

单词 广义
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Baroque music was part of a broader cultural movement that affected all the arts. 巴罗克音乐属于广义的文化运动,它影响了所有的艺术。朗文写作活用〔Australasia〕Broadly, all of Oceania.广义上讲包括全部大洋洲美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Einstein's General Theory of Relativity started a revolution in scientific thinking. 爱因斯坦的广义相对论引发了一场科学思维的革命。朗文写作活用〔Middle Atlantic States〕The U.S. states of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and usually Delaware and Maryland.美国中部濒临大西洋诸州:美国纽约、宾西法尼亚和新泽西州,广义还包括特拉华和马里兰州美国传统〔affect〕The broader use of “sick” is not so uncommon in England as some British critics affect to think.在英国,“sick”一词在广义上的用法并不像某些英国批评家假惺惺认定的那样不普通。英汉大词典〔broad〕It's conservative, in the broadest sense of the word.从最广义上说这算是保守的。麦克米伦高阶〔broad〕She's a feminist, in the broadest sense of the word.广义而言,她算是个女权主义者。牛津高阶〔broad〕The play is a comedy, in the broadest sense of the word .这个剧本从广义上说是喜剧。朗文当代〔contrast〕In this section we contrast four possible broad approaches.在这个部分,我们将对4种可行的广义方法进行对比。柯林斯高阶〔definition〕Under the broader definition of 'poverty', thousands more people would be included.根据“贫困”的广义定义,还有数以千计的人要包括在内。牛津搭配〔husbandry〕The act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock; agriculture.农业(广义):种植庄稼、繁殖、喂养牲畜的行为或行动;农业美国传统〔improper integral〕An integral having at least one nonfinite limit or an integrand that becomes infinite between the limits of integration.广义积分,反常积分:一种定积分,含有至少一个在积分区间上趋于无穷的不定积分限或被积函数美国传统〔input〕Information in general.广义上的信息美国传统〔means-test〕The board means-tests all applicants for rent control.广义的财务调查了解受调者对租金支出的控制美国传统〔outlive〕His general theories have outlived those of his contemporaries.他的广义理论已比他同时代的理论显示出更强的生命力。麦克米伦高阶〔propose〕Einstein proposed his theory of general relativity in 1915.爱因斯坦在1915年提出他的广义相对论。麦克米伦高阶〔relativity〕Einstein is the creator of the special and general theories of relativity.爱因斯坦是狭义相对论与广义相对论的创始人。英汉大词典〔relativity〕General relativity.广义相对论美国传统〔sense〕Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.广义上说,安全工作是指找出骚乱的根本原因并帮助减少地区冲突。剑桥高阶〔term〕The law had been understood in broad terms.人们一直是从广义上理解这部法律。韦氏高阶〔wide〕We are talking about education in its widest sense.我们在讨论最广义的教育。牛津高阶Security defined in the broad/broadest sense of the term means getting at the root causes of trouble and helping to reduce regional conflicts.广义上说,安全是指找出麻烦的根本原因,帮助减少地区冲突。剑桥国际The broad Standard and Poor's 500 index rose 6.8 points.广义标准普尔 500 指数上升了 6.8 点。牛津商务The large increase in broad money growth will lead to a rise in spending.广义货币的大量增加将导致支出增加。牛津商务




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