

单词 就完蛋了
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔board〕I'm afraid his splendid reputation went by the board a long time ago.恐怕他的好名声早就完蛋了英汉大词典〔curtain〕If you are late once more, it'll be curtains for you.要是你再迟到,你就完蛋了。(意指被解雇) 英汉大词典〔do for〕We need his help or we're done for, dead and gone, lost.我们需要他的帮助,否则我们就完蛋了,死定了,彻底从人间蒸发了。柯林斯高阶〔do〕Without that contract, we're done for.要是没有那份合同,我们就完蛋了牛津高阶〔finished〕If that happens, he is finished.如果发生那件事, 他就完蛋了外研社新世纪〔finished〕If the bank refuses to increase our loan, we're finished! 如果银行拒绝给我们增加贷款,我们就完蛋了朗文当代〔finished〕Once the scandal breaks, he'll be finished as a politician.丑闻一旦败露,他的政治生涯就完蛋了麦克米伦高阶〔finish〕If Arabella left, it would finish me.阿拉贝拉要是离开的话, 我就完蛋了外研社新世纪〔fucked〕If she can't lend me the money, I'm fucked.要是她不能借钱给我,我就完蛋了朗文当代〔good〕If he finds out, I'm as good as dead.要是他知道了真相,我就完蛋了英汉大词典〔rug〕Unless we could persuade the bank not to pull the rug from under us we were finished.除非能够说服银行别拆我们的台, 否则我们就完蛋了外研社新世纪〔screwed〕If we don't get this finished on time, we're screwed.如果我们不能按时完成的话,就完蛋了剑桥高阶〔toast〕If she catches you, you're toast.一旦她抓住了你, 那你就完蛋了外研社新世纪〔toast〕They know how to control, restrict and, if need be, throttle access, important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television. And if you don't play the game, you're toast.他们知道怎样控制、限制信息获取途径,而且如果需要,还会将其完全阻断,而这些途径对报纸来说很重要,对广播、电视更是极其关键。如果你不遵守游戏规则,你就完蛋了柯林斯高阶




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