

单词 crocus
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔break〕A storm was breaking over Miami. Crocuses broke from the soil.迈阿密上空暴风雨大作。藏红花破土而出美国传统〔colchicum〕The dried ripe seeds or corms of the autumn crocus, both of which yield colchicine.秋水仙果:秋番红花的脱水的成熟种子或其球茎,二者都产秋水仙碱美国传统〔corm〕A short, thick, solid, food-storing underground stem, sometimes bearing papery scale leaves, as in the crocus or gladiolus.球茎:一种短厚而坚硬的储存食物的地下茎,有时有似纸的鳞状叶片,例如藏红花或唐菖蒲美国传统〔crocus〕Any of several other plants, such as the autumn crocus.番红花:任几种其它植物,如番红花美国传统〔flower〕The crocuses are late coming into flower.番红花开得迟。牛津高阶〔geophyte〕A perennial plant, such as a crocus or tulip, propagated by buds on underground bulbs, tubers, or corms.地下芽植物:一种通过地下鳞茎、块茎或球茎上的芽繁殖的多年生植物,如藏红花或郁金香美国传统〔herald〕The crocus is a herald of spring.报春花是春天的预兆美国传统〔peek〕Tiny crocuses peeked through the snow in March.小的番红花在三月的雪中若隐若现美国传统〔tunic〕Botany A loose, membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus.【植物学】 皮膜:球茎或鳞茎,如洋葱、郁金香或番红花的球茎的一种松散的、薄膜状的外皮美国传统The crocus spears are already poking their way through the ground.番红花的嫩芽已经钻出了地面。剑桥国际




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