

单词 并列
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Thanks to today's victory they are level with their main rivals, AC Milan, at the top of the Italian league. 由于今天所取得的胜利,他们与主要对手AC米兰队的积分相同,在意大利联赛中并列榜首。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Woosnam and Lyle tied for fourth place on 264. 伍斯纳姆与莱尔都以264杆并列第四位。朗文写作活用〔abreast〕A police car drew abreast of us and signalled us to stop.一辆警车开过来与我们并列,示意我们停下来。牛津高阶〔appose〕To place in proximity; juxtapose.把…置于近处;使并列美国传统〔apposition〕A placing side by side or next to each other.并列,并置美国传统〔backfield〕The players stationed behind the line of scrimmage.后卫:防守在并列争球线后面的队员美国传统〔collocate〕To place together or in proper order; arrange side by side.把…并置排列:放在一起或按顺序排放;并列排置美国传统〔compound-complex sentence〕A sentence consisting of at least two coordinate independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.复合复句:包括至少两个并列独立主句和一个或多个从句的句子美国传统〔copulative〕A copulative word or group of words.并列连词:连接并列词或从句的词或词组美国传统〔end〕Either of the players in the outermost position on the line of scrimmage.边锋:位于并列争球全体前锋锋线最边缘位置的球员美国传统〔equal〕He came equal second with Jones in the race.他在比赛中与琼斯并列第二。英汉大词典〔halfback〕One of the two players positioned near the flanks behind the line of scrimmage.中卫:在争球线之后靠近侧翼的并列两名队员之一美国传统〔image〕The display juxtaposed images from serious and popular art.这次展览将严肃艺术和通俗艺术的图片并列展出。牛津搭配〔joint favourite〕The horses are joint favourites.这两匹马是并列大热门。外研社新世纪〔joint〕The two Russian ice skaters came joint second (= they were both given second prize) in the world championships.两名俄罗斯滑冰运动员在世界锦标赛中并列第二。剑桥高阶〔joint〕They finished in joint first place.他们获得并列第一。牛津高阶〔juxtapose〕In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.展览会上抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。牛津高阶〔juxtapose〕To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.把…并置,把…并列并列放置,尤指为了比较或对照美国传统〔juxtaposition〕The act or an instance of juxtaposing or the state of being juxtaposed.并置,并列:把…并列的行为或事例;被并置在一块的状态美国传统〔keep〕To stay even with others, as in a contest.并列:与其他人并驾齐驱,如在比赛中美国传统〔leader〕Milner and Whyte remain joint leaders in the Player of the Year event.米尔纳和怀特依然在年度最佳球员评选中并列领先。牛津搭配〔level〕Leeds United are now level with Arsenal at the top of the league table.利兹联队现在和阿森纳队在联赛积分榜上并列第一。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league.那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。柯林斯高阶〔montage〕A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.画面剪辑:由许多画面或图样并列或叠化而成的一个图画作品美国传统〔number〕He numbers her with the other great poets of the time.他把她与当代其他伟大诗人并列韦氏高阶〔parallel〕Grammar Having identical or equivalent syntactic constructions in corresponding clauses or phrases.【语法】 对等的,并列的:在相应的句子或短语中具有相同或替换的句法结构的美国传统〔place〕The two teams are tied for second place.这两个队并列第二名。韦氏高阶〔punctuate〕When you join two main clauses with a coordinating conjunction, you must also punctuate with a comma.用并列连词连接两个从句时, 也必须加逗号。外研社新世纪〔rank with〕Her name will be ranked with the names of history.她的名字将与伟大的历史名人并列21世纪英汉〔rank〕Don't rank me among [with] the failures.不要把我跟失败者并列文馨英汉〔rank〕This city ranks alongside London as one of the great tourist attractions of the world.这个城市与伦敦并列为世界最著名旅游胜地之一。牛津搭配〔scrum down〕Lee Fortey of Worcester came on towards the end to scrum down against his twin brother.伍斯特队的李•福提临近比赛结束时上场, 与他的孪生兄弟并列争球。外研社新世纪〔scrummage〕To engage in a scrummage.参加并列争球美国传统〔scrum〕A scrummage.并列争球美国传统〔scrum〕To engage in a scrummage.参加并列争球美国传统〔series〕Grammar A succession of coordinate elements in a sentence.【语法】 句中连续的并列连接词成分美国传统〔synchronize〕To arrange (historical events) in a synchronism so as to indicate parallel occurrence.把(历史事件)并列对照以示同时发生美国传统〔systematize〕The computer program systematizes the data and enters it into a table.计算机程序给数据分类并列表。韦氏高阶〔tie〕It's a tie for first place.两人并列第一。剑桥高阶〔tie〕Our team is tied for first place.我队得并列第一。英汉大词典〔tie〕The two players were tied for the first place in the game.两位选手在比赛中并列第一。21世纪英汉〔tie〕The two teams tied for first place in the league.两队在联赛中并列第一。21世纪英汉〔tie〕There was a tie for first place.出现了并列第一。牛津搭配〔tie〕There was a tie for fourth place.有并列第4名的。麦克米伦高阶〔tie〕There was a tie for second place.两名选手并列第二。韦氏高阶〔tie〕They tied for first place in the examination.他们在考试中并列第一。 英汉大词典〔tie〕They tied for first place, with a time of 25.64 seconds.他们并列第1,成绩为25.64秒。麦克米伦高阶〔tie〕They tied for second place.他们并列第二名。牛津高阶〔tie〕Woosnam and Lyle tied for fourth place on 264.伍斯纳姆和莱尔并列第四,总杆数都是 264。朗文当代〔total〕Each student's points were totalled and entered in a list.每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。牛津高阶It's a tie for first place (=two people finished at the same time).两人并列第一。剑桥国际Scientists have speculated about the possibility of parallel universes.科学家们推测了并列星系的可能性。剑桥国际The All-Japan was tied for first place. 全日本联队得并列第一。译典通The two Russian ice-skaters came joint second (= They were both given second prize) in the world championship.这两个俄罗斯溜冰运动员在世界锦标赛中并列第二名。剑桥国际The two bottles stood side by side on the table. 两个瓶子并列在桌上。译典通We were running / cycling two abreast.我们两个并列跑步/骑车。剑桥国际We've winnowed down the bunch of people that we originally saw and come up with a short-list of eight.我们已经筛选了最初见过的那群人,并列出了一个8个人的最后候选人名单。剑桥国际




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