

单词 希腊戏剧
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Menander〕Greek dramatist whose romantic works were influential in the development of comedy.米南德:希腊戏剧家,他的浪漫主义作品对喜剧之发展有影响美国传统〔agon〕The part of an ancient Greek drama, especially a comedy, in which two characters engage in verbal dispute.辩论:古希腊戏剧的一部分,尤指喜剧中涉及两个人物的口头争辩美国传统〔choragus〕One who undertook the expense of providing the chorus in ancient Greek drama.合唱队领队:为古希腊戏剧中的合唱队确定经费的人美国传统〔chorus〕The group in a classical Greek drama whose songs and dances present an exposition of or, in later tradition, a disengaged commentary on the action.歌舞队:在经典希腊戏剧中,一组演员用歌舞来展示在后期的传统中同演出脱离的评论美国传统〔chorus〕The portion of a classical Greek drama consisting of choric dance and song.歌舞队:在古希腊戏剧中由群舞和合唱组成的部分美国传统〔deuteragonist〕The character second in importance to the protagonist in classical Greek drama.配角:在传统希腊戏剧中,仅次于主角的角色美国传统〔drama〕Greek drama希腊戏剧外研社新世纪〔drama〕He is reading an ancient Greek drama.他在读一部古希腊戏剧韦氏高阶〔drama〕He knew nothing of Greek drama.他对希腊戏剧一无所知。柯林斯高阶〔formally〕Classic Greek drama was written in verse, usually in an elevated and formal style.古典希腊戏剧以韵文写成,通常用词讲究、结构整齐。柯林斯高阶〔monody〕An ode for one voice or actor, as in Greek drama.独唱颂歌:为一个音调或一个演员所唱的颂歌,如希腊戏剧中的独唱颂歌美国传统〔protagonist〕In ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialogue with the chorus, in later dramas playing the main character and some minor characters as well.古希腊戏剧中的演员:在古希腊戏剧中第一个与合唱团对白的演员,在后来的戏剧中扮演主要角色及一些不重要的角色美国传统〔stichomythia〕An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in drama, poetry, and disputation in which single lines of verse or parts of lines are spoken by alternate speakers.轮流对白:古希腊戏剧、诗歌和辩论中的对话安排,其中每行或行的部分由对话者交替来说美国传统〔strophe〕The first movement of the chorus in classical Greek drama while turning from one side of the orchestra to the other.歌咏队向左的舞动:在古典的希腊戏剧中歌咏队从一侧转到另一侧的起始动作美国传统〔theatre〕He is studying Greek theatre.他正在研究希腊戏剧牛津搭配In classical Greek theatre, actors wore masks to represent the characters they played: a smiling mask for comedy and a sad one for tragedy.在古希腊戏剧中,演员们戴面具以代表他们所演的角色: 演喜剧就戴微笑的面具,演悲剧就戴悲哀的。剑桥国际The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama. 这档节目涉及包括流行音乐、古希腊戏剧在内的各种题材。译典通




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