

单词 尔夫人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETRAY〕Thatcher was stabbed in the back by her former friends and colleagues in the Conservative Party. 撒切尔夫人以前在保守党内的朋友和同事背叛了她。朗文写作活用〔C of E〕Mrs Steele was head of Didcot's C of E primary school.斯蒂尔夫人是迪德科特镇英格兰圣公会小学的校长。外研社新世纪〔C of E〕Mrs Steele was head of Didcot's C of E primary school.斯蒂尔夫人曾是英国迪德科特圣公会小学的校长。柯林斯高阶〔CELEBRATE〕A parade was organised in honour of Madame Blier, who had risked her life to save the villagers from enemy soldiers. 组织游行是为了纪念布利尔夫人,她曾经冒着生命危险把村民从敌军手里救出来。朗文写作活用〔Excellency〕The Forum was launched by Her Excellency, the High Commissioner for Jamaica, Mrs Ellen Gray Bogle.论坛由牙买加高级长官埃伦•格雷•博格尔夫人阁下发起。外研社新世纪〔GOOD AT〕Mrs. Hill is very good with children. 希尔夫人很会和孩子打交道。朗文写作活用〔Madame〕Madame Lefevre 勒费弗尔夫人朗文当代〔POWER/POWERFUL〕When Mrs Thatcher came to power in 1979, no one expected her to stay there for 13 years. 撒切尔夫人1979年上台时,没有人会料到她一干就是13年。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Mrs Thatcher was Britain's first woman prime minister. 撒切尔夫人是英国第一位女首相。朗文写作活用〔another〕Mrs. Madrigal buttered another piece of toast.马德里加尔夫人给另一片烤面包涂上了黄油。柯林斯高阶〔apology〕When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal.最终露面时,玛丽向马德里加尔夫人表示了歉意。柯林斯高阶〔bring down〕His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.他的挑战导致了撒切尔夫人的下台。柯林斯高阶〔chase〕His pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.他对欧洲联盟的追求促成了撒切尔夫人的下台。外研社新世纪〔chase〕His single-minded pursuit of European union helped chase Mrs Thatcher from power.他对欧洲统一的执著追求在一定程度上促成了撒切尔夫人的下台。柯林斯高阶〔comment〕Lady Thatcher, who is abroad, was not available for comment.撒切尔夫人此时身处国外, 无法发表评论。外研社新世纪〔comment〕Lady Thatcher, who is abroad, was not available for comment.撒切尔夫人现在国外,所以不能发表评论。柯林斯高阶〔courtesy〕My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.人们称我为, 当然只是出于礼貌, 尊敬的阿马利娅•洛弗尔夫人外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕My title, by courtesy only, is the Honourable Amalia Lovell.人们称我为,当然只是出于礼貌,尊敬的阿马利娅·洛弗尔夫人柯林斯高阶〔dryness〕Mrs. Madrigal began drying dishes.马德里加尔夫人开始擦干碟子。柯林斯高阶〔engagement〕It was Margaret Thatcher's first public engagement after moving into Downing Street.这是撒切尔夫人搬到唐宁街后首次公开露面。外研社新世纪〔eye〕We never got away with anything in Mrs. Podell's class – she had eyes like a hawk.在波德尔夫人的课上,我们干什么都瞒不过她 — 她眼睛尖着呢。朗文当代〔fall〕The moment Mrs Thatcher fell from power has left a lasting imprint on the world's memory.撒切尔夫人倒台的那一刻在世人的记忆中留下了永久的印痕。柯林斯高阶〔forcefully〕Mrs Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.丹巴尔夫人讲得极快, 而且还算令人信服。外研社新世纪〔forcefully〕Mrs. Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.丹巴尔夫人说话很快,而且有几分力度。柯林斯高阶〔get〕Mrs McIntyre must be getting on for 90 by now.麦金太尔夫人现在肯定都快 90 岁了。朗文当代〔heap〕Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael's plate.马德里加尔夫人将更多的胡萝卜堆到了迈克尔的盘子里。柯林斯高阶〔heroine〕Mrs Thatcher was a heroine for many Conservatives.撒切尔夫人为许多保守党人士所崇拜。