

单词 应力
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUILD/BUILDING〕It was the invention of pre-stressed concrete that really transformed building techniques. 是预应力混凝土的发明使建筑技术得以彻底改变。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Being twenty-three years old and quite resilient, I got over the shock pretty quickly. 以我23岁的年纪,适应力又强,我很快就从这次打击中恢复过来了。朗文写作活用〔adaptable〕We need adaptable workers who are willing to learn new skills.我们需要愿意学习新技能的、适应力强的工人。麦克米伦高阶〔adaptation〕Alcohol and drug use often appear as a result of poor adaptation to one's surroundings.酗酒和吸毒常常是人对周围环境适应力差的表现。麦克米伦高阶〔adaptive〕The human body is remarkably adaptive and resilient.人体具有非凡的适应力和耐受力。外研社新世纪〔clairvoyant〕I could foretell the future if I had clairvoyant powers.要是我有超人的感应力,就能预测未来。牛津同义词〔deflection〕The movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress.变位:由于拉力或应力作用致使建筑结构或建筑结构的某一部分的移动美国传统〔deformation〕Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。外研社新世纪〔deformation〕Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.不断变化的应力导致更多的断裂和岩石变形。柯林斯高阶〔dispassionate〕Journalists aim to be dispassionate observers.记者应力求成为冷静的观察者。韦氏高阶〔distort〕Metal distorts under stress.金属在应力作用下变形。英汉大词典〔fracture〕He suffered a stress fracture of the right foot.他右脚应力骨折。牛津搭配〔hardiness〕Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.适应力强的羚羊从沙漠游荡到了这里。柯林斯高阶〔hardiness〕These Pacific oysters are known for their hardiness.这些太平洋牡蛎以适应力强而闻名。柯林斯高阶〔hardy〕Hardy antelope wander in from the desert.适应力强的羚羊从沙漠游荡到了这里。外研社新世纪〔infinitely〕Human beings are infinitely adaptable.人类的适应力是无限的。牛津高阶〔irritability〕Physiology The capacity to respond to stimuli.【生理学】 反应力:对刺激的反应能力美国传统〔peel〕The stresses caused by flying too fast could peel the wings from my sailplane.飞行过快而引起的应力会使机翼从我的滑翔机脱落。英汉大词典〔peel〕The stresses caused by flying too fast could peel the wings from the sailplane.飞行过快而引起的应力会使滑翔机的机翼脱落。21世纪英汉〔reaction〕The sport requires very fast reactions.这项运动要求极快的反应力柯林斯高阶〔resilience〕George Fraser was clearly a good soldier, calm and resilient.乔治·弗雷泽显然是个好士兵,沉着冷静且适应力强。柯林斯高阶〔resilience〕The ability to recover quickly from illness, change, or misfortune; buoyancy.适应力:迅速从疾病、变化或灾难中恢复过来的能力;浮力美国传统〔resilient〕Children are often very resilient.儿童的适应力一般都很强。朗文当代〔resilient〕He'll get over it—young people are amazingly resilient.他会克服的,年轻人的适应力惊人。牛津高阶〔resilient〕She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long.她是个适应力很强的女孩儿——她不会长时间沉浸于悲伤之中的。剑桥高阶〔side〕Your cv should be short—two sides of a sheet of A4 paper should normally be enough.简历应力求简短,通常A4纸两面的篇幅就足够了。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕What is the breaking strain of this cable? 这缆索的致断应力为多少?英汉大词典〔strength〕His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.他最大的长处是他的决断力和适应力剑桥高阶〔stress fracture〕A fracture of bone caused by repeated application of a heavy load, such as the constant pounding on a surface by runners, gymnasts, and dancers.应力性骨折:由反复使用压重物引起的骨折,如跑步运动员,体操运动员和舞蹈者在表面上的经常性撞击美国传统〔stress fracture〕He needs to have an operation for a stress fracture in his foot.他的足部应力骨折,需要做手术。剑桥高阶〔stress fracture〕The gymnast developed a stress fracture in her ankle.这位女体操运动员的踝关节出现了应力性骨折。韦氏高阶〔stress〕An applied force or system of forces that tends to strain or deform a body.应力:使形体伸张或变形的应用力或力的系统美国传统〔stress〕Earthquakes can result from stresses in the earth's crust.地壳应力变化可能会引发地震。外研社新世纪〔stress〕He was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot.他被诊断为右脚应力骨折。牛津搭配〔stress〕The internal resistance of a body to such an applied force or system of forces.胁强:受这样的力或力的系统作用的物体内应力美国传统〔stress〕The majority of sports injuries are due to excessive mechanical stress on joints, ligaments and muscles.多数运动损伤都是因关节、韧带和肌肉承受过度机械应力造成的。牛津搭配〔tough〕Camels are tough and hardy creatures.骆驼是能吃苦耐劳、适应力很强的动物。外研社新世纪〔whisker〕Chemistry An extremely fine filamentary crystal with extraordinary shear strength and unusual electrical or surface properties.【化学】 强化水晶:一种极度精纯的针状结晶体,具有超常的剪应力及不同寻常的电性及表面属性美国传统He needs to have an operation for a stress fracture in his back.他因背部应力性骨折而需动手术。剑桥国际His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.他最大的优点在于他的决断力和适应力剑桥国际Metal fatigue is a weakness which develops in a metal structure that has been subjected to many repeated stresses.金属疲劳是金属结构在受到许多反复的应力之后产生的一种软弱状态。剑桥国际Plant behaviour is often adaptive (=shows the ability to change to suit different conditions) --some turn their leaves towards the sun, others clamp down on insects, preventing their escape.植物行为常显示出它们的适应力----有的将叶片朝向太阳,有的将昆虫紧紧夹住,以防它们逃跑。剑桥国际The market has become very resilient to bad news.市场对坏消息已有很强的适应力牛津商务Wires are put in to reduce the strain on the protruding beam.加入钢丝来减轻突出的横梁所受的应力剑桥国际




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