, as along a river or between urban centers, that is reserved for recreational use or environmental preservation.绿色走廊:沿河或在两个城市中心区之间的由未开发土地形成的走廊,为市民休闲娱乐或环境保护而保留美国传统〔harness〕There is a great deal of interest in harnessing wind and waves as new sources of power.人们对开发利用风和波浪这些新能源非常感兴趣。剑桥高阶〔housing project〕A publicly funded and administered housing development, usually for low-income families.住宅区:通常指为低收入家庭而设计的,由公众积累资金并经营管理的住房开发美国传统〔instantaneous〕Recently developed medical tests can give instantaneous results.最近开发的医疗测试系统能立即给出结果。麦克米伦高阶〔intellect〕These activities are designed to develop a baby's intellect.这些活动是专为开发婴儿智力而设计的。麦克米伦高阶〔job〕It is hoped that the development will create new jobs in the region.希望此项开发能为该地区创造新的就业岗位。牛津搭配〔land〕They were refused permission to develop the land.他们没有获准开发这片土地。牛津搭配〔leadership〕The philosophy of the company is that leadership development cannot start early enough.该公司的信条是领导力开发越早越好。牛津搭配〔lead〕She led the software development team during the project.她在该项目进行过程中领导软件开发小组。麦克米伦高阶〔loosening〕Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields.钻探条例亦已放宽,以加速油田的开发柯林斯高阶〔lose〕California has lost 90% of its wetlands to development.加州有 90% 的湿地都被用于开发建设了。朗文当代〔medication〕The company has developed a new allergy medication.公司已开发出一种新的抗过敏药物。韦氏高阶〔method〕We are trying to develop new methods of pollution control.我们正在努力开发控制污染的新方法。麦克米伦高阶〔microloan〕A very small, often short-term loan made to an impoverished entrepreneur, as in an underdeveloped country.小额贷款:额度非常少、常为短期、贷放在低度开发国家的贫穷企业贷款美国传统〔model〕We've developed a computer model of the economy to predict what will happen in the future.我们开发了一个关于这种经济的计算机模型来预测未来经济的发展。韦氏高阶〔noncommittally〕Mr Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。柯林斯高阶〔occupation〕The development will not be available for occupation until the summer.这一开发项目要到夏天才能入住。外研社新世纪〔open slather〕The changes will give developers open slather.这些变革将为开发商大开方便之门。牛津高阶〔open〕The new road will open up 300 acres of prime development land.这条新路将开辟出 300 英亩的优质开发地。朗文当代〔operation〕The firm set up its own property development operation.这家商行成立了自己的房地产开发公司。朗文当代〔overtax〕New housing development in the town will overtax sewer and drinking water systems.城市里新住宅的开发将对排水和饮用水系统造成过重压力。韦氏高阶〔possibility〕This old building has some intriguing possibilities.这幢老建筑物有一些很吸引人的开发潜质。麦克米伦高阶〔potential〕They were among the first companies to exploit the potential of the Internet.他们是最先开发因特网潜能的公司之一。牛津搭配〔presently〕She is presently developing a number of projects.她现在正在开发一系列项目。外研社新世纪〔public〕Many partnerships went public in the 1980s to secure extra capital.20 世纪 80 年代许多合伙企业为了获取更多资金而公开发售股票。朗文当代〔rapacious〕Rapacious developers soon bought up the land.不久贪婪的开发商就把这块地全部买下了。麦克米伦高阶〔reclaim〕The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp.这片湿地将会被开发来建机场。牛津高阶〔reservoir〕We can tap into the vast reservoir of information available on the Internet.我们可以开发利用因特网上丰富的信息储备。牛津搭配〔roster〕The firm has built up an impressive roster of clients over the past ten years.该公司在过去 10 年里开发了规模惊人的客户群。牛津搭配〔stage〕This technology is still in its early stages.这项技术还处于其早期开发状态。牛津高阶〔stand〕A developer bought the land and divided it into stands.开发商买下这块土地将其分为多块建筑用地。牛津高阶〔statement〕His office issued/released an official statement concerning his departure.他的办公室就他的离开发表了正式声明。韦氏高阶〔submit〕The developers submitted building plans to the council for approval.开发商向市政会提交了待批准的建筑规划。剑桥高阶〔target〕The area has become a prime target for supermarket development.该地区成了开发超市的首选之地。