

单词 底部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕An airplane wing is curved on top and flat on the bottom. 飞机的机翼上部呈曲线形,底部是平的。朗文写作活用〔BOTTOM〕Susan found the keys at the bottom of her handbag. 苏珊在手提包底部找到钥匙。朗文写作活用〔BOTTOM〕There are some markings on the bottom of the vase. 花瓶底部有些印纹。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Brake fluid was leaking out from under my car. 制动液从我的汽车底部漏了出来。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕A few grains of the tablet are left at the bottom of the glass. 玻璃杯的底部还留着几粒药片。朗文写作活用〔VERTICAL〕At this point, the base of the golf club should point straight up into the air. 此时,高尔夫球杆的底部应该笔直地指向天空。朗文写作活用〔align〕The text aligns with the bottom of the picture.正文与图片底部对齐。韦氏高阶〔alto clef〕The C clef positioned to indicate that the third line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of middle C.中音谱表:中音谱号C,其位置表示为五线谱底部起第三条线,代表中音C的音高标准美国传统〔ascending〕Botany Growing or directing upward from a curved or slanted base, as certain plant stems.【植物学】 上升的:从一弯曲或倾斜的底部向上生长或上指,如某些植物的茎美国传统〔banjo clock〕A pendulum clock having a round face, a relatively narrow elongated case, and a rectangular box at the bottom.钟摆式时钟:钟摆式时钟,钟面为圆形、钟罩是较窄的拉长形状、钟的底部有一矩形盒子美国传统〔base〕Heraldry The lower part of a shield.【纹章学】 盾牌的底部美国传统〔base〕Tom's nose was broad at the base.汤姆的鼻子底部宽大。文馨英汉〔basket〕Sports A circular structure at the base of a ski pole, used to prevent the pole from sinking too deeply into the snow.【体育运动】 滑雪杆支架:在滑雪杆底部的圆形支架,用来防止它陷进雪中太深美国传统〔belly〕The belly of the aircraft was painted red.飞机底部漆成红色。剑桥高阶〔berm〕A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.窄路:沿一个斜面顶部或底部搭建的狭窄的壁架或搁板美国传统〔bottomless〕Having no bottom.无底的:没有底部美国传统〔bottom〕His name is at the bottom of the list.他的名字在名单的底部外研社新世纪〔bottom〕I think there is still a little sugar left in the bottom of the box/container.我想盒子/容器底部还剩了点糖。韦氏高阶〔bottom〕To get to the bottom of; fathom.探测:到达…的底部;探测美国传统〔bottom〕To rest on or touch the bottom.触底:停靠在或接触底部美国传统〔bottom〕We rode along the bottom of the valley.我们开车沿着山谷底部前行。牛津搭配〔bow〕The wall bows out at the bottom.墙体底部弯曲。韦氏高阶〔centigrade〕The number at the bottom is the recommended water temperature in Centigrade.底部的数字就是推荐的摄氏水温。柯林斯高阶〔cofferdam〕A temporary watertight enclosure that is pumped dry to expose the bottom of a body of water so that construction, as of piers, may be undertaken.围堰:一种临时性的水密围绕物,抽干后露出水体的底部,以便对建筑物(如桥墩)施工美国传统〔colluvium〕A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope.塌积物:在峭壁或斜坡底部由于重力作用堆积形成的岩石碎片松散的堆积物美国传统〔continental shelf〕A submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually and extends to a point of steeper descent to the ocean bottom.大陆架:大陆板块的水下连接部分,逐渐倾斜并一直延伸到通向大洋底部的更为陡峭的斜坡处美国传统〔crown saw〕A cylindrical saw with teeth on the bottom edge of the cylinder, used for cutting round holes.筒形锯:一种在圆筒底部边缘生有锯齿的圆筒形锯,用于切割圆孔美国传统〔cuff〕A band, often having an opening with a button closure, at the bottom of a sleeve.袖口:袖子底部的一个环形部分,通常备有装有钮扣的开口美国传统〔cupel〕The bottom or receptacle in a silver-refining furnace.炼银炉底部,炼银炉容器美国传统〔deeply〕Gingerly, she put her hand in deeper, to the bottom.她一只手小心翼翼地往下伸,一直摸到底部柯林斯高阶〔deep〕The water's not deep here - look, I can touch the bottom.这里水不深——瞧,我可以碰到底部剑桥高阶〔dip〕Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.把底部在冷水中快速地浸一下后拿出来。外研社新世纪〔dip〕Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water.把底部在冷水中快速地浸一下后拿出来。柯林斯高阶〔expose〕Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.海平面下降使白令海底部的浅层大陆架暴露出来。柯林斯高阶〔fife rail〕A rail around the lower part of a ship's mast to which the belaying pins for the rigging are secured.