

单词 巴思
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GCB.〕Knight of the Grand Cross, Order of the Bath.伟大十字军的骑士,巴思的命令美国传统〔Indian〕At Bath there are many old Indians.在巴思城有不少曾长期在印度居住的英国老人。英汉大词典〔companion〕Companion of the Bath 最低级巴思爵士(即第三等男爵)英汉大词典〔concert〕We were going to a concert in Bath Abbey.我们要去听一场在巴思修道院内举行的音乐会。朗文当代〔down〕We usually go (from London) down to Bath for a week every summer.每年夏天我们通常(离开伦敦)去巴思住一星期。英汉大词典〔gentleman〕Could you serve this gentleman please, Miss Bath? 巴思小姐,请你接待一下这位先生好吗?朗文当代〔pummel〕Bath pummelled Leicester 37–3.巴思队以37比3彻底击败莱斯特队。麦克米伦高阶〔rug〕Pilgrim was seated in a Bath chair with a tartan rug across his knees.朝圣者坐在巴思轮椅上, 膝上搭着一条花格毯子。外研社新世纪〔snooper〕St Barth's strange lack of street names is meant to dissuade journalistic snoopers.圣巴思这个地方非常奇怪,街道居然没有名称,其实这样做就是为了打消记者刺探新闻的念头。柯林斯高阶〔sum up〕Sadly, the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him.不幸的是,巴思勋爵和他的继任者之间的关系只能用“积怨已久”来概括。柯林斯高阶Baden Baden in Germany, and Bath in Britain, are two of Europe's famous spa towns.德国的巴登巴登和英国的巴思是欧洲两个著名的矿泉疗养地。剑桥国际During his stay in England he boarded with a family in Bath.当他在英格兰逗留期间他在巴思的一个家庭里搭伙。剑桥国际He brought wide scholarship and deep spirituality (= understanding of the religious and not material parts of life) to his post as Bishop of Bath.作为巴思的主教,他具有广泛的学识和崇高的宗教灵性。剑桥国际




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