麦克米伦高阶〔hint〕Mrs Pardell had hinted darkly that he had been drinking.帕德尔夫人曾模糊地暗示他一直在喝酒。外研社新世纪〔honoured〕Mrs Patrick Campbell was an honoured guest.帕特里克·坎贝尔夫人是位贵宾。柯林斯高阶〔honoured〕Mrs Patrick Campbell was an honoured guest.帕特里克•坎贝尔夫人是个贵客。外研社新世纪〔indecently〕He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.他指责摩尔夫人做下流的性暗示。柯林斯高阶〔indecent〕He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.他指责穆尔夫人作出下流的性暗示。外研社新世纪〔lady〕Cockburn's arrival coincided with that of Sir Iain and Lady Noble.科伯恩到时正好伊恩爵士和诺布尔夫人也来了。柯林斯高阶〔left〕After Mrs Thatcher's first election victory in 1979, Labour moved sharply to the left.撒切尔夫人1979年第一次竞选获胜后, 工党变得极为激进了。外研社新世纪〔meeting〕Mrs Lavelle is in a meeting at the moment.拉韦尔夫人现在正在开会。朗文当代〔memoir〕Lady Thatcher had just published her memoirs.撒切尔夫人刚刚出版了她的回忆录。朗文当代〔news〕Mrs Trowsdale will be celebrating the news with her family.特罗兹代尔夫人将与家人一起庆贺这一消息。牛津搭配〔orange〕Mrs Lovell made the best orange marmalade.洛韦尔夫人的橘子酱做得最好。外研社新世纪〔partner〕He found himself partnering Mrs Keppel at bridge.他发现自己和凯普尔夫人成为了桥牌搭档。外研社新世纪〔petition〕Mrs Hall announced that she was petitioning for a divorce.霍尔夫人宣布她正在提出离婚诉讼。麦克米伦高阶〔pillar〕Mrs Maple is a pillar of the local church.梅普尔夫人是当地教会的骨干。剑桥高阶〔professor〕Madame Temple, professor of dancing, gives lessons daily.舞蹈行家坦普尔夫人每天给人授课。英汉大词典〔prophet〕Yet among Thatcherites he is revered as a prophet of the new enlightenment.而在撒切尔夫人的支持者中, 他被尊崇为新启蒙运动的倡导者。外研社新世纪〔raptly〕Delegates sat in rapt silence as Mrs Fisher spoke.费希尔夫人发言的时候,代表们都一言不发专心致志地听着。柯林斯高阶〔reconstruction〕Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal.克尔夫人受惊过度,不堪再参与自己所受折磨的场景重现。柯林斯高阶〔rewarding〕Motherhood was seen as Mrs. Gaskell's “most rewarding joy”.母性被看作盖斯凯尔夫人体会到的“最富有报偿性的乐趣”。英汉大词典〔rise〕Thatcher's rise to power in the late 70s 撒切尔夫人在 70 年代末的上台掌权朗文当代〔run〕Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time.撒切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。剑桥高阶〔standing〕Mrs Thatcher's standing was much higher in the US than at home.撒切尔夫人在美国要比在本国更受欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔start〕Mr. Dambar had started off as an assistant to Mrs. Spear's husband.丹巴尔先生的第一份工作是给斯皮尔夫人的丈夫当助理。柯林斯高阶〔subtitle〕He subtitled his work with To Lady Carvier.他为他的著作加上小标题为“献给卡里尔夫人”。21世纪英汉〔uncompromisingly〕Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、不轻易妥协的政治家。柯林斯高阶〔uncompromising〕Mrs Thatcher was a tough, uncompromising politician.撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、立场坚定的政治家。外研社新世纪〔virgin〕He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate.当撒切尔夫人任命他为苏格兰检察总长时,他是个完全没有从政经验的新人。柯林斯高阶Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time.撒切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。剑桥国际Mrs. Thatcher was often described as a dominatrix by her political enemies.撒切尔夫人常被她的政敌形容为女强人。剑桥国际This box of groceries is for delivery to Mrs Doyle.这箱蔬菜是要交付多伊尔夫人的。剑桥国际




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