朗文当代〔technologist〕They should be allowed to wait for cheaper technologies to be developed.应该允许他们等到更廉价的技术被开发出来。柯林斯高阶〔thread〕Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.医院开发研制的仪器使医生们得以将显微内镜伸入消化道。柯林斯高阶〔transformation〕The Minister said the Urban Development Corporation was now transforming the area.部长声称城市开发公司如今正使该地区改头换面。柯林斯高阶〔unimproved〕Not made use of or put to advantage.未经开发利用的:没有利用的或没有使得有利的美国传统〔unsaleable〕Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.大多数开发商会保留权利,拒绝接手他们认为基本没可能卖出去的地产。柯林斯高阶〔vealy〕Not fully developed; immature.尚未完全开发的;发育未全的美国传统〔virgin territory〕The company is moving into markets that until now have been virgin territory.公司进入了一些迄今为止从未开发过的市场。剑桥高阶〔working dog〕Any of various breeds of dogs developed or trained to do useful work, such as herding animals, pulling wagons or sleds, or guarding property.役用犬:几种狗的一种,开发或培养来做有用的工作,如看守畜群、拉车或雪撬,或看守财产美国传统Abbott Laboratories discovers, develops, manufactures and sells health-care products.美国雅培公司发明、开发、制造和销售保健产品。牛津商务Developing a new product requires a major commitment of time and money.开发新产品需要投入大量的时间和金钱。牛津商务Ever since a property developer cheated her out of £10 000, she's distrusted all business people.自从房地产开发商骗走她一万英镑之后,她就不相信生意人了。剑桥国际It's not the sort of movie that stimulates the old grey matter much.这不是那种开发智力的电影。剑桥国际Keele, pop star turned business tycoon, has launched a new range of cosmetics.基尔由一名流行歌星成为商业巨子, 已经开发了一个新系列的化妆品。剑桥国际Our development staff are working on a new project.我们的开发人员正忙于新项目。牛津商务Quality homes of character and distinction on a new development by Lloyds.位于劳埃德公司新开发区的特色优质房屋剑桥国际The company develops and markets new software.这公司开发并销售新软件。牛津商务The company had developed a process for converting coal into petrol.这家公司已开发出将煤炭转换成汽油的工艺流程。牛津商务The company is developing a new product and is considered a special situation stock.这家公司正在开发一种新产品因而被视为题材股。牛津商务The company is spending $650 million to develop new products/technology.公司投入6.5亿美元开发新产品/技术。剑桥国际The council is encouraging the development of the property for both employment and recreation.委员会为增加就业和娱乐活动而鼓励开发地产。剑桥国际The developers are experts at playing the planning system.开发商们都精于钻计划体制的空子。牛津商务The development of the oil field could create a thousand jobs.这油田的开发能够创造一千个职位。牛津商务The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.公司和几家海外合作伙伴正在联合开发一种新产品。牛津商务The firm's latest development is a sprawling complex of office buildings.这家企业近期开发的是散乱的办公建筑群。剑桥国际The land developer hoped the mayor would play ball on the scheme. 土地开发投资商希望市长在那项方案上能够合作。译典通The land developers did a lot of under-the-table wheeling and dealing. 那个土地开发投资人干了很多非法的交易。译典通The north of the country is still relatively undeveloped.这个国家北部的开发程度依然比较低。牛津商务The piece of land will be turned into a new housing development.这块地将用于一个新的住房开发项目。牛津商务The southern part of the reclamation area will be developed into a major commercial centre.拓地区域的南部将被开发成一大商业中心。剑桥国际The target price for the model currently being developed is €3 500.目前正在开发的这型号的目标价格为 3500 欧元。牛津商务The treasurer has been taking a more optimistic view of economic recovery in his recent public pronouncements.财政大臣在最近的公开发言中对经济复苏持乐观看法。剑桥国际The waste ground opposite us is being redeveloped.我们对面的那块荒地正被重新开发剑桥国际There is usually a time lag between invoicing a customer and getting paid.给顾客开发票和获得付款之间通常会隔一段时间。牛津商务They specialize in software for midmarket customers.他们专门开发面向中级市场客户的软件。牛津商务We are trying to shorten our product-development cycle.我们正在设法缩短产品的开发周期。牛津商务




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