艉楼栅栏,帆索栓座:船桅杆底部周围的栏杆,保护索具的缠索栓美国传统〔flame〕Orange flames were already licking around the foot of the stairs.橙色的火焰已燃至楼梯底部牛津搭配〔flare〕The skirt flares at the bottom.衣裙的底部四下张开。英汉大词典〔foot〕A single word at the foot of a page caught her eye.其中一页底部的一个字吸引了她的注意。柯林斯高阶〔grave〕To clean and coat (the bottom of a wooden ship) with pitch.清理并用沥青涂覆(在木制船的底部美国传统〔ground〕The floor of a body of water, especially the sea.底,海底:水体,尤其是海洋的底部美国传统〔heap〕Chrissy landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.克丽茜跌到楼梯底部,一动不动。麦克米伦高阶〔hearth〕The lowest part of a blast furnace or cupola, from which the molten metal flows.炉底部分:熔化的金属可从中流出的鼓风炉或化铁炉的最低部分美国传统〔horseshoe〕A flat U-shaped metal plate fitted and nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof for protection.马蹄铁:"U"形扁平金属块,钉于马蹄的底部以保护马蹄美国传统〔hot〕Remember that the top of the oven will be hotter than the bottom.记住,烤炉的顶部将比底部温度更高。柯林斯高阶〔hyoid bone〕A U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the muscles of the tongue.舌骨:舌头底部一个U形的骨头,其支撑舌肌美国传统〔hypostasis〕Something that settles to the bottom of a fluid; sediment.沉渣:沉到液体底部的东西;沉积物美国传统〔imprint〕A publisher's name, often with the date, address, and edition, printed at the bottom of a title page of a publication.标记:出版者的名字,往往和出版日期、地址和版本及一起印在印刷品的扉页的底部美国传统〔inch〕It measures six inches from top to bottom.它从顶部到底部有六英寸。韦氏高阶〔jig〕A typically metal fishing lure with one or more hooks, usually deployed with a jiggling motion on or near the bottom.拟饵手钓钩,滚钩:通常有一个或多个钩子的金属钓鱼钩,在底部底部周围装有一个跳动的物体美国传统〔jowl〕The flesh under the lower jaw, especially when plump or flaccid.下颌垂肉,双下巴:下颌底部的(尤指胖乎乎或松垂的)肉美国传统〔kick plate〕A protective sheet of metal attached to the bottom of a door.踢板:附在门的底部的一块保护性的金属美国传统〔landing〕The area at the top or bottom of a staircase.楼梯的顶部或底部美国传统〔manipulate〕The doctor manipulated the base of my spine and the pain disappeared completely.医生对我的脊柱底部进行了推拿,疼痛便完全消失了。剑桥高阶〔matchbook〕A small cardboard folder containing safety matches and having a striking surface along the bottom.对摺式火柴纸板:装有安全火柴并且沿底部有可擦着表层的小薄纸板夹美国传统〔nail fold〕A fold of hard skin overlapping the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.甲皱:覆盖在指甲或趾甲底部和边缘的真皮褶皱美国传统〔panel〕At the bottom of each page is a panel with grammatical information.每页底部都有语法知识板块。剑桥高阶〔pear〕The fruit of this tree, spherical at the base and tapering toward the stalk.梨:这种树结的果实,底部呈球状,柄部逐渐变尖美国传统〔plantigrade〕Walking with the entire sole of the foot on the ground, as human beings, bears, raccoons, and rabbits do.跖行的,脚掌着地行走的:用足的整个底部在地上行走的,如人、熊、浣熊和兔子美国传统〔playa〕A nearly level area at the bottom of an undrained desert basin, sometimes temporarily covered with water.干荒盆地:无法排水的沙漠盆地底部的近似平坦的地区,有时会暂时被水覆盖美国传统〔pool〕The water collected in a little pool at the bottom of the cliff.水汇集到悬崖底部的一个小水潭里。麦克米伦高阶〔punch〕A beverage of fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water or soda, often spiced and mixed with a wine or liquor base.潘趣洒:一种果汁饮料,有时加碳酸水或苏打水,通常调味后在底部混有葡萄酒或蒸馏酒美国传统〔puncture〕The bottom of the water tank had been punctured.水箱的底部被戳破了。麦克米伦高阶〔punt〕The indentation in the bottom of a champagne or wine bottle.香滨或酒瓶底部的凹口美国传统〔retain〕The flanges underneath retain it firmly in place.底部的法兰将其牢牢地固定住。外研社新世纪〔riffle〕Gold would sink and lodge in riffles that lined the bottom.黄金下沉并留存在底部的格条中。英汉大词典〔rose〕A form of gem cut marked by a flat base and a faceted, hemispheric upper surface.玫瑰款:一种底部平展且上表面呈半球状的多面体宝石款式美国传统〔round〕The pyramid is 50 metres high and 100 metres round (the base).这座金字塔高50米,底部周长100米。剑桥高阶〔sea lily〕Any of various marine crinoids having a flowerlike body supported by a long stalk and usually anchored to the ocean floor in deep water.海百合:任一种海百合纲动物,生有长柄支撑的花状躯体,通常粘在海洋的深水底部美国传统〔sediment〕Material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees.沉淀物:沉落到液体底部的物质;渣滓美国传统〔shaft〕He was found dead at the bottom of a lift shaft.他被发现死在了电梯井的底部柯林斯高阶〔shallow〕Measuring little from bottom to top or surface; lacking physical depth.浅的:从底部向顶部或表面度量很少的;缺少实质深度的美国传统〔sign〕Please sign at the bottom of the application.请在申请表的底部签名。韦氏高阶〔skateboard〕A short, narrow board having a set of four roller skate wheels mounted under it and usually ridden in a standing or crouching position.滑板:底部装有一套四轮滑轮的短而窄的板子,操作者以站或蹲的姿态在地面上滑行美国传统〔slough〕The lemon geranium sloughs dry brown leaves at the base of its branches.柠檬天竺葵枝条底部棕色的枯叶会脱落。柯林斯高阶〔snare〕Any of the wires or cords stretched across the lower skin of a snare drum to increase reverberation.响弦:横跨在小军鼓底部用来增加震动的线或弦中的任一根美国传统〔space bar〕A bar at the bottom of the keyboard of a typewriter that when pressed down introduces a blank horizontal space into the typewritten matter, as between words.空格杆:打字机键盘底部的杆,按下此杆时,打印的材料上就会出现空格,例如在字与字之间美国传统〔splenius〕Either of two muscles of the back of the neck, extending from the upper vertebrae to the base of the skull, that rotate and extend the head and neck.夹肌:后颈部从脊椎上部扩展到脑壳底部的四块肌肉中的任一块,使头和颈伸张自如转动灵活美国传统〔subtitle〕A printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen.字幕:外语电影中在银幕底部打出的对话译文美国传统〔sweep〕To drag the bottom of (a body of water).疏浚:拖捞(水体)的底部美国传统〔symbolic〕The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.图片底部的骷髅象征死亡。剑桥高阶〔tailpiece〕Printing An engraving or a design placed as an ornament at the end of a chapter or at the bottom of a page.【印刷术】 章尾装饰:在一章结尾处或一页书底部作为一种装饰性雕版印刷物或图案美国传统〔the bowels of sth〕The fire started deep in the bowels of the ship.大火是从船的最底部烧起来的。剑桥高阶〔top〕The tops of the walls are painted and the bottoms are covered in wood paneling.墙的顶部刷了漆,底部覆盖有木质护墙板。韦氏高阶〔undercoat〕A tarlike substance sprayed on the underside of a vehicle to prevent rusting.底部防锈层:喷在交通工具底部以防止生锈的类似柏油的物质美国传统〔undercoat〕To apply an undercoat to.给…加内涂层:给…上内层涂料(底部防锈层)美国传统〔underneath〕Now I know what the underneath of a car looks like.现在我知道汽车的底部是什么样子了。柯林斯高阶〔underneath〕The car was rusty underneath.汽车的底部生锈了。朗文当代〔underneath〕We need to paint the underneath with a rust preventer.我们需要用防锈漆把底部刷一下。朗文当代〔valley〕An elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills, or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom.山谷:在山脊或其它高地之间的狭长低地,常有沿着底部流淌的小河或小溪美国传统〔volva〕A cuplike structure around the base of the stalk of certain fungi.菌托:某些真菌围绕茎的底部的杯状结构美国传统A pool of molten fuel would form on the floor of the reactor during a meltdown.在熔毁过程中,一滩熔化的燃料会在反应器底部形成。剑桥国际I can smell something nasty in the bottom of the fridge.我能闻到冰箱底部令人厌恶的气味。剑桥国际My two-year-old niece has one of those little dogs that's on wheels.我两岁的侄女有一只那种底部装有轮子的小狗。剑桥国际Place the kindling at the base of the fire.把引火柴放在炉火的底部剑桥国际Sand carried by the wind has hollowed (out) the base of the cliff.被风吹走的沙子挖空了悬崖底部剑桥国际She shaved a few millimetres off the bottom of the door, so that it would open more easily.她把门的底部刨掉了几毫米,这样开起来就容易些了。剑桥国际The market is at the bottom of the cycle and should start improving soon.市场正处于周期的底部,应该很快开始复苏。牛津商务The pyramid is 50 metres high and 100 metres round (the base).金字塔高50米,(底部)周长100米。剑桥国际The underneath of the car was covered with rust. 汽车底部锈迹斑斑。译典通These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean.这些神秘的生物生活在海洋底部剑桥国际




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